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单词 somnolent
释义  som·no·lent /ˈsɒmnələnt $ ˈsɑːm-/ adjective literary  1  SLEEPalmost starting to sleep 想睡的,瞌睡的 SYN sleepy He lay quiet, somnolent after the day’s exertions. 他静静地躺着,劳累了一天之后感到十分困倦。2  SLEEPmaking you want to sleep 催眠的 SYN soporific a somnolent summer’s afternoon 令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后 —somnolence noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussomnolent• The picnic lunch which had been eaten immediately on arrival had rendered some of the elders somnolent.• His unquiet personality could not outface the somnolent arrogance of the greatest city in the world.• Her somnolent black eyes and tenderly pursed pink lips intrude upon the eggshell delicacy of her face with the most delicate affection.• Like his compatriot Nelson Piquet, Emerson in the cockpit is a somnolent cat.• a slow, somnolent folk song• Sometimes the tunes are ethereal and somnolent like Brian Eno after a whole bottle of Actifed.• His somnolent reaction was to twist half around-exposing his left ankle and leg.• The port lay somnolent, the shops were shut.Origin somnolent (1400-1500) Old French Latin somnolentus, from somnus “sleep”som·no·lent adjectiveChineseSyllable  sleep Corpus starting almost to




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