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单词 happen
释义  hap·pen /ˈhæpən/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [intransitive]  1  HAPPENwhen something happens, there is an event, especially one that is not planned 〔尤指意外地〕发生 SYN occur When did the accident happen? 事故什么时候发生的? It’s impossible to predict what will happen next. 不可能预测接下来会发生什么。something/nothing/anything happens Something terrible has happened. 发生了可怕的事。 She carried on as if nothing had happened. 她继续干,似乎什么都未曾发生。 This was bound to happen sooner or later. 这事注定早晚会发生。 This kind of thing happens all the time. 这种事一直在发生。 We’ll still be friends, whatever happens. 不管发生什么,我们仍然是朋友。2  something/anything/what happens to somebody/something if something happens to someone or something, they are affected by an event 某人/某事发生什么事情 He should be here by now – something must have happened to him. 他现在应该到了,一定是发生了什么事。 The same thing happened to me last year. 去年,同样的事在我身上发生了。 What’s happened to your coat? It’s all ripped. 你的外套怎么了?都扯破了。3  happen to do something if you happen to do something, you do it by chance 碰巧[凑巧]做某事 I happened to see James in town. 我碰巧在镇上遇见詹姆斯。4  somebody/something happens to be something BEused when telling someone something in an angry way 某人/某物碰巧[凑巧]是…〔表示恼怒〕 This happens to be my house! 这正巧是我家!5  as it happens/it just so happens UNIMPORTANTused to tell someone something that is surprising, interesting, or useful 碰巧,正巧〔用于告诉某人惊讶、有趣或有用的事〕 As it happens, I know someone who might be able to help. 真巧,我正好认识一个人,这个人也许帮得上忙。6  these things happen used to tell someone not to worry about a mistake they have made, an accident they have caused etc 这种事情难免会发生〔用于告诉某人别因自己犯了错、出了事等而担忧〕 It’s not your fault – these things happen. 这不是你的错,这是在所难免的。7  whatever happened to somebody/sth? used to ask where a person or thing is now 某人/某物哪里去了? Whatever happened to Steve? I haven’t seen him for years. 史蒂夫哪里去了?我已经好久没见他了。8 happen on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb literary or old-fashioned FINDto find something or meet someone by chance 偶然发现;偶然遇见 SYN come across I happened on the restaurant by chance. 我偶然发现了这家餐馆。 → accidents (will) happen at accident(5) THESAURUShappen used especially when talking about events that have not been planned 〔尤指意外地〕发生When did the accident happen? 事故什么时候发生的?Something terrible has happened! 发生了可怕的事!take place to happen – used especially when talking about events that have been planned or that have already happened 〔尤指按照计划或已经〕发生,进行The conference will take place on the 16th of June. 大会将于6月16日举行。The competition took place on Saturday 30th June. 比赛于6月30日(星期六)举行。occur formal to happen – used especially when talking about events that have not been planned 〔尤指意外地〕发生The incident occurred outside the police station at around 9 pm. 这次事件发生在晚上9点左右,事发地点在警察局外面。there is/there are used when saying that a particular event happens 〔某一事件〕发生There was an earthquake about a week ago. 大约一周前发生了一次地震。There are strikes almost every year. 几乎每年都会发生罢工。come up to happen – used about problems, questions, or opportunities 〔难题、问题或机会〕出现There aren’t any jobs at the moment, but we’ll let you know if something comes up. 目前没有职位空缺,要是有了我们会通知你。This question often comes up when I’m talking to students. 我和学生交谈时,这个问题常常会出现。arise formal to happen unexpectedly – used about problems, arguments, or difficult situations 〔问题、争论或困境意外地〕发生,出现A dispute arose about who should receive the money. 对于谁该得到这笔钱发生了纠纷。It is best to deal with the problem as soon as it arises. 最好是问题一出现就解决。crop up to happen – used about problems or difficult situations, especially ones that are less serious, and can quickly be dealt with 〔尤指不太严重的问题或困境〕突然出现,发生The banks will contact their customers if a problem crops up. 如有突发问题,银行会与客户联系。strike to happen suddenly and unexpectedly – used about very bad events 〔不幸事件〕突然[意外地]发生The hurricane struck at around 1 am. 凌晨1点左右飓风突然来袭。Disaster struck, and he lost all movement in his legs. 灾难降临,他的双腿完全瘫痪了。turn out to happen in a particular way 〔以某种方式〕发生,结果是Luckily, everything turned out well. 所幸结果一切都顺利。nHow did it all turn out?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushappen• You mustn't go there alone at night. Anything might happen!• He telephoned you just after you'd gone and I told him what had happened.• Instead of standing idly by or opposing change, the union should become actively involved in making change happen.• For some time there had been predictions of a major earthquake, and then on April 19,1906, it happened.• I want to make things up with her, but I don't think it's going to happen.• Look, when I turn the key, nothing happens.• We'd always feared that this might happen.• Look at what happened at Seattle, and the proposals of groups like Attac and Agir Ici.• The accident happened at two o'clock this afternoon.• At ninety-one it was bound to have happened before.• The accident happened early on Tuesday morning.• Whatever had happened, the experience had disturbed him.• Before I realised what was happening, the man had grabbed my bag and run off with it.• I couldn't understand what was happening to me and I began to sink deeper and deeper into the pit.• The strangest thing happened when I was in Singapore.• But what will happen when the holders of all those assets outnumber the buyers?• What's happened? Why are you crying?whatever happens• We'll be thinking about you, whatever happens.• And whatever happens, after May 3 they're predicting a mad scramble for one-way only tickets.• Such an inner object will always remain inviolate within us, whatever happens in reality.• He doesn't mind leaving his script and reacting to whatever happens on the night.• But whatever happens, the only certainty is that the crags will never change.• But whatever happens, the ward will retain an important place in training.• Anyway, I was brought up to believe that whatever happens to people is their own fault.• And Hannah, whatever happens, will always be one of their own.• But whatever happens, you must get into a good position for the start of the base leg.Origin happen (1300-1400) hap ( → HAPPY)hap·pen verb →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  especially there Corpus when something is one is happens, an that event,




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