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单词 whacked
释义  whacked /wækt/ adjective [not before noun] informal  1  (also whacked out)TIRED very tired 累坏的,精疲力竭的 You look absolutely whacked. 你看上去累坏了。2. whacked out informal American EnglishMDD behaving strangely, especially because of having too much alcohol or drugs 〔尤因醉酒或吸毒而〕行为怪异的3  (also whack) American English informal a whacked situation is very strange, especially in an unacceptable way 〔情况〕古怪的,反常的〔尤指让人无法接受〕 Everyone was running around naked. It was totally whacked. 每个人都光着身子跑来跑去,简直太不可思议了。Examples from the Corpuswhacked• Go and pour yourself a drink, love - you look whacked.whacked adjectiveChinese  tired Corpus very




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