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单词 frontiersman
释义  Related topics: Geographyfron·tiers·man /ˈfrʌntɪəzmən $ frʌnˈtɪrz-/ noun (plural frontiersmen /-mən/) [countable]  SGa man who lived on the American frontier, especially in the 19th century 〔尤指19世纪美国的〕边远地区居民;边疆开拓者Examples from the Corpusfrontiersman• Billy the Kid worked as a cowboy, but he was more a townie than a frontiersman.• In doing so, he relies heavily on the work of ethno-botanist and psychedelic frontiersman Terence McKenna.• Smith, Poul Anderson, and other science fiction authors are solitary frontiersmen and rugged individualists.• The frontiersman heroes such as Davy Crockett no longer excite our moral support.• Others became refugees and provided the Habsburgs with some of their frontiersmen.fron·tiers·man nounChineseSyllable  a especially man American on frontier, Corpus who lived in the




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