随便看 |
- the dubious distinction of doing something
- the dubious distinction of doing sth
- the dubious honour
- the dubious honour/distinction/pleasure (of doing something)
- the dubious honour of doing
- the dubious honour of doing something
- the dubious honour of doing sth
- the dubious pleasure
- the dubious pleasure of doing
- the dubious pleasure of doing something
- the dubious pleasure of doing sth
- the Duchess of Cambridge
- the duchess of windsor
- the-duchess-of-windsor
- the duchess of york
- the-duchess-of-york
- the Duke of Cambridge
- the duke of edinburgh
- the-duke-of-edinburgh
- the duke of edinburgh award
- the-duke-of-edinburgh-award
- the duke of edinburgh's
- the-duke-of-edinburgh's
- the duke of edinburghs
- the-duke-of-edinburghs
- Viny
- Annual basis
- Canner
- Tasseled
- Crazy quilt
- Frictionless
- Sun-drenched
- Harlotry
- Ovo
- Gimmickry
- 古之置吏也,将以逐盗;今之置吏也,将以为盗
- 古之良工不劳其知巧以为玩好
- 古之论贤不肖者,不曰幽明则曰枉直,则知光明洞达者为贤,隐伏深险者为不肖。真率爽快者为贤,斡旋转折者为不肖。故贤者如白日青天,一见即知其心事。不肖者如深谷晦夜,穷年莫测其浅深。贤者如疾矢急弦,更无一些回护。枉者如曲钩盘绳,不知多少机关。故虞廷曰“黜陟幽明”,孔子曰“举直错枉”。观人者之用明,舍是无所取矣。
- 古之谤人也,忠厚诚笃。《株林》之语,何等浑涵;舆人之谣,犹道实事。后世则不然,所怨在此,所谤在彼。彼固知其所怨者未必上之非,而其谤不足以行也,乃别生一项议论。其才辨附会足以泯吾怨之之实,启人信之之心,能使被谤者不能免谤之之祸,而我逃谤人之罪。呜呼!今之谤,虽古之君子且避忌之矣。圣贤处谤无别法,只是自修,其祸福则听之耳。
- 古之贤君饱而知人之饥,温而知人之寒,逸而知人之劳
- 古乐府
- 古乐府
- 古乐府|原文|翻译|赏析|鉴赏
- 古乐苑
- 古乐苑
- 古事记
- 古事记
- 古井由吉作品分析
- 古人临大节而不夺,今人见小利而易守
- 古人之宽大,非直为道理当如此,然煞有受用处。弘器度以养德也,省怨怒以养气也,绝仇雠以远祸也。
- Diarrheal句子
- Bright side句子
- Crush up句子
- Cuddle up句子
- Contrariness句子
- Cleave to句子
- Wateriness句子
- Technical assistance句子
- DSO句子
- Change from句子
- Grimalkin句子
- Masher句子
- Change down句子
- Extinguishment句子
- Logotype句子