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单词 fun
释义  fun1 /fʌn/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [uncountable]  1  ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingan experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting 娱乐,有趣的经历[活动];乐趣 There’s plenty of fun for all the family. 可以让全家人玩得很开心。 The children were having so much fun, I hated to call them inside. 小孩子玩得很开心,我不忍心把他们叫进来。2  for fun  (also just for the fun of it) if you do something for fun, you do it because you enjoy it and not for any other reason 闹着玩地,为了好玩 I simply believe that killing animals for fun is wrong. 我就是认为杀死动物取乐是错误的。 Like most people her age, Deborah struck up relationships just for the fun of it. 像大多数同龄人一样,德博拉谈恋爱只是为了好玩。3  somebody is (great/good) fun British English used to say that someone is enjoyable to be with because they are happy and amusing 某人(很)有趣 You’ll like her, darling, she’s great fun. 你会喜欢她的,亲爱的,她这人挺有趣的。4  behaviour that is not serious and shows happiness and enjoyment 嬉戏,逗乐,玩笑 Jan’s always so cheerful and full of fun. 简总是那么开心,那么有趣。 Her sense of fun made her very popular at college. 她的幽默感使她在学院里很受欢迎。 Evelyn would tease her, but only in fun. 伊夫林会取笑她,但只是闹着玩的。5. fun and games ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingactivities, behaviour etc that are not serious – often used to show disapproval 嬉闹,欢闹〔常含贬义〕6  make fun of somebody/something MAKE FUN OFto make unkind insulting remarks about someone or something 嘲弄某人/某物;拿某人/某物开玩笑 I’m not making fun of you. I admire what you did. 我不是拿你开心,我很欣赏你的作为。7  like fun American English spoken old-fashionedWRONG/INCORRECT used to say that something is not true or will not happen 当然不,决不 ‘I’m going to Barbara’s house.’ ‘Like fun you are! Come and finish your chores first.’ “我要去芭芭拉家。”“开什么玩笑!先来把家务干完。” → figure of fun at figure1(12), → poke fun at at poke1(6) COLLOCATIONSverbshave fun 玩得高兴Did you have fun at the party? 你在派对上玩得高兴吗?join in the fun 一起玩The whole village joined in the fun. 整座村子的人一起尽情欢乐。something sounds (like) fun (=seems to be enjoyable) 某事物听起来很有趣The picnic sounded like fun. 野餐听起来很有意思。adjectivesgood fun British English 很有意思I never realized what good fun fishing could be. 我从没有意识到钓鱼这么好玩。great fun 很有乐趣The show is great fun for all the family. 这场表演全家人都看得津津有味。harmless fun (=not likely to upset or offend anyone) 无害的消遣nThe game’s designer says it’s all a bit of harmless fun, but many parents disagree.phrasessomething is no fun (also something is not much fun) (=something is not at all enjoyable) 某事物不好玩Being stuck in a traffic jam for three hours was no fun. 遇上交通阻塞被堵三小时并不好玩。be somebody’s idea of fun (=be what someone enjoys doing – used especially when this seems strange to you) 是某人觉得好玩的事〔尤用于觉得奇怪时〕Camping in this rainy weather is not my idea of fun. 这种雨天去野营,我可不觉得好玩。be half the fun (=be a very enjoyable part of doing something) 是很有乐趣的一部分Planning a vacation is half the fun. 为度假做准备也是很大的乐趣之一。a lot of fun (also lots of fun) 很多的乐趣The kids had a lot of fun singing and dancing. 小孩子唱歌跳舞,玩得很开心。ngood clean fun British English (=not offensive or not involving sex)The show is good clean fun for all the family. 这场表演全家人都看得津津有味。 THESAURUSfun noun [uncountable] especially spoken an experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting 有趣的经历;乐趣nThe course was fun.Have you ever been windsurfing? It’s really good fun. 你玩过风帆冲浪吗?真的很好玩。I just want to relax and have some fun. 我只是想放松一下,找点乐子。nIt’ll be fun seeing all my old friends again.nRunning around a freezing hockey field isn’t my idea of fun.enjoyment noun [uncountable] the feeling you get when you enjoy doing something 快乐I get a lot of enjoyment out of working with young children. 和小孩子在一起我很开心。pleasure noun [countable] an experience or activity that makes you feel happy and satisfied 乐事The game was a pleasure to watch. 看那场比赛真是件乐事。One of her greatest pleasures was walking in the mountains. 她最大的乐趣之一是在山间漫步。nTed enjoyed the simple pleasures of life: his family, his home, and his garden.good/great time noun [countable] especially spoken a time when you enjoyed yourself 愉快时间The kids all had a great time. 孩子们全都玩得很愉快。I remember the good times in Japan. 我记得在日本的快乐时光。