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单词 fresh
释义 Word family  noun freshness refreshment refreshments refresher adjective fresh refreshing refreshed verb freshen refresh adverb freshly freshingly refreshingly  Related topics: Naturefresh1 /freʃ/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  new 新的NEW adding to or replacing something 新的;新做的;新增的 I’ll just make some fresh coffee. 我来重新煮点咖啡。 The report provides fresh evidence about the way the business was run. 报告提供了有关该公司运营方式的新证据。 You’ll have to start again on a fresh sheet of paper. 你得拿张新的纸重新开始。► see thesaurus at new2  new and interesting 新且有趣的 good or interesting because it has not been done, seen etc before 新颖的,独创的 Ryan will bring a fresh approach to the job. 瑞安将带来一种新的工作方法。 We need some fresh ideas. 我们需要一些新的想法。 Let’s take a fresh look at the problem. 我们换个角度来看这个问题吧。3  recent 近来的 done, experienced, or having happened recently 新近的 There were fresh fox tracks around the hen huts. 鸡窝周围有狐狸刚刚留下的足迹。 The accident was still fresh in her mind. 对这起事故她仍然记忆犹新。4  a fresh start AGAINwhen you start something again in a completely new and different way after being unsuccessful 重新开始,重振旗鼓 I hope Jim and I can get back together and make a fresh start. 我希望吉姆和我能够复合,重新开始。5  food/flowers 食物/花 a) NEWfresh food has recently been picked or prepared, and is not frozen or preserved 新鲜的fresh fruit/vegetables/fish/bread etc The beans are fresh from the garden. 这些豆子是刚从园子里摘来的。 b) HBPfresh flowers have recently been picked 〔花〕新摘的6  fresh air AIRair from outside, especially clean air 〔室外的〕新鲜空气 Let’s open the windows and have some fresh air in here! 我们打开窗户,来点新鲜空气吧! → breath of fresh air at breath(2)7. fresh water fresh water contains no salt and comes from rivers and lakes 淡水 → saltwater8  taste/smell etc 味道/气味等C [usually before noun] pleasantly clean or cool 清新的;凉爽的 a fresh minty taste 清新的薄荷味 It’s a light, fresh wine. 这是种清淡的葡萄酒。9  appearance 外表 pleasant, bright, and clean 亮丽的,明的 OPP dull The kitchen is decorated in fresh blues and greens. 粉刷厨房用的是明快的蓝色和绿色。 She has brown hair, hazel eyes and a fresh complexion. 她一头棕发,绿褐色的眼睛,气色很好。10  weather 天气DN if the wind is fresh, it is quite cold and strong 〔风〕凉飕飕的 a fresh breeze 清凉的微风11  not tired 不疲倦的ENERGETIC [not usually before noun] full of energy because you are not tired 精神饱满的,精力充沛的 She always seems fresh and lively, even at the end of the day. 她看上去总是精力充沛、生气勃勃的,即使一天下来也是如此。 Despite his busy day he arrived looking as fresh as a daisy (=not tired and ready to do things). 尽管忙了一天,他到的时候仍然神采奕奕。12  fresh from something a) (also fresh out of something American English) having just finished your education or training, and not having a lot of experience 刚完成〔学业、培训等〕的 He’s fresh out of law school. 他刚从法学院毕业。 b) having just come from a particular place or experience 刚从…来;刚经历过… The team is fresh from their victory over the French. 该队刚战胜法国队。13. get/be fresh with somebody old-fashioned to behave rudely in a way which shows sexual interest, or lack of respect 对异性放肆;对某人无礼 —freshness noun [uncountable] the freshness of the early morning 清晨的清新感 the freshness and vitality of youth 年轻人的朝气与活力Examples from the Corpusfresh• If you eat garlic, have some parsley afterwards to keep your breath fresh.• Put the milk in the fridge to keep it fresh.• Do you think this meat smells fresh?• Hill's vibrant singing style makes even the old songs sound fresh.• On this the farm worker is most scathing: fresh air does not pay his electricity bill.• For a fresh approach to salad, serve Jicama-Watercress Salad.• The army is planning a fresh attempt to regain control of the capital.• Fresh berries for dessert add the final fresh touch.• a fresh breeze• I'm just going to have a shower and put on some fresh clothes.• It's surprising how a fresh coat of paint can improve the appearance of a room.• a dozen fresh eggs• Fresh fish is much more delicious than frozen.• Fresh fish tastes completely different to fish that has been frozen.• There are always fresh flowers on show.• I go to the market twice a week to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.• High school students are remarkably perceptive and fresh in their views.• Police say they are still hoping for fresh information about the missing girl.• Other revelations came from taking a fresh look at the data.• I think we need to take a fresh look at the problem.• Please start each new question on a fresh page.• Most houses on the street boast fresh paint.• Shall I make a fresh pot of coffee? This one's cold.• Blue chips as a whole struggled under that burden, which was further exacerbated by fresh selling of telecom and media issues.• The fields have such a clean, fresh smell after the rain.• Finally a juicy ripe pineapple is sliced, and six fresh sticks of sugar cane arrive.• The camp had almost run out of food when helicopters arrived with fresh supplies.• fresh vegetablesfresh approach• Each venue inspires a fresh approach.• The changing economic, political and technological environment presents management with a new set of issues, requiring fresh approaches.• Writers were poorly paid, rarely given a screen credit and never encouraged to take a fresh approach.• Ryan will bring a fresh approach and strong leadership skills to the job.• Because it was done with respect for the music, and with a fresh approach that brought it life all over again.• Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.• For a fresh approach to salad, serve Jicama-Watercress Salad.• Some fresh approach to understanding the management problems in secondary schools could be much needed after the upheavals of 1985/86.fresh fruit/vegetables/fish/bread etc• On the Tuesday, the visitors moved to the Brisbane Hotel at Largs and found the breakfast buffet always included fresh fruit.• What advantage did Grimsby have over Hull for the distribution of fresh fish?• Inmates are allowed two pieces of fresh fruit a week bought from another allowance of 20p.• We could order meals from outside and buy fresh fruits, candies, and toiletries.• I could get fresh fish from the quay if I hurried.• A big bowl of salad, some crusty bread and fresh fruit is all you would need to serve alongside.• During the day I drink only mineral water, fresh fruit juice, coffee or tea.• I'd like to give them fresh fruit, whereas the good food has to be limited.fresh complexion• To qualify for the competition entrants should have a clear, fresh complexion and be between three and nine years old.fresh breeze• No-one spoke for five minutes as they both glorified in the sun and the light fresh breeze.• The wind dropped from a screaming, gusting gale to a fresh breeze.• Dole is no fresh breeze blowing in from the hinterland to shake things up.• He opened the window and a light fresh breeze clutched at the curtains.• A fresh breeze curled the tops of the waves into tiny frills of foam that glistened white on the sapphire sea.• Her head dropped forward but she did not hear the barrel being opened until a fresh breeze struck her.• A fresh breeze swept the summit.• The smell was terrible, despite the fresh breezes wafting in from the fresh as a daisy• Victorious crews normally look as fresh as daisies, while the losers collapse.fresh2 adverb  1  fresh-made/fresh-cut/fresh-grated etc especially American English recently made, cut etc 新做的/新切的/现磨的等 fresh-ground coffee 新磨的咖啡2  be fresh out of something American English spokenENOUGH to have just used your last supplies of something 刚用完某物 I’m fresh out of beer. Will you take a cola instead? 啤酒刚喝没了,可乐你要吗?Origin fresh (1200-1300) Old French freisfresh1 adjectivefresh2 adverbChinese   to something replacing adding or Corpus




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