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单词 arrangement
释义 Word family  noun arrangement arranger adjective arranged verb arrange  Related topics: Musicar·range·ment /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  plan 计划 [countable usually plural]ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETC plans and preparations that you must make so that something can happen 安排,筹划,准备 Have you made all your travel arrangements? 你的旅行都安排好了吗?arrangement for I’ve agreed to help with arrangements for the party. 我答应帮忙准备聚会。 The family made arrangements for his body to be flown back. 家人安排用飞机运回他的遗体。2  agreement 协议 [countable, uncountable]AGREE something that has been organized or agreed on 议定之事,协定 SYN agreementarrangement between An arrangement between the two couples ensured there was always someone to look after the children. 这两对夫妇之间的约定确保孩子们一直有人照顾。arrangement with The school has an arrangement with local businesses. 校方与当地企业有协议。an arrangement to do something Maxine cancelled our arrangement to meet. 玛克辛取消了我们见面的约定。come to an/some arrangement (with somebody) (=make an agreement that is acceptable to everyone) (与某人)达成协议 It would usually cost $500, but I’m sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. 通常价格是500美元,但我相信我们可以再协商。 Pets are permitted at the resort by prior arrangement. 经事先约定,宠物可带入度假区。3  way STH is organized 安排某事的方式 [countable usually plural] the way in which something is organized 安排方式,布置 The airport is currently reviewing its security arrangements. 机场目前正在检查保安措施。 domestic arrangements 家务安排4  position 位置 [countable, uncountable]ARRANGE A GROUP OF THINGS OR PEOPLE a group of things that are put in a particular position, or the process of doing this 排列,布置arrangement of the traditional arrangement of desks in rows 将书桌成排放置的传统做法 a beautiful flower arrangement 漂亮的插花样式5  music 音乐 [countable]APM a piece of music that has been written or changed for a particular instrument 编曲;改编曲 a piano arrangement of an old folk song 一首传统民歌的钢琴编曲 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake arrangements 做好安排[准备]You are advised to make travel arrangements well in advance. 建议你要事先做好旅行准备。discuss the arrangements 商量安排We need to discuss the wedding arrangements. 我们得商量一下婚礼安排。finalize the arrangements 确定安排I’m meeting him tomorrow to finalize the arrangements. 明天我和他见面,把安排确定下来。nupset the arrangements (=cause problems which spoil the arrangements)I don’t want to upset your arrangements.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + arrangementalternative arrangements 变通的安排,可替代的安排If the flight is cancelled you’ll have to make alternative arrangements. 要是航班取消,你得另作安排。special arrangements (=particular preparations other than those usually made) 特殊安排Please inform us if any guests have disabilities or need any special arrangements. 如有客人身体不便或需要特殊安排,请通知我们。security arrangements 安保措施He was in charge of security arrangements for the president’s visit. 他负责总统来访的安保工作。financial arrangements 财务安排nAs treasurer, you’re responsible for all the financial arrangements 旅行安排nI’ll make my own travel arrangements British English 【英】度假安排nWe don’t have any holiday arrangements yet.seating/sleeping arrangements (=plans for where people will sit/sleep) 席位/住宿安排nWhat are the seating arrangements for dinner?Examples from the Corpusarrangement• The clinics provide an opportunity for cooperative arrangements between health departments and academic centers.• Within the deceptively small establishment are numerous and unique fresh flower arrangements, from small desktop bouquets to massive special occasion arrangements.• A small flower arrangement on the kitchen table can brighten up the room.• Somehow she managed to get across that she would be in Exeter tomorrow morning as soon as she could make arrangements.• When both of us were back the new arrangements would come into full working.• seating arrangements• Security arrangements for the opening of mail etc have to be made watertight.• A number depend upon special arrangements with one or more local schools, in either the state or the independent sector.• Things took their course and all the arrangements for the wedding were made.• Our chef was never happy until the arrangement of vegetables on each plate was just right.• This procedure will be reviewed and evaluated and may be amended when the arrangements for future sessions are established.• Was it the pattern of politics or the future of Britain's trading arrangements which he wished primarily to influence?arrangement for• I've agreed to help with arrangements for our 10-year high school prior arrangement• Duly divorced, they now meet again by prior arrangement in the lobby of a hotel near their former home.• Evening meals are by prior arrangement only, and generally Marypen likes to cook for her guests three times a week.• A four-course dinner is available, by prior arrangement.• Light snacks or full catering by prior arrangement for party bookings.• Full restaurant service available from Easter to end of October - or by prior arrangement.• House rules: Limited smoking; pets permitted by prior arrangement and $ 10 charge.• Vegetarian meals are provided by prior arrangement.• Back stage tours by prior arrangements• Apart from the basic security arrangements that we're probably all familiar with by now, he offered some interesting information.• It also argued for collective security arrangements as a means of building confidence and security in the region.• She caused upset by demanding that her own bodyguards handle security arrangements during the ceremony, a request that was flatly refused.• But the prison says it's satisfied with its security arrangements.• It can not be excluded from regional security arrangements if stability is to be achieved in oil flows from Gulf oil producers.• Related issues include the security arrangements necessary to prevent future hostilities between the two countries.• A radio link kept them in touch with the police emergency centre and the Superintendent in charge of the security·range·ment noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   must and so make that Corpus plans you preparations something that




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