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单词 arrival
释义  ar·riv·al /əˈraɪvəl/ ●●● W3 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]ARRIVE when someone or something arrives somewhere 到达,抵达 OPP departure Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse. 警方及时赶到才阻止了事态恶化。 Traffic problems account for one third of late arrivals. 迟到的人有三分之一是因为交通问题。arrival at/in Shortly after our arrival in London, Lisa was attacked. 我们到伦敦不久,莉萨就遭遇了袭击。on arrival A deposit is payable on arrival (=when you arrive). 到达后要交付押金。2  the arrival of something a) the time when a new idea, product etc is first used or discovered 〔新观念、新产品等〕的到来[出现] The demand for phone numbers has increased since the arrival of mobile phones. 手机问世后,对电话号码的需求增加了。 b) the time when an event or period of time starts to happen 某事件[或一段时间]的开始 The arrival of winter can make many people feel depressed. 冬天来临会令许多人感到抑郁。3  [countable]NEW someone who has just arrived in a place 新来的人 New arrivals were greeted with suspicion. 人们都抱着怀疑的态度对待新来的人。 Late arrivals will not be admitted to the theatre. 迟到者不得进入戏院。4  arrivals TTTTTAARRIVEthe place at an airport where people arrive when they get off a plane 〔机场的〕到达区 the arrivals lounge 到达大厅5. new arrival a baby who has just been born 新生婴儿Examples from the Corpusarrival• The first dropout occurred within a month after arrival.• Porter spoke to reporters shortly after his arrival.• From his arrival, Greenhill caused dissension at Smith Barney.• Sara went about her business, more troubled than ever about Jenny's imminent arrival.• Congratulations on your new arrival!• She was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.• On arrival in Addis Ababa please report to the Ministry of Education.• The bustle of passport control and customs clearance over, father and daughter emerged into the pristine arrivals lounge.• TV crews from around the world filmed President Mandela's arrival at the airport.• On Reeve's arrival he did take charge.• Joe's sudden arrival spoiled all our plans.• The show begins with the arrival of the Europeans in the New World.• The arrival of the census form routinely sparks a bad-tempered debate about intrusiveness and unreasonable authority.• The arrival of Flight 227 was delayed by two hours.• Let me know the date and time of your arrival.on arrival• Wyler was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on·riv·al nounChineseSyllable  when arrives something somewhere Corpus or someone




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