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释义  Related topics: SchoolGCSE /ˌdʒiː siː es ˈiː/ noun [countable, uncountable]  SES (General Certificate of Secondary Education) an examination in a range of subjects, done by students in schools in England and Wales, usually at the age of 15 or 16 〔英格兰和威尔士的〕普通中等教育证书 → O level, A level, GNVQdo/take (your) GCSEs Adam took his GCSEs last year. 亚当去年参加了普通中等教育证书考试。 GCSE exam/course/coursework/results etc 普通中等教育证书考试/课程/课程作业/考试成绩等Examples from the CorpusGCSE• Selective grammar schools were continuing to produce the best GCSE results.• But I don't go to school and I haven't done GCSEs or A-levels.• But ministers are keen to stress pupils will not be able to drop GCSEs easily.• The regulations on dropping GCSEs were recently extended to include the most able teenagers who want to focus on particular subjects.• The key target is that by then no school will have less than a quarter of its pupils getting five good GCSEs.• Instead of chilling with my friends after my GCSEs, I spent my summer holidays travelling the country.• Richie, the youngest at 15, was in the throes of GCSEs and hopeful of a career in graphic design.• You could take one or two GCSEs alongside.GCSE exam/course/coursework/results etc• Selective grammar schools were continuing to produce the best GCSE results.• Teachers and tutors on these courses can advise on the readiness of students for GCSE courses.• It's well matched to the needs of most GCSE courses and its formative rather than summative approach is to be recommended.• It takes a lot of time, space and organization to keep track of pupils' GCSE coursework.• Starting this September, GCSE courses will be steadily integrated with the National Curriculum.• After that, GCSE courses are set to become much more exam based.• He and some schoolfriends had been celebrating the end of their GCSE exams.• Most children sit their GCSE exams at the age of 16.GCSE nounChinese  an a of examination range in Corpus




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