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单词 half-mast
释义  ˌhalf-ˈmast noun  at half-mast a) MIDDLEif a flag is flying at half-mast, it has been raised to the middle of the pole in order to show respect and sadness for someone who has died 〔旗帜〕在半旗位置的〔表示对死者的尊敬和哀悼〕 b) British English humorousSHORT/NOT LONG if a piece of clothing is at half-mast, it is lower down the body than is usual 〔衣服〕穿得很低的Examples from the Corpushalf-mast• Jerry's eyelids are at half-mast.• For instance, a flag at half-mast is a symbol of grief, whereas tears are a sign of grief.• Flags at half-mast, commemorative wreaths, speeches and Solemn music marked the day.• The flags were flying at half-mast.• He wore a short-sleeved dress shirt with the collar open and his necktie at half-mast.ˌhalf-ˈmast nounChineseSyllable  it if flying Corpus flag half-mast, a is at




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