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单词 In the hope that
(1) She stayed in the hope that he'd tire of his bit on the side.
(2) I didn't phone till four o'clock in the hope that you'd be finished.
(3) Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise.
(4) You could, alternatively, hang onto it in the hope that it will be worth millions in 10 years time.
(5) Hundreds of squatters have invaded waste land in the hope that they will be allowed to stay.
(6) Six coal pits were mothballed in the hope that they could be reopened in a time of better economic conditions.
(7) I am writing to you in the hope that you can help me obtain some information.
(8) Reed delayed filming his scenes in the hope that Brando might change his mind, but finally he gave up and quit.
(9) The police talk to everybody in the hope that by hit and miss they might pick up something.
(10) The first drugs attacked the copying enzyme in the hope that if the virus could not translate its information it would fail.
(11) He showed me a photo of his wife(), in the hope that I might have seen her.
(12) I held it in my hands in the hope that it might survive.
(13) Too often teachers and parents do nothing in the hope that the problem of work inhibition will go away.
(14) We will keep searching in the hope that a miracle might happen.
(15) Forgive me if I share them with you, in the hope that they may echo your own sentiments.
(16) The tribe danced for three days in the hope that the Great Spirits would send them rain.
(17) Mr Haider resigned as party leader in April in the hope that sanctions would be lifted.
(18) Enormous capital flowed into these projects in the hope that the network infrastructure would eventually settle into place.
(19) The statute was promulgated during Lent, in the hope that abstention would find the peasants in subdued mood.
(20) Or should they hang on in the hope that these assets will soon be worth serious money?
(21) Talks are continuing in the hope that the two factions will reach a compromise.
(22) So Joe approached Cousin Eleanor in the hope that she would intercede in his behalf.
(23) The crowd was particularly deep at this barrier, in the hope that a few splash landings would be on show.
(24) He had timed his arrival for shortly after midday in the hope that lunchtime would find the staff free of commitments.
(25) Franco and his henchmen had undoubtedly allowed the monarchists to stand in the hope that they would be discredited by defeat.
(26) To draw attention to their plight, they blockaded the road in the hope that it would get them priority for repairs.
(27) Or Republicans could try to cut a deal with congressional Democrats in the hope that Mr Clinton would come aboard later.
(28) If all goes as planned, fertilised eggs are placed in the woman's womb in the hope that pregnancy will result.
(29) Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. Erich Fromm 
(30) So your Higher Self lovingly sends you an emotional trauma, in the hope that this might release the blocked-up emotions.
(31) He avoided telling her that he was seeing the doctor, in the hope that he'd come home cured.
(32) Problems that can not be resolved by reasoned debate have tended to be ignored in the hope that they will go away.
(33) The temptation is to leave these areas for later lifting, in the hope that plants bulk up better.
(34) He had invoked his name in the hope that it would silence Manning and stop his questioning.
(35) I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis(), in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 
(36) Peano fractal display program, in the hope that everyone useful.
(37) This is a Canon digital camera , camera operator example, in the hope that those who need a little help!
(38) They intermingled with the crowd in the hope that their pursuers would lose sight of them.
(39) An increase of activated interface library management procedures, in the hope that everyone will benefit.
(40) We will be analysing all the things she has told us in the hope that we can locate the person responsible.
(41) He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him. The tactic paid off.
(42) They intermingle with the crowd in the hope that their pursuer will lose sight of them.
(43) This process of image processing of some geometric transformation, filtering, time-domain transform both airspace source, is a very good program, in the hope that useful to everybody!
(44) Seeking to use java source shortest path problem, in the hope that useful to have help.
(45) With DSP - wavelet neural network image recognition program, in the hope that useful to everybody!
(46) I changed tactics and began saying "chicken" in as many languages as I could – "pollo", "poulet", "huhn", "tavuk" – in the hope that one might slightly resemble the relevant Georgian word.
(47) A pioneering Chinese company is to market pasteurised Tibetan yak milk in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, in the hope that it will become a new superfood in the world's most populous country.
(48) Plan B: Play dead in the hope that Jumbo will get tired of tossing your body around.




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