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单词 grip
释义  Related topics: Hair & beauty, Occupations, Mediagrip1 /ɡrɪp/ ●●○ noun  1  firm hold 紧握 [countable usually singular]HOLD the way you hold something tightly, or your ability to do this 紧握,紧抓;握力 Hold the microphone in a firm grip and keep it still. 紧紧握住麦克风不要让它动。 She felt her wrist caught in a vice-like grip. 她觉得手腕像是卡在铁钳里被牢牢地抓住了。 Don’t loosen your grip on the rope or you’ll fall. 抓住绳索别松手,不然你会掉下去。 He released his grip and stepped back. 他放开手往后退去。 →4  See picture of 见图 HOLD2  power 权力 [singular]CONTROL power and control over someone or something 〔对某人或某事物的〕控制have/keep a grip on something Stalin’s determination to keep an iron grip on Eastern Europe 斯大林对东欧实行铁腕控制的决心tighten/loosen/relax your grip (on something) By 1979 South Africa was tightening its grip on Namibia. 到了1979年,南非加强了对纳米比亚的控制。tight/firm/strong/iron etc grip The recession could be avoided if business keeps a firm grip on its costs. 企业如果严格控制成本就可以避免不景气。3  understanding 理解 [singular] an understanding of something 理解,了解have/get a grip on something I’m just trying to get a grip on what’s happening. 我就是想了解出了什么事。 She was losing her grip on reality. 她对现实世界越来越不理解。4  come/get to grips with something to understand or deal with something difficult 了解[应付]难事 I’ve never really got to grips with this new technology. 我从来没有真正了解这种新技术。5  lose your grip FAILto become less confident and less able to deal with a situation 驾驭不住,失去控制 I don’t know what’s the matter; I think I’m losing my grip. 我不知道是怎么回事,我觉得我要控制不住了。6  get/take a grip on yourself CONTROLto start to improve your behaviour or control your emotions when you have been very upset 控制住自己的情绪,冷静下来 Stop being hysterical and get a grip on yourself. 别歇斯底里的,控制一下自己的情绪。7  get a grip spoken used in order to tell someone to control their emotions 冷静点 For God’s sake get a grip! 看在上帝的份上,冷静点!8  be in the grip of something SUFFERto be experiencing a very unpleasant situation that cannot be controlled or stopped 处于某种困境 a country in the grip of famine 受饥荒困扰的国家9  stop STH slipping 制止某物滑动 a) [countable]STICK a special part of a handle that has a rough surface so that you can hold it firmly without it slipping 把手,手柄,握杆 My racquet needs a new grip. 我的球拍需要换个握柄。 b) [singular, uncountable]STICK the ability of something to stay on a surface without slipping 黏力,防滑力 boots which give a good grip 防滑力强的靴子10. for hair 用于头发 [countable] British EnglishDCB a hairgrip 发夹11. cameraman 摄影师 [countable] technicalBOAM someone whose job is to move the cameras around while a television show or film is being made 〔拍摄电视节目或电影时的〕操控摄像[摄影]机的工作人员12. bag 袋, 包 [countable] old-fashionedDLT a bag or case used for travelling 旅行袋,旅行箱n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa firm/tight gripThe streets were crowded and she kept a tight grip on her bag.a strong gripMaggie took the boy's arm in a strong grip.a good grip (=a grip with which you can keep hold of something)The rocks were wet and slippery and it was difficult to get a good iron/vice-like grip (=a very strong grip)Victor took hold of her wrist in an iron grip.verbshave a gripYou need to have a good grip on your tennis racket.get a grip (=hold something that is hard to hold firmly)I got a good grip on the rope and pulled myself up.take a gripMitch took a firm grip on her arm.tighten your grip/your grip tightens (=hold something more tightly)She tightened her grip on her son’s hand.loosen/relax your grip (=hold something less tightly)Lee loosened his grip on the dog’s collar.release your grip (=let go of something)The guard released his grip on the prisoner and pushed him into the cell.lose your grip (=accidentally let go of something)He shoved Higgins out of the way without losing his grip on the gun.Examples from the Corpusgrip• The policeman had a firm grip on my arm.• It's hard to get a good grip on this box.• If you're going rock-climbing, make sure you wear shoes that will give you a good grip.• These tires assure good grip and a quiet, steady ride.• I had made loops to go over her wrists, I told her, so that she wouldn't lose her grip.• She looked anxious and tightened her grip on her shoulder bag.• You could yell once he had his grip in.• Niyazov does not appear to be losing his grip.• His arm shook and he tightened his grip on the stock of the rifle to still it.• The bureaucratic swamp soon recovered its grip.