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单词 gross domestic product
释义  Related topics: Economicsˌgross doˌmestic ˈproduct noun [singular]  PEGDP 国内生产总值Examples from the Corpusgross domestic product• Investment was sharply down and was estimated to represent only 9 percent of gross domestic product.• Potential output is that rate of gross domestic product which would result if all resources were fully employed.• Our gross domestic product was literally heavy, for it was dominated by coal, steel, iron, and grains.• An inflation measure linked to the gross domestic product had its smallest rise since 1964.• The gross domestic product annually grew, on average, 9. 8 % from 1987 to 1995.• The government will release a preliminary estimate of full-year gross domestic product tomorrow.From Longman Business Dictionarygross domestic productˌgross doˌmestic ˈproduct abbreviation GDP noun [singular, uncountable] ECONOMICS the total value of goods and services produced in a country’s economy, not including income from abroadCanada’s annual growth in gross domestic product declined to about 1%. → inflation-adjusted gross domestic product → per capita gross domestic productˌgross doˌmestic ˈproduct nounChineseSyllable   Corpus GDP Business




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