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单词 Creep
1 Kindness will creep where it may not go. 
2 Learn to creep before you leap. 
3 Children learn to creep ere they can go. 
4 Love will creep where it may not go. 
5 That sneaky, low life creep.
6 They'll creep up on you while you're asleep.
7 Mistakes were starting to creep in.
8 Johann would creep into the gallery to listen to the singers.
9 Anorexia can creep up on young girls when they least expect it.
10 I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor.
11 A few mistakes always creep in during the editing process.
12 Get lost,[] you little creep!
13 The exams just seemed to creep up on me.
14 Inconsistencies began to creep into his testimony.
15 Don't creep up on me like that!
16 House prices are starting to creep up.
17 The scary story made his flesh creep .
18 Someone could easily creep up behind us.
19 A feeling of tiredness began to creep over her.
20 He's a nasty little creep!
21 His glassy stare made my flesh creep.
22 The sight of snakes makes my flesh creep.
23 The mere sight of snakes makes my flesh creep.
24 It makes my flesh creep to think of it.
25 Just the sight of him makes my flesh creep.
26 Making coffee for the boss again? You creep!
27 His ghost story made my flesh creep.
28 I wish you wouldn't creep up on me like that!
29 aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in. 
30 I thought I'd decided, but then doubts started to creep in.
1 That sneaky, low life creep.
2 They'll creep up on you while you're asleep.
3 Mistakes were starting to creep in.
4 Johann would creep into the gallery to listen to the singers.
5 Anorexia can creep up on young girls when they least expect it.
6 I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor.
7 A few mistakes always creep in during the editing process.
31 He's the sort of creep who would do that kind of thing!
32 Doubts began to creep into my mind about the likely success of the project.
33 It was only after I turned 60 that old age began to creep up on me.
34 Don't creep up on me like that - you scared the shit out of me.
35 Don't yell - let's creep up on them and scare them.
36 Did you see that creep eyeing up every woman at the party?
37 I'm not the kind of person to creep to anybody.
38 As the doctors became more tired, errors began to creep into their work.
39 The desire to be a mother may creep up on you unexpectedly.
40 The way he stared at her made her flesh creep.
41 Back I go to the hotel and creep up to my room.
42 There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in.
43 Don't creep around like that! You frightened the life out of me!
44 Tiredness can easily creep up on you while you're driving.
45 He denied that giving civilian tasks to the NATO forces was a case of mission creep.
46 He was a real creep - he was always staring at me in the canteen.
47 That snivelling creep/coward!
48 Rhizoids of jungle creep between the paving stones.
49 I sit still for every creep in town.
50 Often ideas just seem to creep up on you.
51 She's such a creep at work.
52 Will's the class creep(), and the teachers don't notice.
53 Drugs and alcohol began to creep in.
54 Apologize to that creep! I'd rather die!
55 I perch on one boulder and creep up another.
56 I creep downstairs and roam pointlessly around.
57 Eddie is an obnoxious, insecure creep.
58 Over the holidays, the creep turned into a gallop.
59 He didn't say that, did he? What a creep!
60 Ambition can creep as well as soar. Edmund Burke 
61 You creep along to an open doorway.
62 Feelings were beginning to creep in, and that would be monumentally stupid, to actually begin to care for him.
63 And who knows what creep will be waiting on the roadside to accompany them.
64 I steal out of bed and creep stealthily to the main room for an unimpeded look at the row of windows.
65 What is more depressing is the way this escape from the facts is beginning to creep into Western discourse on Kosovo.
66 White bears can creep up on seals much more easily than brown bears can.
67 Insecurity might creep in.
68 The curtains were partly open,[http://] allowing the merest glimmer of moonlight to creep in.
69 They are waiting-waiting for an invisible enemy to creep through the fragrant pine forests.
70 Perhaps a few hours away from here would cure the feeling of claustrophobia that was beginning to creep over her.
71 I stood, instead, to watch the sun creep up by the Connecticut Capitol.
72 Soon, the tide would turn and it would begin to creep inshore again.
73 Helplessly she blinked up at him, feeling a slow lethargy creep through her whole body.
74 If they creep slowly forward they will not hit the net with anything like the amount of impact required to entangle them.
75 Bugs creep around him through the tendrils and quite near a thrush is singing.
76 As a kid I used to wonder how burglars could creep round your house at night without waking you.
77 The vehicle began to creep cautiously down a ramp of hard-packed rock, into the interior of the crater.
78 Some parasites admit their lowly status and creep into the body of their host.
79 I've got an awful feeling this deadness will creep up and up and kill me - like Socrates.
80 Distortion can creep in if distractions are allowed to interfere and concentration can easily be lost.
81 At night, the lonesome limbs would be programmed to creep around and do housework while everyone is asleep.
82 Now creep the probe closer until the tip almost but not quite touches the jet of water... still 2oC.
83 Pause for a second or two, then creep towards the door.
84 If you're not careful, this is when lines start to creep up on you.
85 The next time we come across that creep, he's plastered.
86 Then they both creep along the pavement, on to the concrete path, up the concrete stairs to the waiting concrete flat.
