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单词 group
释义  Related topics: Companies, Musicgroup1 /ɡruːp/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  GROUP OF PEOPLEGROUP OF THINGSseveral people or things that are all together in the same place 〔人或物聚在一处的〕组,群,批group of a group of children 一群孩子 a small group of islands 一小群岛屿 Get into groups of four. 分成四个人一组。 He was surrounded by a group of admirers. 他的身边围了一群仰慕者。in groups Dolphins travel in small groups. 海豚结成小群活动。 A group of us are going to London. 我们有一群人要去伦敦。2  GROUP OF PEOPLEGROUP OF THINGSseveral people or things that are connected with each other 〔人或物彼此之间有某种联系的〕团体,群体 a left-wing terrorist group 一个左翼恐怖组织group of She is one of a group of women who have suffered severe side-effects from the drug. 一群女性服用此药后受到严重副作用影响,她是其中的一个。age/ethnic/income etc group (=people of the same age, race etc) 年龄段/族群/收入群体等 Minority groups are encouraged to apply. 鼓励少数民族前来申请。3  BBCseveral companies that all have the same owner 集团 (公司) → chain a giant textiles group 庞大的纺织集团group of He owns a group of hotels in southern England. 他在英格兰南部拥有一个酒店集团。4. APMa number of musicians or singers who perform together, playing popular music 〔演奏流行音乐的〕乐团,乐队,组合 SYN band → blood group, focus group, interest group, playgroup, pressure group, working groupn GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• Group is usually followed by a singular verb: This group has a higher risk of heart disease.His group plays jazz.• In British English, you can also use a plural verb: This group have a higher risk of heart disease.His group play jazz.n COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2phrasesa member of a group/a group memberFrank was invited to be a member of the group.a group of three, four, five etcThere was a group of three at the bar, two men and a woman.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + groupan age groupOlder people are being affected by the economic downturn more than other age ethnic group (=one whose members belong to a particular race or nation)The university welcomes enquiries and applications from all ethnic groups.a minority group (=one whose members belong to a different race, religion etc from most other people in a country)Conditions for many minority groups have worsened.a racial groupSchools should not stereotype pupils from certain racial groups as troublemakers.a social group (=a group of people from a particular class in society)Lower social groups had a higher average family income groupThe budget will affect people differently, according to their income group.somebody’s peer group (=people of the same age, social group etc)Many girls at school derive enormous strength from their peer groups.a pressure group (=one that tries to make the government do something)Friends of the Earth is Britain’s leading environmental pressure group.a protest groupThey formed a protest group and a petition of 50,000 signatures was presented at the town hall.a splinter group (=that has separated from another political or religious group)A Social Democratic Party ( SDP), formed as a splinter group of the Socialist Party of Serbia.a close-knit/closely-knit/tightly-knit group (=in which everyone knows each other well and gives each other support)The young mothers in the village are a fairly close-knit group.a support group (=a group that meets in order to help the people in it deal with a difficult time)She set up a support group for people suffering from the same illness.a control group (=a group used in an experiment or survey to compare its results with those of another group)A control group had to be examined as well as the group that we are + NOUNa group decisionBeing involved in a group decision can help motivate workers.a group discussionThe course includes both individual work and group discussions.a group leaderThere were three groups of eight people, each with a group leader.verbsbelong to a groupBen belonged to an environmental group.get into groupsThe teacher asked the students to get into groups.organize something into groupsSmall children work best when they are organized into very small groups.join a groupHe joined a self-help group for divorced men.leave a groupRebecca left the group following a disagreement.