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单词 bottomless
释义  bot·tom·less /ˈbɒtəmləs $ ˈbɑː-/ adjective  1  DEEPa bottomless hole, sea etc is one that is extremely deep 无底的,深不可测的,极深的 There was a rope dangling down into a dark bottomless hole. 一根绳子悬垂到一个深不见底的黑洞。2  CONTINUOUSseeming to have no end or limit 无尽头的,无极限的 the bottomless well of information available through the Internet 因特网上无限的信息源泉 The government does not have a bottomless pit (=a supply with no limits) of money to spend on public services. 政府并没有取之不尽的钱可以花在公共事业上。Examples from the Corpusbottomless• In some cases the ravine could well be shown as virtually bottomless.• In the dream, I was falling and falling in a bottomless abyss.• She had produced a cake from her bottomless bottom drawer, and two gallon jugs of tea with Styrofoam cups.• And we know the usual fate of such ephemera: consignment to the bottomless circular file below the desk.• The vivisystems I examine in this book are nearly bottomless complications, vast in range, and gigantic in nuance.• the bottomless depths of the ocean• There was a seemingly bottomless Paris real-estate crisis.• To the child the hole seemed like a bottomless pit.• You both are doomed to the bottomless pits of hell.• Money couldn't buy you love but maybe the Beatles' bottomless pockets could buy the world a new order.a bottomless pit• But somebody ought to tell the filmmakers, who are churning out movies as if demand were a bottomless pit.• Her sleep was black and absolute, as if she had been dropped into a bottomless pit.• Thus, pump-priming has turned into a bottomless pit for the Treasury, in spite of the reinvestment of large receipts from land sales.• It is because pleasure-seeking is a bottomless pit, never satisfied.• The U.S. is not a bottomless pit of aid·tom·less adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus is one sea that etc bottomless a hole,




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