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单词 giddy
释义  gid·dy /ˈɡɪdi/ adjective  1  BALANCEfeeling slightly sick and unable to balance, because everything seems to be moving 头晕的,眩晕的 SYN dizzy Greg stared down from the seventh floor and began to feel giddy. 格雷格从七楼望下去,开始觉得头晕了。2  HAPPYfeeling silly, happy, and excited, or showing this feeling 傻乎乎的;激动不已的giddy with Sheila felt giddy with excitement. 希拉激动得忘乎所以。3  giddy heights BALANCEa situation in which you have a lot of success 令人眩晕的顶峰 Although she had been quite a successful model, she had never reached the giddy heights of the Paris fashion world. 她虽然是一个很成功的模特,但是从来没有到达巴黎时装界那个令人眩晕的顶峰。4  old-fashionedSTUPID/NOT SENSIBLE silly and not interested in serious things 轻浮的,肤浅的 Fiona’s very pretty but a bit giddy. 菲奥娜很漂亮,但是有点轻浮。 —giddily adverb —giddiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusgiddy• Drinking champagne always makes me giddy.• Just watching those kids spinning makes me feel giddy.• Actually it felt nice to be giddy.• She suddenly felt giddy and had to find somewhere to sit down.• But for many days he felt a curious discomfort, almost giddy at times, almost sad at other times.• She felt a surge of giddy courage.• I tell her I am tired and giddy from last night's sleeping pill.• a giddy girl• Then we broke into giddy laughter.• giddy optimism• She felt a giddy sensation of ground shifting under her feet.• Her heart was galloping so fast that she felt quite giddy with happiness.feel giddy• Lester lay in his blankets and watched the staggering display put on by the stars until he felt giddy.• I felt giddy and sorry for myself.• If only man could be made to ... She felt giddy as the full answer came, crowding into her mind.• She felt giddy with the first intake of smoke, but suddenly saw how to make a whole of the face.giddy with• The children are giddy with excitement.Origin giddy Old English gydig “mentally ill”gid·dy adjectiveChineseSyllable  and Corpus unable everything feeling balance, slightly sick because to




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