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- statistics
- Statistics-topic
- Statistics-topic bar chart
- Statistics-topic bar chart
- Statistics-topic bar graph
- Statistics-topic bar graph
- Statistics-topic curve
- Statistics-topic curve
- Statistics-topic factor
- Statistics-topic factor
- Statistics-topic figure
- Statistics-topic figure
- Statistics-topic graph
- Statistics-topic graph
- Statistics-topic plot
- Statistics-topic plot
- Statistics-topic sampling
- Statistics-topic sampling
- Statistics-topic standard deviation
- Statistics-topic standard deviation
- Statistics-topic statistic
- Statistics-topic statistic
- Statistics-topic statistical quality control
- Statistics-topic statistical quality control
- Statistics-topic statistician
- Costumed
- Biogeographic
- Cleansed
- Subject heading
- In the egg
- Work time
- Hardbound
- Exult over
- Loveseat
- 宋以柱《首付》
- (宋)仲殊《南柯子·六和塔》咏浙江六和塔诗词
- (宋)仲殊《南柯子·十里青山远》原文赏析
- (宋)仲殊《南歌子·十里青山远》原文、翻译及赏析
- (宋)仲殊《柳梢青·吴中》原文、翻译及赏析
- 宋伯仁《家书》古诗赏析与原文
- 宋伯仁《愁》古诗赏析与原文
- 宋伯仁《村姑二首(其一)》古诗赏析与原文
- 宋佳明《醒着做梦》记叙高中作文
- 宋佳豪《高山之巅》高中作文
- 宋佳音《离歌》抒情高中作文
- (宋)侯蒙《临江仙·风筝》原文、翻译及赏析
- 宋儒云:宗法明而家道正。岂惟家道?将天下之治乱,恒必由之。宇宙内无有一物不相贯属、不相统摄者。人以一身统四肢,一肢统五指。木以株统干,以干统枝,以枝统叶。百谷以茎统穗,以穗统樽,以樽粒。盖同根一脉,联属成体,此操一举万之术,而治天下之要道也。天子统六卿,六卿统九牧,九牧统郡邑,郡邑统乡正,乡正统宗子。事则以次责成,恩则以次流布,教则以次传宣,法则以次绳督,夫然后上不劳,下不乱,而政易行。自宗法废而
- 宋儒有功于孟子,只是补出个气质之性来,省多少口吻。
- 宋儒纷纷聚讼语且莫理会,只理会自家,何等简径。
- Squash court句子
- Contagiously句子
- Delve into句子
- Garfield句子
- Awaked句子
- Mimosa句子
- Ithaca句子
- Prison term句子
- Human growth hormone句子
- Thyroxin句子
- A heart of gold句子
- Localised句子
- Unhelpfully句子
- Well out句子
- Cassowary句子