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单词 Absent
1. He that fears you present, will hate you absent
2. The eye is blind if the mind is absent
3. Long absent, soon forgotten.
4. I was absent once or twice.
5. The teacher marked her absent .
6. Love was totally absent from his childhood.
7. The teacher marked her down as absent.
8. She has been absent from school for several days.
9. He is absent on business.
10. Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.
11. He is absent from the meeting.
12. You've been absent six times according to our records.
13. Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
14. Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
15. You are really absent - minded.
16. Such scandals have not, alas, been absent.
17. What percentage of the students were absent?
18. No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness.
19. At times he would be absent for a couple of days.
20. Three witnesses gave testimony that he was absent at that time.
21. The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.
22. He has been absent from his desk for two weeks.
23. By being absent from the trial, he forfeited the right to appeal.
24. He was absent from work for two weeks.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. He gave a lame excuse for being absent.
26. Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.
27. She is never absent from work without good cause.
28. Absent some catastrophe, the food prices should soon drop.
29. To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 
30. The school confers a medal on any student who is not absent a single day.
1. The teacher marked her absent .
2. She has been absent from school for several days.
3. He is absent on business.
4. Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.
5. He is absent from the meeting.
6. You've been absent six times according to our records.
7. Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
8. Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
9. Such scandals have not, alas, been absent.
10. No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness.
11. Three witnesses gave testimony that he was absent at that time.
12. The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.
13. He has been absent from his desk for two weeks.
14. By being absent from the trial, he forfeited the right to appeal.
15. Many students were absent, notably the monitor.
16. He was absent under the plea of illness.
17. She was absent because of a recent bereavement.
18. He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.
19. A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
20. The absent - minded professor forgot to get off at Newcastle and was taken on to Edinburgh.
31. Snow is absent in some countries.
32. She was absent for nine consecutive days.
33. He looked at me in an absent way.
34. They were absent because of sickness.
35. Why did you absent yourself this afternoon?
36. You cannot choose to absent yourself on a whim.
37. Many students were absent, notably the monitor.
38. Johnston's name was conspicuously absent from the list.
39. He was absent under the plea of illness.
40. He was busted for being absent without leave.
41. We drank a toast to absent friends.
42. She was absent because of a recent bereavement.
43. His reason for being absent is suspect.
44. Some few of the students are absent today.
45. They were pointedly absent from the news conference.
46. He raised his glass, silently toasting his absent son.
47. Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday?
48. She was absent from factory for three weeks.
49. He is absent from Hong Kong.
50. The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.
51. She has been absent from work due to illness.
52. The dull, absent look on her face implied boredom.
53. Tom is absent on illness.
54. He asked leave to absent himself for four days.
55. 'Nothing[http://],' Rosie said in an absent way.
56. The teacher marked him down as absent.
57. If a child is absent, the teacher notes it down in the register.
58. He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.
59. John has been absent from school/work for three days now.
60. He played with an abandon that was strangely absent from his performance last week.
61. Notably absent from his statement was any hint of an apology.
62. The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.
63. Old established friends are notably absent, so it's a good opportunity to make new contacts.
64. That doesn't suppose you were absent at the scene of the crime.
65. Any sign of remorse was completely absent from her face.
66. He is always absent - minded and sometimes even forgets to lace up his shoes.
67. I took the liberty of borrowing your dictionary while you were absent.
68. Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.
