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单词 doomsayer
释义  doom·say·er /ˈduːmˌseɪə $ -ər/ especially American English (also doomster British English) noun [countable]  someone who says that bad things are going to happen 预言灾难者,末日论者Examples from the Corpusdoomsayer• Doomsayers predict that one day California will tumble into the sea.• What these entities ultimately accomplish may be academic; but their mere existence should give doomsayers cause for hope.• Yet the place invariably confounds its doomsayers.• In short, it was a rout of the doomsayers and a vindication of the architects of Desert Storm.• When the Cats slipped to fifth in a tough Pac-10 race, the doomsayers fired up their engines.• Some of these doomsayers make good money from their false warnings.doom·say·er nounChineseSyllable  that who Corpus bad someone are things says




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