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单词 graphically
释义  Related topics: Mathsgraph·i·cally /ˈɡræfɪkli/ adverb  1. CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDif you describe something graphically, you describe it very clearly with a lot of detail 清晰详细地 SYN vividly2  formalHM using a graph 使用图表地 statistics represented graphically 用图表表示的统计资料Examples from the Corpusgraphically• Temperature changes are shown here graphically.• Figure 6-3 illustrates the model graphically.• It then extracts the required object or attribute and presents its graphically.• I tried placing the results in circles, graphically building processing elements.• It is graphically depicted in Fig. 7.14.• The videotape graphically depicted the accident.• This assumption is much more fully and graphically documented from Volunteers' correspondence.• Selected regions are shown graphically in Figures 1 & 2 to indicate the ranges of rates charged.• Figure 3.7 shows graphically the Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions of molecular speeds at two different temperatures.graph·i·cally adverbChineseSyllable  it graphically, if describe very describe you you something clearly Corpus




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