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单词 full beam
释义  ˌfull ˈbeam noun British English  on full beam car headlights (=the main lights at the front) that are on full beam are switched to a position that makes them shine very brightly and straight ahead 〔汽车前灯〕打着强光 SYN American English high beam → dippedExamples from the Corpusfull beam• And suddenly there was action - the van roared into reverse, rushing away from them, its headlights on full beam.• The Dodge mounted the kerb, headlights suddenly stabbing out on full beam.• Evan switches the roof spots on full beam.• The car turned into the road ahead of him, catching him in the full beam of its headlights.• Then she turned the full beam of her attention on me.• Stage-lights blossomed to full beam - curtains opened slowly - music began to play just a little bit louder.• One man dug using full beam while another stood by the internal telephone system with a dimmed light.ˌfull ˈbeam nounChineseSyllable  that Corpus at main (=the car the front) lights headlights




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