87 They had a drink before dinner sitting in a bay window, watching dusk creep up on Dunkery Beacon.
88 Perversa is another nude torso with an unusual shining halo: Gyrating plants creep across it.
89 Harriet Shakespeare and the policemen had begun to creep closer, ready to run as soon as the first shot was fired.
90 Unfortunately, pity for that poor pathetic creature began to creep into her kind heart.
91 But costly turnovers allowed Washington to creep back into the game, despite the dominance of the Cowboys defence.
92 He was astounded to see a tear creep down her freckled cheek.
93 Neglect yourself and self-doubt begins to creep in and that swiftly turns to depression.
94 They seem to creep up on us gradually for reasons that medical science is only now beginning to understand.
95 It passed this information on in a terrible hushed whine that seemed to creep in and fill the head.
96 He had subsequently taken her to the cinema, where she had been startled to feel his hand creep into hers.
97 Get out of here you little creep! You make me sick!
98 We'd slowly creep up on them then shout abuse and kick sand all over them.
98 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
99 Dads creep along the baselines calling instructions as the dusk gathers in.
100 Those are the moments when the cheetah can creep slowly forward.
101 Don't creep up on me like that! You scared the living daylights out of me!
102 Cloud-shadows tried to creep the length of the street, but were swept away by the sun.
103 Explanations of such success creep too easily toward the notion that their sound is nothing more than nostalgia for postwar pre-rock.
104 Go quiet. Creep along, maybe catch kill snake for pot.
105 And now, quite slowly, there began to creep over Matilda a most extraordinary and peculiar feeling.
106 Do werewolves feel this sense of safety as they creep back just at dawn into some borrowed body?
107 It makes it impossible for anyone to creep around your house without making a noise.
108 Creep down, armed with a poker, and confront the intruder?
109 The latter point is debatable and it may only be that the practical aspects of creep measurements are simpler.
110 Biases can creep in in extremely subtle ways, and researchers can, quite unconsciously, favour some groups and disfavour others.
111 I creep back to my room, leaving both our doors ajar.
112 You let nasty little personal grudges creep in, and you taint the experience.
113 Yet in even the most respectable and credible sources, arithmetical mistakes can, and occasionally do, creep in.
114 He forced it close enough to the edge to allow the Toyota to creep past on the inside.
115 What more would creep out of the woodwork to delay things further?
116 It is a case of mission creep gone wildly over the top.
117 He was allowed to creep back into power for want of a credible alternative.
118 Her preoccupation with Proteus allowed Kevin's tormented gaze to creep up as far as her knees.
119 The tale took some ten minutes to tell, Sandison being careful to allow no inconsistencies to creep in.
120 Altogether, the solo is nicely formulated, but I don't really like the D notes which creep into bar 5.
121 As the sun began to set, long shadows seemed to creep out of the corners.
122 I would have liked to creep to the edge of the podium and disappear.
123 What was the alternative, though? Creep down, armed with a poker, and confront the intruder?
124 Surely she was still as determined as ever not to allow anyone to creep through her defences and make her care?
125 You slimy little creep!
126 Despondency began to creep over their hearts.
127 I'd advise you to creep up her sleeve again.
128 Love seems to creep up on you.
129 Subtle usability problems always creep in during implementation.
130 Bad habits can creep up on you.
131 Creep - cast Polymorph duration reduced to 25.
132 Frequency modulation does not allow static to creep in.
133 That pervert again? He gives me the creep.
134 This is where the pounds creep up on us.
135 Purpose: The equipment is used for mensurating Refractoriness under load and creep speed.
136 The lactating and creep rations can be medicated with 200 - 300 g of phenoxymethyl penicillin.
137 Results show that the displacement in horizontal direction and the maximum principal stress of core wall will increase to a larger extent if the creep effect of asphalt concrete is considered.
138 The double shear specimen was designed for the study of the creep behavior of nickel base single crystal superalloys at high temperature.
139 How to estimate creep stress from small punch creep test results was described in present paper.
140 At the same time,[] the surplus life of the shell is predicted by creep test.
141 How to establish creep model of under change loads are unfathomed contents in theory studies and applications of wood rheology.
142 With the optimization criterion of least square error between the measured creep value and theoretical creep value, microevolution algorithm inverse the creep model parameters directly.
