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1. We shall classify these subjects under three topics.
2. She steered the conversation to more general topics.
3. The topics get harder later in the course.
4. The speaker ended by suggesting some topics for discussion.
5. The exhibition is structured around three topics.
6. The teaching is structured around three topics.
7. Her lecture ranged over a number of topics.
8. His lecture ranged over a number of topics.
9. What topics are under debate in Congress this week?
10. They touched many topics in the meeting.
11. Their conversation ranged over two topics.
12. The article covered a wide range of topics.
13. The book covers such diverse topics as snorkelling and first aid.
14. There are certain topics of conversation that are impermissible in polite society.
15. Our discussion ranged over various topics,[/TOPICS.html] such as acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer.
16. The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.
17. Some topics appeared interesting enough to require more detailed information.
18. The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course.
19. He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candor.
20. The conversation had ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs.
21. Don't revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others.
22. Write a paragraph on each of the topics given below.
23. These courses are based around topics of general interest .
24. Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.
25. Resist the temptation to discuss topics that are not strictly relevant to the essay question.
26. He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
27. Students are given the freedom to choose their own topics.
28. These debates have made a successful series, mostly because of well-chosen speakers and lively topics.
29. I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.
30. They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics.
1. We shall classify these subjects under three topics.
2. She steered the conversation to more general topics.
3. Don't revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others.
4. He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
31. The main topics were environmental management and marine pollution.
32. Specialist books on these topics need to be consulted.
33. Any one document covers a number of different topics.
34. Private collections also simplify research in some topics.
35. Opportunity was given for other topics to be raised.
36. British politicians tend to steer clear of religious topics.
37. To avoid ugly scenes, choose neutral topics for discussion.
38. You can also buy additional video clips on topics ranging from sci-fi to nostalgia.
39. In ocean dynamics studies, important topics are heat storage, circulation and the role of sea ice.
40. The main topics covered are finance, health and leisure, together with the social aspects of adjusting to retirement.
41. They investigate specific topics, with the aid of specialist advisers, and have issued some influential reports.
42. Now they are more likely to do research on narrow topics like arms control.
43. He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography,[] intellectual property and cognitive theory.
44. Rear Admiral Bruce Richardson will be on hand to discuss defence and related topics.
45. Our engineers described how their male colleagues had problems finding topics of social conversation outside work.
46. On all the major topics listed under the Programme for Survival no progress towards any international agreement or solution was made.
47. These topics are studied through active discussion in seminar groups.
48. This book achieves a sensible coverage of topics which should satisfy the majority of its audience.
49. On Sept. 11 Kravchuk met leaders of opposition groups, when topics under discussion included a transitional government and a new constitution.
50. Also excluded are the currently fashionable workshops and seminars on such provocative topics as diversity, group sensitivity, and gender politics.
51. Blocks may represent physical entities, topics, concepts, decisions, actions or processes.
52. They suggested that some of these topics are too difficult for pupils in the range studied in this project.
53. It is this second problem, plus some related topics, that we will consider in this article.
54. Hall displays, brightly colored and often prepared by students, let everyone in on the topics at hand.
55. The conference extended awareness and interest in the specified topics within Britain.
56. The list of prescribed topics may look formidable, but not all need to be covered in depth.
57. Topic work Certain common linking topics or themes may be chosen for humanities-driven work.
58. Some of these topics have been touched on in S1 and S2 but receive a fuller treatment in the Standard Grade course.
59. Possible Future Seminars Please tick if you would be interested in attending a seminar on any of the following topics.
60. The service currently receives over 790O enquiries a year from members on a wide range of topics.
61. Only ask questions on these topics if there is something you are genuinely unsure of and need to clarify.
62. Topics are likely to be examined only from the viewpoints held within the individual disciplines.
63. Donovan, of course, is telling stories or offering his thoughts on such heavy topics as the do-rag.
64. There are certain topics about which I have nothing to say, and they covered almost every one of them that night.
65. These topics are typically the subject matter of multilateral treaties which define mutually accepted uniform standards.
66. Chapter 6 considers the question of how tasks can be assigned to levels within and between topics.
67. People's reaction to loss remains one of society's least understood and most off limits topics for discussion.
68. It encourages discussion of important topics that are vital to the long-term health of our society.
69. He also published papers on social topics and had a great interest in historical metallurgy.
70. It is as if within the wider panorama particular topics become a focus of especial attention.
71. Their topics of conversation seemed very limited compared to what we talked about at home.
72. This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.
72. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
73. Every organization routinely communicates with its employees about a variety of topics.
74. Clinical topics on psychiatric and neurological disorders will also be covered.
75. The writing stage, when topics and questions are actually put down, can be quite a salutary experience.
76. In theory this sounds quite unrealistic but the worker is reassured that none of these topics need be committed to memory.
