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单词 gaggle
释义  gag·gle /ˈɡæɡəl/ noun  1  a gaggle of tourists/children etc GROUP OF PEOPLEa noisy group of people 一群叽叽喳喳的游客/小孩等 a gaggle of teenage girls 一群叽叽喳喳的少女2. a gaggle of geese HBBGROUP OF THINGSa group of geese 一群鹅Examples from the Corpusgaggle• Then I saw a gaggle of youths arriving with guitar cases for a recording session, and I changed my mind.• The local press came in curious gaggles, and the students eased shyly into their new incarnations as media darlings.• Somehow he did his duty, and Gladys joined the growing gaggle of young women.• And here, gaggles of exuberant fourth-graders begged for his autograph as if he were Pluto in Disneyland.Origin gaggle (1300-1400) gaggle “to make the sound of geese, to talk noisily” ((14-19 centuries)), from the soundgag·gle nounChineseSyllable  of people noisy Corpus a group




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