69. A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
70. Any student who is more than 20 minutes late for class will be marked absent.
71. Absent a solution, people like Sue Godfrey will just keep on fighting.
72. It's the manager's job to organize cover for staff who are absent.
73. Jo was absent from the house all the next day.
74. The teacher supposed that the absent pupil was ill, but some of his friends suspected he was playing truant.
75. There were several other people absent that afternoon, weren't there? Mr Ashton for one.
76. The teacher has called to know if the students who were absent for the week have any difficulties.
77. I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
78. With two top players absent, our City Football Team still walked away with the game.
79. An important witness was absent when the case came up.
80. The absent - minded professor forgot to get off at Newcastle and was taken on to Edinburgh.
81. The virus develops most quickly when antibodies are absent.
82. Squash Absent Cumings faces disciplinary action.
83. Members of the Catholic church were conspicuously absent.
84. This is largely absent in today's secular society.
85. The degree of mental stimulation was absent.
86. But past controversies were conspicuously absent this weekend.
87. Detained patients absent themselves, or abscond[http://], from hospitals.
88. Strategic analysis and vision was almost totally absent.
89. Practically all moralizing is absent from Romantic drama.
90. Morality and accountability are conspicuously absent.
91. Thus, Herb Ritts is absent, perhaps with good cause.
92. It is completely absent in the rat.
93. Yet one grouping was conspicuously absent from these campaigns.
94. Disease was more or less absent from our lives.
95. How often were you absent from your previous job?
96. Half of our students were absent from class today.
97. But it is conspicuously absent so far.
98. Wetli was absent from the Monday press briefing.
99. Such feminist strengths and weaknesses are entirely absent from Bruce Arnold's book on Mainie Jellett.
100. At fifteen he ran away to sea, pursuing the myth of his absent father.
101. The seas and rivers, lakes and glaciers, are gone; the dynamic play of rain and liquid water is absent.
102. All of this suggests that while love is centred on feelings for another person, feelings for the self are never absent.
103. Such an interchange is identified as crucial for maintaining the cooperation that appears absent in adversarial Western systems.
104. Absent a definitively superior or ideal network architecture, there is no simple answer.
105. Jackson and the national media were noticeably absent from Baltimore last November, when a similar incident happened.
106. Absent from the book are any examples of how to solve the puzzles.
107. Charvet became addicted to pain killers and was often absent from trial or too heavily medicated.
108. It was Sippy Suds, his horrendous odors mysteriously absent in the cool of the night.
109. This vulnerability is completely absent from the modern media image of the imam.
110. Rosemary was frequently absent or tardy and alternated between verbally abusing her teachers and flat-out ignoring them.
111. Now, in the solace of the night, with its bullies and angry words and fists absent, I liked it.
112. Otherwise, clinical signs are absent except in the occasional case of intestinal or biliary obstruction.
113. Art occupies the centre from which nature is now absent.
114. Although the Mandate was created by agreement,[http://] treaty arguments are conspicuously absent from the Court's reasoning in these two cases.
115. Although collectors have been the traditional mainstays of this market, they had been largely absent for several seasons.
116. For example, it is absent in such diverse conditions as constipation, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and thoracic spinal cord injuries.
117. Positive images of sexually active fat women are absent from both mainstream and alternative media.
118. Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent.
119. Memories of the synagogue are also few, and its uplifting worship ceremonial almost completely absent.
120. Instead, there is always freshness and a delight in storytelling all too often absent from weighty academic history.
121. Of course such features are never totally absent in experimental work.
122. Splenomegaly, ascites, and extrahepatic symptoms of chronic liver disease were notably absent.
123. If you're absent more than five times, you fail the course.
124. The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse. Benjamin Franklin 
125. There is also a growing sense of dismay that attempts to contain and control corporate crime are largely absent or ineffectual.
126. Mr Howe has no such reassurance, particularly with Gallacher absent for five games and no immediate sign of a return.
127. He was so dangerously persuasive - and it would be all too convenient to blame everything on the absent Miss Philimore.
128. Such a statement of principle is notably absent from the Government's proposals.
129. A consideration of the cultural context of such concept formations is largely absent from his work.
130. Jack Lemmon, his longtime amateur partner, will be absent after 23 consecutive unsuccessful attempts to make the pro-am cut.
131. Many invertebrates, such as crayfish, can not survive without a certain level of calcium, and are completely absent.
132. The bitterness of repeated daily confrontation with left-wing majorities has given them a steeliness entirely absent from the old-fashioned candidates.
133. This includes parents, students, and the incumbent workers themselves-whose voices are noticeably absent in shaping many school-to-work initiatives.
134. The inflammatory cells were absent in the colonic mucosa of Crohn's disease patients examined in remission.
135. Science subjects and laboratories were almost entirely absent, and applied science was the province of artisan workers, not gentlemen.
136. In soft-bodied insect larvae, where the appendages are reduced or absent, locomotion occurs through quite different physical mechanisms.