• I lost my grip on the branch, and fell out of the tree.• This pen has a rubber grip for your fingers.• The pre-tax figure was above City expectations and gave evidence that the bank is finally coming to grips with its bad-debt problem.• They were so keen to get to grips with the enemy that they disregarded much of the training in stealth and guile.• The throttle twist grip on the end of the collective stick has to be coordinated with the up and down movements.• To play this shot, you need to change your grip on the racquet slightly.• Squeeze a tennis ball regularly to improve your grip.released ... grip• Emilia sighed and released her grip.• For a split second, Constance failed to realise that he had released his grip on her.• Virginia Stillman released her grip on the chair and put her right hand under her chin.• Benton, in his terror, released his grip on her waist.tight/firm/strong/iron etc grip• It is like trying to get a firm grip on a plateful of pudding.• In fact, he was getting a stronger grip on himself as he went along.• It's safe but you need to have a firm grip to cut a 13-amp flex.• He has held a strong grip over all matters at the club, from choosing the team to financial dealings.• I keep a firm grip on my hat and stare into the blustery abyss.• However, Dorset took a firm grip declaring at 202-3 in 54.3 overs.• I took a firm grip on the wheel as I scented some-thing.• The humans had grown their winter coats, and the high buildings trembled in the tight grip of their stress equations.losing ... grip• Even if front and rear wheels are losing grip, the unit favors the set with the least amount of grab.• Niyazov does not appear to be losing his grip.• He began a forlorn final game by losing his grip on the racket altogether.• They decide to go, too, but Frank has problems manoeuvring the car, whose tyres keep losing their grip.• Too many other people were involved and he felt he was losing his grip.• He was losing his grip on reality.• Fear often played tricks with my perception and now it seemed as if I was losing my grip of reality.grip2 ●●○ verb (gripped, gripping)  1  hold tightly 紧紧抓住 [transitive]HOLD to hold something very tightly 紧握,紧抓 I gripped the rail and tried not to look down. 我紧紧抓住栏杆,尽量不往下看。grip something tightly/firmly The woman moved closer to Beth, gripping her arm tightly. 那个女人走近贝丝,紧紧抓住她的胳膊。2  have a strong effect 有很大的影响 [transitive]EFFECT/INFLUENCE to have a strong effect on someone or something 对…具有强烈影响 a country gripped by economic problems 深受经济问题困扰的国家 Panic suddenly gripped me when it was my turn to speak. 轮到我说话时,我一下子惊慌起来。3  interest SB 使某人感兴趣 [transitive]INTERESTED to hold someone’s attention and interest 使感兴趣,吸引…的注意 a story that really grips you 扣人心弦的故事4  not slip 不滑动 [intransitive, transitive]STICK if something grips a surface, it stays on it without slipping 紧附于〔某表面而不滑动〕 Radial tires grip the road well. 子午线轮胎的防滑性能很好。 → gripping→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusgrip• The university's campus is gripped by fear due to the two recent murders.• I was gripped by the tragic stories of his childhood.• A cool hand gripped him under each armpit.• She must have been six-teen or seventeen, and looked out at him with a poignancy that gripped his heart.• She found his hand and gripped it tightly.• Icy cold weather has gripped most of the East Coast.• But he gripped my arm and I was gagged and bound.• David suddenly gripped my arm and pulled me away from the road.• One hand gripped my neck as he slowly entered me.• Five or six sparrows instantly alighted on my arms and head, gripping my skin with their bony little claws.• I gripped the banister and swung myself head over heels, then came out on the roof of a tower.• His knuckles whitened as he gripped the microphone.• The state has become a microcosm of the economic change that has gripped the nation.• The car has wide tyres which grip the road really well.• Her long fingers gripped the spoon so tightly her knuckles were white.• He gripped the steering wheel firmly as he sped up to get on the freeway.Origin grip2 Old English grippangrip1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1grip2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  your ability way the hold Corpus you or tightly, to something




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