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单词 hammer and sickle
释义  Related topics: Politicsˌhammer and ˈsickle noun [singular]  1. SIGN/SYMBOLthe sign of a hammer crossing a sickle on a red background, used as a sign of communism 锤子和镰刀(图案)〔共产主义的标志〕2. PSthe flag of the former Soviet Union 苏联国旗Examples from the Corpushammer and sickle• Its plastic jacket bore a gold hammer and sickle.• Dark background with a red hammer and sickle in the centre.• They unfurled their red hammer and sickle pennants.• Next to this break room is an architectural model of a proposed Soviet building in the shape of the hammer and sickle.• The cistern of his lav is adorned with the hammer and sickle while the stars and stripes is also strategically placed.ˌhammer and ˈsickle nounChineseSyllable  sign sickle crossing hammer Corpus a the a of




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