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 4: a number of musicians or singers who perform together, playing popular musicNOUN + groupa pop/rock/jazz groupThey’re one of the most exciting pop groups around at the moment.phrasesa member of a groupJeremy was a member of a heavy metal in a groupShe's in a jazz group, playing the saxophone.verbsstart a groupBen and some friends started a rock group at school.found a group formal (=start a group)Mick Jagger and Keith Richards founded the group in the early Sixties.a group splits up (=the members decide not to play together anymore)The group split up because of ‘musical differences’.a group re-forms (=the members decide to play together again)The group has re-formed and is planning a series of comeback concerts. THESAURUSof people 人group several people together in the same place 群,组A group of boys stood by the school gate. 一群男孩站在学校门口。nArrange yourselves in groups of three.crowd a large group of people who have come to a place to do something 人群There were crowds of shoppers in the streets. 街上是成群的购物者。The crowd all cheered. 人群齐声喝彩。mob a large, noisy, and perhaps violent crowd 大批的暴民An angry mob of demonstrators approached. 一大群愤怒的示威者走过来。mass a large group of people all close together in one place, so that they seem like a single thing 〔拥挤的〕一大群人The square in front of the station was a solid mass of people. 车站前面的广场上,人群挤得水泄不通。bunch informal a group of people who are all similar in some way 〔相似的〕一群人They’re a nice bunch of kids. 他们是一伙可爱的小孩子。gang a group of young people, especially a group that often causes trouble and fights 一帮,一群〔常常肇事打架的年轻人〕He was attacked by a gang of youths. 他遭到一帮少年的袭击。rabble a noisy group of people who are behaving badly 乌合之众,暴民He was met by a rabble of noisy angry youths. 他碰到了一帮怒气冲冲的少年。horde a very large group of people who all go somewhere 〔去某处的〕一大群人In summer hordes of tourists flock to the island. 夏天,成群的游客蜂拥来到这座海岛。nThere were hordes of people coming out of the subway.crew a group of people who all work together, especially on a ship or plane 〔尤指轮船或飞机上的〕全体工作人员the ship’s crew 该船的船员The flight crew will serve drinks shortly. 乘务员马上就来供应饮料。party a group of people who are travelling or working together 〔一起旅行或工作的〕一群人,一帮人A party of tourists stood at the entrance to the temple. 一群游客站在庙宇的入口处。5team a group of people who work together 〔一起工作的〕队,组She is being cared for by a team of doctors.她正在一个医生小组的照料之下。of animals 动物herd a group of cows, deer, or elephants 一群〔牛、鹿或象〕A herd of cows was blocking the road. 一群牛把路堵塞了。nteam a group of animals that work togetherThe carriage was pulled by a team of horses.flock a group of sheep or birds 一群〔羊或鸟〕a flock of seagulls 一群海鸥The farmer has over 100 sheep in his flock. 这农夫有100多只羊。pack a group of dogs or wolves 一群〔狗或狼〕nSome dogs are bred to work in packs.litter a group of kittens or puppies born at one time to a particular mother 〔猫或狗一胎所生的〕一窝〔幼崽〕nHe was one of a litter of seven a group of fish or dolphins 一群〔鱼或海豚〕nPiranha fish live in shoals in the wild.of things 物体bunch a group of things held or tied together, especially flowers or keys 一束,一串〔尤指花或钥匙〕He handed me a bunch of daffodils. 他递给我一束水仙花。bundle several papers, clothes, or sticks held or tied together in an untidy pile 捆,把,扎,束Bundles of papers and files filled the shelves. 架子上放满了一捆捆文件和卷宗。cluster a group of things of the same kind that are close together in a place 串,束,群,簇a cluster of stars 一簇星星nOur road ended at a cluster of cottages.Examples from the Corpusgroup• The factory was burned down by a group of animal-rights activists.• We got all the family together for a group photo.• News International is a group of companies that produce newspapers and TV programmes.• an old photograph of a group of soldiers sitting on the ground• Each one of perhaps a group of four should prepare a brief summary of an article of general interest.• A group of new houses is to be built on the old playing-field.• A group of us went out for a drink to celebrate Sonia's birthday.• The good thing about the class is that all the students belong to the same age group.• The hospital is desperate for donors from the rhesus negative blood group.• Locally we already have two Pittses and a Chipmunk group operating, and have aerobatic training available at both Perth and Dundee.• He was one of the very few posters when the Weekly briefly tried to maintain an online discussion group.• Men stood in groups on street corners.• Robberies were common on the lonely roads, so people usually travelled in groups.• Families in the lowest income group could not afford to educate their children.• The teacher told us to get into groups of three.• Outside the school, little groups of friends were talking to each other.• Today you will learn a new group of verbs.• The Pearson Group owns a diverse array of companies.• Their policy was to keep demonstrators from different political groups apart.• a rock group• The tickets are expensive, but there is a discount for school groups.• A small group had gathered outside the stage door.• Inter-Company and Consortium programmes are run for organisations sponsoring smaller groups and provide a useful cross cultural experience.