137. Strangely, nobody said anything, but the culprit has been notably absent from subsequent holidays.
138. The Adkinson children were absent from school about a dozen times last fall.
139. But Owens was absent because her father was admitted to the hospital.
140. Such geographic constraints were initially absent from the block grant program.
141. Dave Libbey, another top-flight ref, has been conspicuously absent since his return from an early season injury.
142. There will be anarchical aspects of organizations, but order is not completely absent.
143. I knew little of psychology but enough to be aware of the impact on the unformed ego of an absent father.
144. This authority also often gave details absent from others' booklets.
145. It can also influence learned and voluntary reactions to visual stimuli when the visual cortex is absent.
146. True, local business is not entirely absent but on the whole,[] foreign operators have been the first to benefit.
147. The Democratic leadership in Congress, which was noticeably absent at the signing ceremony, fought the measure.
148. Stories of substance, new and old alike, are often conspicuously absent.
149. But I had a friend in Radio 3: so thanks, ghostly and absent companion.
150. Government works best under the glare of public scrutiny. Absent such scrutiny, abuses occur. Stephen Hawking 
151. Women are either absent, or present fulfilling for the most part the roles which were assigned to women in that society.
152. In this whole scandal one figure is largely absent: St Martin.
153. Competition is healthy. Especially when all your competitors are unhealthy, and hopefully sick and absent during the competition. Jarod Kintz 
154. Feminist arguments in favour of day nurseries were also conspicuously absent.
155. In other words, many of the snobby, clubby vibes that tend to waft around conventional classical music are absent.
156. He challenges the orthodox view that elderly people turn to formal agencies for help only when informal support is absent or inadequate.
157. For some reason, Young's name was absent from the list.
158. In which case, may I suggest it is the absent father the authorities should be haranguing.
159. Furthermore diarrhoea or weight loss were absent in a considerable proportion of infected patients.
160. There are many reasons why women might be unwilling to name the absent parent.
161. Salomon Brothers, slow to learn about take-overs and largely absent from the junk bond market, missed the bonanza.
162. They may fear to extend love and acceptance to the new partner as it seems a betrayal of the absent parent.
163. Lucy arranged to absent herself from the expedition to allow Maggie to be alone with Phillip.
164. Six of these manuscripts include passages absent from the other ten at the beginning and the end of the text.
165. A pause: the speaker, though absent from our midst(), has a fine grasp of the audience.
166. The rivalry and interaction between advanced capitalist economies is a feature of this theoretical framework which is absent from world-system theories.
167. His absence bloomed in her until she grew absent herself, preternaturally agreeable.
168. Ferric iron in the form of magnetite is abundant, and metal is completely absent.
169. For women this is good news, because they are conspicuously absent from the Official Future.
170. But if direct partisan considerations are largely absent from the process, wider concerns of suitability are not.
171. Matilda was still ranting and raving against the absent Earl for getting himself captured.
172. While the boss was absent everyone started taking very long lunchbreaks.
173. Rison was conspicuously absent from much of the Jaguars' game plan.
174. Equally,[] she was absent herself; naturally enough - she had been the photographer.
175. If the rest of the sustaining biosphere were absent, gardens would wither.
176. To capture the truth of the object then, the poem argues, the object must be absent.
177. Practically all moralizing is absent from this play as it is from Romantic theater.
178. But what was noticeably absent was any serious intra-group rivalry.
179. And, once again, the big names have been conspicuously absent from the upper half of the performance table.
180. The leaf-tissue is absent and the entire leaf is formed to a pattern of minute windows, giving the appearance of lace.
181. Now there is talk of recruiting blacks and Latinos, traditionally absent from the higher union ranks, to more prominent positions.
182. The little birds had assumed the roles of birds that were absent from the area.
183. Not all the notions concerning sacrifice are entirely absent from our lives.
184. He cited a host of causes, from media violence to absent parents to drugs.
185. Requiring this investment will give absent fathers incentive to take a more active personal interest in their children as well.
186. Traffic is horrendous, walking dangerous and any semblance of natural beauty largely absent.
187. This is something manifestly absent from all computer systems that have been constructed to date.
188. Almost entirely absent from many existing school-to-work efforts are the voices of students and parents.
189. Intelligence did not figure. largely in anything he did and was often conspicuously absent.
190. It will not be desired to find all people who absent themselves without leave.
191. I told each one just how his buddy had drug him over the coals when he was absent.
192. Morris's ideas still provoke tension in the Clinton White House(), even if Morris is absent from the inner circle.
193. But Shell argues that although it has an obligation to the communities, so has the government, which is largely absent.
194. Allister, Kane, and Dodds have also been noticeably absent from public confrontations.
195. There were many tracks all going the same way, each searching for a firmness absent from the rest.
196. A major food source of squirrels and many finches is totally absent this year.
197. In colonic neuropathies contractions were present, but their gastrocolonic response was absent and there were fewer HAPCs.
