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单词 hateful
释义  hate·ful /ˈheɪtfəl/ adjective old-fashioned  HATEvery bad, unpleasant, or unkind 可恨的,可恶的,令人讨厌的 SYN odious It was all the fault of that hateful man! 都是那个可恶的人造的孽!Examples from the Corpushateful• But to a tyrant such are hateful.• Clinton suggests that pointing the finger is really just hateful.• Yeah, he was hateful all right.• Sufferers from Parkinson's disease are many, and their problems are hateful and hurtful.• a hateful letter• Not with this hateful man waiting, watching.• I think these people who said those hateful things about him owe him an apology.hate·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  unkind unpleasant, very bad, or Corpus




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