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单词 grainy
释义  Related topics: Photographygrain·y /ˈɡreɪni/ adjective  TCPCSa photograph that is grainy has a rough appearance, as if the images are made up of spots 〔照片〕有颗粒的,粗糙的Examples from the Corpusgrainy• Aged Gruyere: Five years old, this cheese is grainy and piquant with a sweet, long finish.• The photo is a grainy collage of blacks and whites, with dots and lines scratched across the murky background.• Its defrosting is subtle, gradual: but Eisenstein rather than Antonioni: grainy, gritty even.• Another video weakness to guard against is the coarse and grainy look of plain surfaces in bright primary colours, especially reds.• grainy mustard• I stare at the screen while they show a grainy old black-and-white photo of me, younger, with longer hair.• Below the fold was a grainy photograph taken on primary night.• It also includes a grainy, retouched photograph of the man holding the death mask in his hands.grain·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  is photograph a grainy rough Corpus has a that




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