77. They also run conferences and seminars and provide in-house training and consultancy services on a range of specialist topics.
78. It helps children to explore their gradually expanding world through topics that are relevant and interesting.
79. A possible list of topics for inclusion in a suitable course is suggested below.
80. Terms should be introduced, as appropriate, to allow teachers and pupils to discuss the topics set out below.
81. Further meeting time is allotted to assess the topics after they have been taught.
82. It was not unusual for topics such as mating to be discussed at the breakfast table despite Cora-Beth's presence!
83. Love voted for exclusion and concerned himself with related topics.
84. Textbooks on research methods rarely mention the problems that arise when undertaking research on controversial topics or conducting it in sensitive locations.
85. Since this book is geared toward chemists, it would have been particularly appealing to see much more information on these topics.
86. The tests used covered a number of topics and were not specifically related to the curriculum.
87. During S2 the same topics are studied but in more detail and greater emphasis is placed on accuracy and presentation.
88. Hughes writes on a number of social problem topics, but at least some of this is in response to specific invitations.
89. Finally, in the fourth section I will cover a few miscellaneous topics which I think may be of interest.
90. Having his own show gives Williams wide latitude to discuss controversial topics.
91. There is a range of topics requiring little more than the ability to recognise and identify the prey being attacked.
92. Or you might benefit from courses or seminars in topics such as strategic planning, writing, or effective communication.
93. The second project focuses on renewable energy research, and covers such topics as solar, biogas, mini-hydro and geothermal energy.
94. Clinton addressed a range of topics during his 20-minute meeting with reporters.
95. She tends to choose safe, politically acceptable topics for her films.
96. The subheading topics suggested in the research proposal outline do not represent the final work in proposal writing.
97. Pupils soon grow weary of a parade of historical topics selected solely because they appear to have a popular appeal or relevance.
98. I decided to rearrange it by main topics and then subheadings.
99. Chemometrics and analytical data extraction are the main topics covered in the computer corner.
100. It also presupposes the possibility of meaningful references to different topics of discourse.
101. In order to facilitate visual connections we have limited the range of topics or genres in each chapter.
102. And art and music appreciation are taught in the humanities classes as those topics naturally arise through the students' studies.
102. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
103. How do themes emerge, develop, attract popular sociological interest and become acceptable topics of empirical research?
104. On these three topics the various works are all agreed apart from minor variations.
105. An ordinance not limited to the favored topics, for example, would have precisely the same beneficial effect.
106. This versatile book combines communicative activities with information on topics as varied as national customs, food, and the generation gap.
107. The combination of smoother style and slight changes of substance has allowed Britain to build different alliances on different topics.
108. Do we really need lots of people sitting around pondering on research topics that are of little benefit to man or beast?
109. The film should reinforce existing knowledge and then introduce further topics, concepts and principles.
110. Can teachers be punished for discussing topics or distributing materials that are not relevant?
111. She always chose safe, politically acceptable topics for her films[], she says.
112. This study will also take into account choices between alternative methods and the selection of topics and sites for investigation.
113. Both of these topics lie in a future somewhat beyond the early lunar-base era covered in this chapter.
114. Topics include listening to lectures, effective reading, discussion skills, writing assignments and examination answers.
115. The course includes following topics - thermodynamics, kinetics, solution chemistry, organic chemistry, transition metals and metal extraction.
116. Alternatively, general categories or headings are established and topics listed under these headings.
117. Topics will include land problems, development projects, health and education, women's groups, peasant cooperatives and democratic congresses.
118. An electronic publishing course for undergraduate computer scientists needs to cover a significantly wider range of topics.
119. Shrewsbury Crown Court heard that the two men discussed no other topics and Browning, 36, left.
120. On his radio show, Bill Gordon answers questions of general interest on automotive topics.
121. Recent topics include career guidance, parenthood and the AIDS epidemic.
122. The book covers such topics as business strategy and marketing as well as quality assurance and accreditation strategies.
123. Experts will cover topics such as disaster planning for pets and pet first aid, as well as horse nutrition and care.
124. In addition it is divided into regional and subject groups which organize meetings on a wide variety of topics.
125. Sometimes, these topics are even handled by sensitive writers who put them into a context that invites debate and reflection.
