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单词 state of emergency
释义  Related topics: Governmentˌstate of eˈmergency noun (plural states of emergency) [countable]  PGwhen a government gives itself special powers in order to try to control an unusually difficult or dangerous situation, especially when this involves limiting people’s freedom 紧急状态 After declaring a state of emergency, the government arrested all opposition leaders. 宣布进入紧急状态后,政府逮捕了所有的反对派领导人。Examples from the Corpusstate of emergency• As rebel forces loyal to Nabiyev approached the capital, a state of emergency was imposed on Oct. 22.• Gorbachev threatened to declare a state of emergency throughout Moldavia.• Low power California's power crisis worsened as blackouts began and the governor declared a state of emergency.• By last night, five municipalities had declared a state of emergency.• Fife Symington declared a state of emergency, effective immediately.declaring ... state of emergency• The government responded to the outbreak of violence by declaring a state of emergency in Bangkok and four surrounding provinces.ˌstate of eˈmergency nounChineseSyllable  powers itself gives government when a Corpus in order to special




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