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单词 going
释义  go·ing1 /ˈɡəʊɪŋ $ ˈɡoʊ-/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  1  SPEEDthe difficulty or speed with which something is done 难度;进展速度hard/rough/slow etc going I’m getting the work done, but it’s slow going. 这事我正在做,但是进度很慢。good going/not bad going We climbed the mountain in three hours, which wasn’t bad going. 我们在三小时内爬上了山,这样的速度不错了。2  LEAVE A PLACEthe act of leaving a place 离开,离去 SYN departure His going will be no great loss to the company. 他的离去对公司来说并不算多大的损失。3. heavy going BORINGif a book, play etc is heavy going, it is boring and difficult to understand 〔书、戏剧等〕枯燥难懂的4  while the going’s good NOW spoken if you suggest doing something while the going’s good, you think it should be done before it becomes difficult or impossible 趁情况还有利时 Let’s leave while the going’s good. 我们趁现在这个机会快走吧。5. when the going gets tough, the tough get goingthe tough get going when the going gets tough when the conditions become difficult, strong people begin to do something in a determined way 时势造英雄,环境造就人6. the going British EnglishDSO the condition of the ground, especially for a horse race 〔尤指赛马场的〕地面状况 → comings and goings at coming1(2)Examples from the Corpusgoing• However, a bus service offers an alternative if the going proves too taxing.hard/rough/slow etc going• My own preference has always been for the rough-coated variety since these can withstand weather and rough going very much better.• Anyone who tried to set up in between us would find it hard going.• The mountainous terrain could make it slow going for the ground rescue teams.• Robbie's sandals were low-heeled, but even so she found the pace hard going.• We were continually mending punctures ... It was really rough going on those jobs.• Much of it was hard going, especially in the early parts.• It was slow going because the leaves were water-marked and curled, so that the best passages were often unintelligible.• It was slow going. down the waterway in the Johnboat.going2 adjective  1  the going rate/price/salary etc BCOSTthe usual amount you pay or receive as payment for something 现行费率/价格/薪金等the going rate/price/salary etc for Thirty dollars an hour is the going rate for a math tutor. 数学家教现在的收费行情是30美元1小时。2  the biggest/best/nicest etc something going EXISTthe biggest, best etc of a particular thing 现今最大的/最好的/最美好的某物 It’s some of the best beer going. 这是现在最好的一种啤酒。3  [not before noun] British English informalAVAILABLE available 可获得的,可找到的 Are there any jobs going where you work? 你工作的地方有职位空缺吗?4  have a lot going for you GOOD ATto have many advantages and good qualities that will bring success 你有很多有利条件 Stop being so depressed. You have a lot going for you. 别这么沮丧,你有很多有利条件。5. a going concern a business which is making a profit and is expected to continue to do so 生意兴隆的企业6  (also -going) used after words such as cinema and theatre to form adjectives that describe people who regularly go to the cinema, theatre etc 常去…的 the cinema-going public 常去看电影的民众Examples from the Corpusgoing• The latest going bulletin from Kempton favours Bradbury Star, with the going now changed to good to soft from soft.• The pub was then sold as a going concern and refurbished.• The factors which, if present, indicate the transfer as a going concern largely relate to intangible assets.• Opinions differ about whether the going concern qualification does have incremental information content.• But the Lancashire-based company has now ceased trading and will not be sold as a going concern.• What is the going rate for bodies in Cairo, Mr el Zaki?From Longman Business Dictionarygoinggo‧ing /ˈgəʊɪŋˈgoʊ-/ adjective COMMERCE the going rate/price the usual amount you pay or receive for something at this particular timethe going rate/price forThey offered me the going rate for the job.go·ing1 noungoing2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  speed the or with Corpus something Business which difficulty




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