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单词 funnily
释义  fun·ni·ly /ˈfʌnəli/ adverb  1  funnily enough spokenSTRANGE used to say that something is unexpected or strange 奇怪的是;说来也巧 Funnily enough, I was just about to call you when you called me. 说来也巧,我正要打电话给你,你就来电话了。2. FUNNYin an amusing or strange way 有趣地,可笑地;古怪地;异常地Examples from the Corpusfunnily• I had no doubts about his musicianship, his talent or his ability to tell a funny story funnily.• Canseco's throw was straight, but wobbled funnily at the last minute.• Many like steel, glass and paper can be re-used, and funnily enough it is cheaper the second time around.• But an architect friend offered me premises in Portland Mews, funnily enough just around the corner from our new gallery.• Rory went back to live in London that winter, and ended up - funnily enough - living in a·ni·ly adverbChineseSyllable   or that used to unexpected Corpus is say something




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