143 Confining pressure increase rock strength , decrease damages rate of rock creep.
144 The creep strain of nonwoven geotextiles is measured by using the method of photic leverage.
145 This paper presents a method for creep life calculation of steam turbine parts.
146 This paper introduces a magnet - absorbing wall - climbing robot for efficiently maintaining turbine blades on site. The robot uses creep feed grinding to machine weld lines.
147 In creep - brittle materials, the crack tip and creep zone boundary propagate at comparable rates.
148 The high injection packing pressure generally reduces the part shrinkage, but also reduces the in-mold creep at same time.
149 The major factor that affects the prestress loss of cable in diluvium slope is the creep of the rock, the influences of construction and environment factors possess time effect; 4.
150 Bracket creep:a shift of personal income into a higher tax bracket when the taxable income increases OVER time.
151 Fig . 8 . 15 shows some experimental results for limiting adhesion against creep.
152 A new method of enhancing heat transfer in grinding contact zone with jet impinging is presented on the basis of analysis on the mechanism of workpiece burn in creep feed grinding.
153 Sampling the wild osmunda cinnamomea at Wangqing county mountainous area of Jilin Province, the pull, compression, impact, stress relaxation and creep tests on the samples were done respectively.
154 How to calculate thermal creep stress filed of early-age concrete considering temperature effect by ANSYS software.
155 When errors and old muscle memory patterns creep back into your game, simply recall the two key points and actively use your brain to reinforce the correct muscle memory pattern.
156 The long-time creep deformation and strength of the casing in halite stratum were studied assuming the constant creep velocity.
157 Accelerating creep stage marks the starting of the failure of coal specimens.
158 Dynamic shear rheological tests including the frequency sweep and the creep test were performed to study the viscoelastic characteristics of epoxy asphalt.
158 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
159 The microstructure and creep process of HK 40 furnace tubes after different service duration were analyzed by means of micrography.
160 After reduction of data, the reduced stress relaxation and creep data and curves were worked out.
161 And I had nodded sagely when I read that - only to go and blow it on the day by allowing hope, and even, I'm ashamed to say, a certain amount of anticipation, to creep in.
162 As I lie in the shelter of a burial mound, out of the bitter wind (as two tangle-fleeced sheep have discovered before me), the shades of Neolithic worshippers creep through the grass.
163 The method of three - point loading was used in the creep test of the reinforced concrete beam.
164 With direct B. E. M. the boundary integral equations of soil for elastoplasticity, viscoplasticity cluding creep and temperature stress are researched and soluted.
165 A method of predicting the residual creep life of aluminum alloy 2A12 by using indentation test method with flat cylindrical indenters was proposed.
166 The sight of the cold, damp prison cell, with rats running about, made her flesh creep.
167 Freyssinet flat jacks may be required to compensate for distortions arising from creep and shrinkage.
168 Shrinkage and creep are the inherent time - dependent characters of concrete which belongs to a viscoelastic material.
169 He never knew how to creep up his boss's sleeve.
170 In China, hearing Taoists speak about Tao or critics hold forth on literature makes your fresh creep, and no perspiration dares come.
171 Supported by the national physical science major fund project(project number:50238040), the paper researched the creep collapse effect of the concrete structure systematically .
172 By comparing and analysing the cane mill roller of creep cast iron made in China and foreign cane mill roller of middle phosphorus.
173 Vacuum solidification is an important technique procedure in transducer fabrication. It is related to the feature enhancement and long term stability as well as the creep specification.
174 As a rule he writes English very well, but occasionally unidiomatic expressions creep in.
175 Creep up to a sleeping mamba , tweak it by the tail. Crikey!
176 The elastic and creep recovery of the flyash concrete under three sustained stress level is measured.
177 Coyotes creep too far south, or mockingbirds migrate too far north. And then, they stay.
178 To lie or creep in a prostrate position , as in subservience or humility.
179 Plastic deformation and creep are highly undesirable, resilience is favourable.
180 Based on the review, equivalent deformation processes for soil are proposed. The proper description of time effect in creep model is discussed. A method for accelerating creep test is proposed.
181 The creep has bad breath and wanted to soul kiss!
182 Solid spherical harmonic method was used to solve the creep of a rat polymorphonuclear neutrophil modeled as a isotropic and homogeneous spherical solid under small deformation.
183 I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover your handpicked friend a creep.
184 Shimadzu AUTOGRAPH in electronic universal testing machine was used for creep test of 8 specimens of the femoral head in each normal and sick groups.
185 So it is significative to carry a research on room temperature creep characteristic of propeller shaft.
186 The paper describes a new and efficient structural rapid cycle (short term) creep numerical method.
187 One had winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows.
188 The fault has been mainly in stick slip from Subei to Arkesai, and in creep slip from Bage Valley to Changma Dam since Holocene Epoch.
