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单词 fritter
释义  frit·ter1 /ˈfrɪtə $ -ər/ verb  1 fritter something ↔ away phrasal verb POINTLESSto waste time, money, or effort on something small or unimportant 〔在微不足道的事情上〕浪费〔时间、金钱或力气〕 on He frittered away a fortune on fast cars and gambling. 他买跑车、赌博,挥霍了很多钱。fritter2 noun [countable]  1 DFDa thin piece of fruit, vegetable, or meat covered with a mixture of eggs and flour and cooked in hot fat 〔以水果、蔬菜或肉作馅的〕油炸馅饼apple/corn/banana etc fritter 油炸苹果/玉米/香蕉等馅饼Examples from the Corpusfritter• apple fritters• Using a fish slice, transfer the cooked fritters to paper towels to drain.• They can also be prepared in eggy fritters.• Oil foamed around the islands of fritters, heat escaped through their centers to the pimpled surface.• This is an updated version of the recipe for Passover fritters passed down in her family.• These fritters are especially delicious with stewed prunes with orange juice as an accompaniment, if desired.• Turn fritters constantly and cook for approximately 5 minutes.Origin fritter2 (1300-1400) French friture, from Latin frigere; → FRY1frit·ter1 verbfritter2 nounChineseSyllable  time, money, something small or on Corpus to effort waste or




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