198. Evidence for that seems remarkably thin, though not entirely absent.
199. Be either late or absent and the thirty-day clock begins all over again.
200. That use of the passive in written language which allows non-attribution of agency is typically absent from conversational speech.
201. Are suspended pupils to be counted as absent or temporarily off-roll?
202. Conspicuously absent was Mr Ruslan Khasbulatov, the abrasive and ambitious Speaker, whose manoeuvring led to the latest crisis.
203. About 190 questionnaires were completed on the campus, with an additional 250 names and addresses of absent colleagues submitted.
204. We assume that contractions were totally absent or failed to occlude the intestinal lumen.sentencedict .com
205. And following breakdown every effort should be made to ensure supportive continuity of contact between the child and the absent parent.
206. Barras conducted a number of interviews that bear moving witness to the long shadow cast by absent fathers.
207. The charm - that demon glitter of narrowed eyes which had given the lie to all previous insults - was conspicuously absent.
208. The evidence for the next higher stage is not entirely absent but, in this case, it is indirect.
209. I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.
210. Seeds subglobose or ovoid, smooth; caruncle and aril absent.
211. Efficiency is paramount at Kura: absent are the traditional sushi chefs and their painstaking attention to detail. In their place are sushi-making robots and an emphasis on efficiency.
212. But , up to now the software development environment which is mature and acceptant has been absent.
213. Default judgment meant that the court judgment when one party was absent from the trial.
214. Even though his father was absent for virtually all his life, Obama writes, "My father's voice had nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval.
215. Delayed self-pollination by curvature of stigma-lobes occurs in flowers of Kosteletzkya virginica, when pollinators are scarce or absent.
216. He stained his military record by going AWOL [ a. w . o . l . = absent without official leave ] .
217. Absent, too, are the exorbitant prices of conventional sushi restaurants. At a Kura, a sushi plate goes for 100 yen, or about $1.22.
218. But in the group of resecting intercostobrachial nerve, 3 patients have axillary absent sweating, 18 patients have anesthesia, 4 patients have burning sensation, and 9 patients have hypoaesthesia.
219. In view of a few likelihood by cankered person the website making friend that use is absent " blacklist " on, alarm make the most of of minor of the appeal that inspect hall " Bai Ming is odd " means.
220. Physical condition is normal. Ocular examination reveals defect of the accommodation and convergence. Near constriction of the pupil is absent while light reflex is normal.
221. In such conditions, only highly deleterious genes be absent from the set of cloned genes.
222. In silicotic collagen the active stable free radical was absent.
223. The results showed that the Ca content in mesocarp parenchyma cells of calcium deficient peanuts was absent, "filling matter" was little and breakable.
224. Absent, too, are the exorbitant prices of conventional sushi restaurants.
225. The skin that what method does not let him is absent anile?
226. The centriole lies outside the nucleus of animal cells and many fungal and protoctist cells, but is absent in cells of most higher plants.
227. An untended lawn or garden can signal an absent owner.
228. Absent was the public bickering over economic stimulus versus regulation that had plagued the runup to their session.
229. One day you might be writing excuses for your own children when they're late or absent or up to some devilment .
230. Imaging findings include an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland, most conspicuously seen on sagittal T1 or T2 weighted images.
231. On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent.
232. The nasal bone was absent in 43 of 59 (73%) trisomy 21 fetuses and in three of 603 (0.5%) fetuses with normal karyotype.
233. If the quit rate is exogenous and the quit penalty associated with training is absent, the contracted employees would like to accept lower wages in order to gain more training.
234. Auditory neuropathy, or dyssynchrony, is defined by an abnormal or absent auditory brainstem response but intact otoacoustic emissions or cochlear microphonics.
235. If part B absent from class and do not apply to leave, part A will not pay for the unworked period.
236. In type A, the warty layer is absent or rare in pit chamber and in type B, the warty layer is present, in this paper, the variation in phylogeny of the pit membrane in bordered pits is also discussed.
237. Efficiency is paramount at Kura: absent are the traditional sushi chefs and their painstaking attention to detail.
238. The Basiji paramilitary force , armed plainclothes militia, were absent for most the day.
239. The disturbance of self-regard is absent in mourning; but otherwise the features are the same.




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