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单词 halter
释义  Related topics: Horses, Clotheshal·ter /ˈhɔːltə $ ˈhɒːltər/ noun [countable]  1. DSHa rope or leather band that fastens around a horse’s head, usually used to lead the horse 〔马的〕笼头,缰绳2  DCC (also halter top, halterneck) a type of clothing for women that ties behind the neck and across the back, so that the arms and back are not covered 〔在颈后及背部系带的〕女式露背上装,三角背心 Jen was wearing black shorts and a halter. 珍穿着黑色短裤和露背装。Examples from the Corpushalter• Look, get the rope, we can use that as a halter.• It was a halter for Ram Rahim.• She was wearing a halter dress the colour of flame that had wilted in the first hour.• They wore shorts and halters, shirts and jeans.• Then, just when it seemed to have settled, it made a sharp sideways movement, tugging against the halter.• Ever mindful of the value of the day's booty, the ownership of the halter was briskly disputed.Origin halter Old English hælftrehal·ter nounChineseSyllable   Corpus a fastens a rope or band horse’s around that leather




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