• The house was hidden behind a tall group of trees.• The talks I had with members of the group I recreated in my Conversations in Bloomsbury.• The group is to be featured in a full-length movie later this year and recently signed a contract to promote Pepsi.• These research subjects are presumed to be ignorant and vulnerable groups in society and almost always include groups• Many of you have been in groups of one sort or another.• Angry, alienated fanatics can come in groups or alone.• Men clustered and chattered lively in groups.• The comparison of results in groups D and E highlights the important assessment role of occupational therapists as cited by other workers.• Skinny old men stood around talking in groups, or counted up their change for a visit to the rum shop.• You can hear them talking in groups, wondering.• Application Have the students work in groups to brainstorm all the examples of compressed air they can.• This is achieved by professional workshops where students working in groups address problems taken from industrial, commercial and public sector organizations.age/ethnic/income etc group• Nations and ethnic groups, similarly, would have equal rights, at least within the Soviet federation.• Exactly the same principles apply as with any age group.• The same ranging of, or variability in, Piagetian developmental levels is found at any chronological age group.• Different ethnic groups within the country have been engaged in a civil war for more than forty-five years.• A national survey showed there was a similar problem in Britain, particularly among the 46-52 year old age group.• The state is the most important single source of income for the older age groups.• The focus of this latter approach is of enumerating the dependency of the older age groups.• The differences in responses from one age group to another were eye-opening.group2 ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]GROUP/PUT INTO GROUPS to come together and form a group, or to arrange things or people together in a group (使)形成一组;把…分组group (something) together/round/into etc The photo shows four men grouped round a jeep. 照片上是四个男人围着一辆吉普车。 Different flowers can be grouped together to make a colourful display. 可以把不同的花组合在一起,布置得绚丽多姿。 small producers who group together to sell their produce 联合销售产品的小生产商2  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]GROUP/PUT INTO GROUPS to divide people or things into groups according to a system 将…分类 We were grouped into six age bands. 我们被分成六个年龄段。 We’ve grouped the questions under three headings. 我们把这些问题分别归在三个标题下面。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusgroup• The plates were grouped according to color and size.• Students grouped around the notice board to read their exam results.• The main body spots are grouped in rosettes.• One metric by which collocations may be measured and grouped is to rate them on a scale of probability.• Julia sat down at the piano, and the others grouped together to sing.• Second, services were grouped together with respect to the scale upon which they needed to be (something) together/round/into etc• This group has developed into an effective, nationwide organization in the United States.• The planning will need to take account of the fact that the groups should come together at a later stage.• It consists of a number of locally-based groups, linked together by a holding committee on which the district groups are represented.• Levine and Siegel grouped these excuses into four categories.• Yesterday the group moved into its growth phase.• Voices raised with excitement came from a fourth group, clustered round the sink in the corner of the room.• Anti-ERA groups had rounded up hundreds of supporters from rural communities all across the Florida panhandle and bused them to the capitol.From Longman Business Dictionarygroupgroup /gruːp/ noun [countable]1 (also group of companies)ORGANIZATIONS a large business organization that consists of several companies that all have the same ownerBurmah Castrol, the lubricants groupthe sale of the Rover Group to BMWa dramatic surge in group profitsthe group chairman2several people or things considered together → see also control group, newsgroup → buzz group → consumer group → focus group → income group → peer group → reference group → special interest groupOrigin group1 (1600-1700) French groupe, from Italian gruppogroup1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1group2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  that all are several Corpus together Business people or things




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