188 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
189 It's hidden among trees and approached by a long, winding carriage drive, making life very difficult for Prince Charming types to creep into the garden.
190 But it does creep out the other four people in the hot tub.
191 The damaging extent of rock is developing with load of time and effected by the size of load, the after part injury is called creep damage.
192 In order to get low surface roughness and high material remove rate, basic research on the optimization of process parameters in creep feed ultrasonic grinding engineering ceramics was conducted.
193 There were some analysis and probe of creep in main Steam pipe and reheat pipe(hot segment) in service utility boiler.
194 Don't let poverty creep up on you and drag you down.
195 At its extreme, an emotional relationship to a number can creep into obsessive-compulsive behavior.
196 The differences between surface creep and saltation are gradual and it to draw a fixed line.
197 The double shear creep specimens and modeling turbine blades have been experimented for the validation of the model.
198 It is suggested that the influence of boron on the amount, shape and size of precipitated phases is probably the main account giving effect to creep strength.
199 A beam as the base of rail must have strong strength, rigidity, small subsequent creep camber, and excellent durability as well as rapid in const ruction.
200 A journey that used to creep along for an hour or two now takes about 30 minutes, meaning that the industrial power of Tianjin is more accessible from the capital.
201 The creep deformation is controlled by dislocation climb resulting from lattice self-diffusion.
202 After several rains, the sky got bluer, the air also very wettish , in the morning. Crystal dewdrops creep in the leaves and bud.
203 Parkman occasionally allows a supercilious tone to creep into his writing.
204 The elastic and creep recovery of the sintered flyash concrete under three sustained stress level is measured.
205 Most crises, notably the big ones , creep up on us from unsuspected quarters.
206 It means that your company allowed a design error to creep in.
207 Darkness shrouds those who would creep up on us, so be wary.
208 A new probabilistic creep damage model was proposed in this paper based on the deterministic model. And the sensitivity of the parameters was analyzed in detail.
209 The hypothetical boiled frog is a useful metaphor for a very real problem: the difficulty of responding to disasters that creep up on you a bit at a time.
210 You should try to argue calmly and not allow any unpleasantness to creep in.
211 The properties of CBN wheel in creep feed grinding the high temperature alloy and the characteristics of electroplated CBN wheel are introduced.
212 It is found that the frequency creep caused by superradiance usually results in this kind of limit cycle like oscillations.
213 Finally we have studied the magnetic field sweep rate dependence of flux jump, and discussed the influence of flux creep on flux jump.
214 Research reveals soft clay creep phenomenon is caused by soil internal structure change constantly and self-adjustment and reconstruction.
215 The creep rate was increased while the yield strength was reduced by anodic dissolution.
216 The second law can be applied to the prediction of creep failure, such as rockslides, colluvial-deposit landslides and loess landslides as well as clay landslides with locked patches.
217 The principle of time - temperature superposition ( TTS ) which can accelerate creep test of geosynthetics is introduced.
218 The creep damage and cycle stress relaxation are found to be greater when hold time is increased and the crack propagates from transgranularly to intergranularly.
219 The grind-hardening for two kinds of widely used middle carbon steels were carried out on a surface grinder by creep feed dry grinding, and the characteristics of the hardened layer were studied.
220 PK multiple V-belt is applied as transmission belt to resist wear and abrasion and avoid troubles like belt creep and noise caused by traditional belt transmitting system.
221 At last creep FEM step-by-step method for simple structures and creep FEM step-by-step concealment method for complex structures are presented.
222 A method of predicting the residual creep life of aluminum alloy 2A12 by using indentation test method with flat cylindrical indenters was proposed. There were four steps included in the method.
223 Grind - hardening of non - quenched steel was performed with creep feed grinding mode and different cooling conditions. Microstructure and properties of the surface hardened layer were compared.
224 Egos creep in and erects big wall between us and we can not rejoin.
225 The long fiber thermoplastic material for forming composite muffler systems also provides increased impact strength and creep resistance as well as chemical and thermal resistance.
226 The stress relaxation and creep experiment on meso-position portrait between normal and morbidity head of femur cancellous bone were proceeded.
227 Stress-strain curves at the end of designed life and creep reduction factor of georgia RS50 are determined, which could be used as reference for engineering design.
228 A simple and efficient analytical method of creep recovery stress is provided. The effect of creep recovery is demonstrated by a numerical example.
228 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
229 On the early stage side, we've seen a little bit of a price creep, but not much compared to later stage investments which have to price relative to current public market valuations.
230 This paper gives a brief introduction of how TCA solves creep problems by using finite element method and initial-strain method, TCA's features and structure, and some application examples.




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