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单词 fruitcake
释义  fruit·cake /ˈfruːtkeɪk/ noun  1. [countable, uncountable]DFD a cake that has dried fruit in it 水果[果脯,果子]蛋糕2  [countable] informalNORMAL someone who is mentally ill or behaves in a strange way 疯子,怪人 He’s an absolute fruitcake. 他绝对是个疯子。 You really are nutty as a fruitcake (=crazy). 你真是疯了。Examples from the Corpusfruitcake• Vivid memories of her childhood holidays go on and on about birthday cakes, pumpkin pies, fruitcakes, and homemade candy.• I figured he must have been a real fruitcake to write a letter like that.• They're largely similar to the Christmas versions but minus the fruitcake and cards and plus beach bags and sun hats.• He wasn't going to show this fruitcake he was nervous.fruit·cake nounChineseSyllable  it has dried in that Corpus fruit cake a




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