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单词 Gothic
释义  Related topics: Architecture, Literature, Arts, Letters & punctuationGoth·ic /ˈɡɒθɪk $ ˈɡɑː-/ adjective  1  AAthe Gothic style of building was common in Western Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries and included tall pointed arches and windows and tall pillars 哥特式的,哥特风格的〔12至16世纪流行于西欧的建筑风格,以尖拱、尖窗和高大的柱子为特征〕 a Gothic church 一座哥特式教堂2. ALAa Gothic story, film etc is about frightening things that happen in mysterious old buildings and lonely places, in a style that was popular in the early 19th century 哥特派的〔指小说、电影等的风格,描写神秘古老建筑及荒僻地方的恐怖故事,该风格曾流行于19世纪初〕3. SLAGothic writing, printing etc has thick decorated letters 哥特体的〔粗笔画加装饰的字体〕Examples from the CorpusGothic• Hovers between the Gothic and Romantic Suspense genres.• This forced on builders a simple form of Gothic architecture.• This is perhaps because the later accretions are somewhat dwarfed amid the towering Gothic architecture.• Sitte, in opposition to baroque and modern rectilinearity, advocated the Gothic free-form of mediaeval streets.• The Gothic room in the old town hall should be visited.• This replaced the Gothic spire of the old St Nicholas' in the 18C.Goth·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  Europe of the common Corpus style Western was between building in Gothic




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