nWere the 1960s really such great times?na blast informal a very enjoyable experience – a very informal useThe trip was a blast!entertainment noun [uncountable] things such as performances and films which are intended to be enjoyable 娱乐活动Three musicians provided the entertainment. 三名乐师做了表演。What do you do for entertainment around here? 你在这里表演什么?nThey hired two dancers for entertainment.relaxation noun [uncountable] a way of resting and enjoying yourself 放松;消遣I play the piano for relaxation. 我弹钢琴消遣。Her work left little time for relaxation. 工作使她几乎没有时间放松。leisure noun [uncountable] the time when you are not working, when you can enjoy yourself – used especially in compounds 休闲〔尤用于复合词〕leisure activities 休闲活动the leisure industry 休闲产业 People have more leisure time. 人们有了更多的闲暇时间。recreation noun [countable, uncountable] formal activities that you do to enjoy yourself 娱乐recreation facilities 娱乐设施The park is not just a place for recreation. 这座公园不只是个娱乐消遣的地方。Examples from the Corpusfun• It'll be fun seeing all my old friends again.• She will give an hour of fashion fun, talking and demonstrating her hat hire service and nearly-new designer fashion business.• Have you ever been windsurfing? It's really good fun.• Softball provides a chance to get out with friends and have fun.• Interests: most music, travel, having fun.• In fact, it might even be good for a little fun.• All would be aware of the difficulty of finding ideologically acceptable forms of fun.• Running around a freezing hockey field isn't my idea of fun.• It's fun to eat out sometimes, instead of cooking at home.• That and fries and a cold beer and you have got yourself some serious fun.• On Saturday night, all I want to do is relax and have some fun.• Planning a vacation is half the fun of it.• The course was really hard work but it was fun.full of fun• But we were careless and happy and full of fun, and enjoyed every minute of the day.• Impetuous, opinionated, athletic, good-looking, and full of fun, Pearson was an attractive figure to many women.• Normally loving and full of fun, Peter can explode with passionate anger at James and Mary, their fourteen-year-old twins.• Very gentle, full of fun.• Perhaps this is why all these places are always so full of fun, laughter and loving concern.• We arrived as keen as a couple of puppies out for their first walkies, full of fun and raring to go!• He was full of fun and a wonderful mimic.fun2 ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingenjoyable and amusing 有趣的,逗乐的 Try snowboarding – it’s a really fun sport. 试试单板滑雪——是个很好玩的运动。a fun day/evening etc 有趣的一天/晚上等► see thesaurus at nice2  ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethinga fun person is enjoyable to be with because they are happy and amusing 〔人〕有趣的,令人快乐的 She’s a really fun person to be around. 有她在一起真开心。n GrammarFun is not used with ‘very’. You say: It was really fun. ✗Don’t say: It was very fun.Examples from the Corpusfun• Cruising around in a seaplane is all very well, but water-work is always the most fun.• I like Sam a lot - he's good fun.• Let's invite Margot - she's always fun.• This weight training class is really fun.• Stamford are improving their already rad facilities - more street stuff, a fun box with a handrail.• Hundreds of people were there and it was a really fun day out.• Walk on the wild side Good news for fans of 1950s style and fun furnishing.• Randy's a really fun guy to be around.• Oh yes, I know Eddie - he's a really fun guy.• The informal and fun introduction to classical music costs $ 47 and will be conducted by Greg Hettmansberger.• Have a fun Labor Day!• The first step is the fun part.• Boulder is a fun place to live.• The O'Brien boys were always fun to be with.a fun day/evening etc• Luckily it didn't rain, though we did get a bit cold, and it was a fun day.• It draws people who come for a fun day out and it provides for the serious ornithologist.• Male speaker I get the chance to see people I used to race with.It is a fun day out.• It was a fun evening that ricocheted between giggle, belly laugh and roar.Origin fun1 (1600-1700) fun “to play a trick on” ((17-20 centuries)), perhaps from fonne; → FONDfun1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1fun2 adjective →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  an or activity and that is experience Corpus enjoyable very




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