126. Other topics on which findings are ambiguous are the effects on leisure activity, crime, and degree of dependence on parents.
127. Topics covered include news and feature writing, fiction, writing for children and for the new reading public.
128. Topics are extremely varied and are often viewed from unusual angles.
129. The book contains a number of excellent reviews on a wide range of important topics.
130. Both courses claimed to cover all topics, except Syllabus Design which was only covered by one.
131. This has its problems, but it does allow a quick response to members' requests for topics.
132. deserves a special mention, because unlike most directories,[http:///TOPICS.html] is a topics are and by expert guides.
133. Here's a list of possible topics for your next essay.
134. The participating States also envisage holding future seminars on topics of mutual interest.
135. Newspapers and magazines carry extensive coverage of diet and health topics and diet books are among the best sellers.
136. The information collected was subsequently published; three topics are of particular interest.
137. Others are conducting their discussions on World Wide Web sites devoted to particular topics.
138. Try to make relevant connections between different topics, both within and between your class subjects.
139. General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
140. New language is presented and practised with every opportunity given for students to talk about themselves and topics which interest them.
141. Each core has a particular set of topics for consideration each year, and students find ways to explore these in depth.
142. Are children writing on their own important topics most of the time?
143. It is remarkable how this interest extends even to topics which do not seem related to the main themes of his studies.
144. He chats to people in the field, remembers faces, and will pick up on topics discussed in a previous conversation.
145. Within a single volume a range of topics is covered that will also be of interest to a wider readership.
146. Frank was a stimulating conversationalist with up-to-date views on current topics.
147. The interviewer uses a checklist to ensure that specific areas are covered, requesting explanations or introducing new topics as necessary.
148. No, I did not raise the topics of the previous evening; some nurturing is better accepted without reservation.
149. In the first instance, more reading and thought will be necessary in order to satisfactorily cover the topics.
150. They complained that they were often bored by repeating the same topics during their 11 years of compulsory science lessons.
151. The dictionary's articles cover a wide range of topics connected with the ecumenical movement.
152. It is enough to point out that they remain highly disputed topics of debate in the philosophy of science.
153. These aim at implanting basic skills and making students acquainted with some fundamental topics and some classic philosophical texts.
154. The range of topics covered and the nature of the professional development activities undertaken are detailed in 2.2.2.
155. Such briefing on security topics was a matter of routine when a new minister took office.
156. Subsequent lessons can further develop the same conversation, or can tackle different topics. b. Phonological features.
157. Potential authors should also feel free to approach the Series Editor with suggested topics for Monographs.
158. Many scores of pages are devoted to these topics and the general reader will need to keep a bookmark in the footnotes.
159. Moreover, the topics modeling of times series, possibilities of forecasting and statistical control of such models are included.
160. Many topics may arise from such conversations, many happy and formative memories can be rekindled.
161. Throughout, emphasises creative language use. Among topics covered: dress, technology, telecommunications, transport, meetings.
162. On the one hand,[] there are many topics that could be experimented on that are barred by ethical considerations.
163. Chapter 8 treats the educational disadvantages of women amongst other topics.
164. Before embarking on these widely different topics, however, it is essential to consider volcanoes in their global setting.
165. The introductory chapter covers a wide range of topics, but disappointingly does not give a very good overview of the techniques.
166. All the topics covered would have to be placed in context but there would be no, say, comparative studies.
167. There seems to be almost no discussion of the above topics apart from at the most superficial level.
168. Excellent source of reference material on a large range of topics, with good quality graphics and sound.
169. The variation across topics showed a spread of 13 to 63 percent.
170. It was agreed that capital and corporal punishment should not be volunteered for the list of topics to be projected.
171. Interviews done in the week after the shows aired found dramatic increases in awareness and understanding of medical issues surrounding both topics.
172. Our argument for the importance of considering individual speaker's topics in conversational discourse would consequently be weaker.
173. Taxes and the budget are obvious topics as Republicans fashion an economic agenda for the national convention.
174. During his first term at Oxford Hooton received long letters on a wide range of topics.
175. Whatever breakdown is chosen, the course content must address all the ensuing topics.
176. These three books cover that same spectrum while discussing widely disparate topics.
177. Topics can be revisited, when pupils are capable of greater understanding and a more sophisticated approach.
178. Placido Domingo will release an album that deals solely with the topics of losing your job and your girl.
179. On local training evenings, several topics are covered including project management, quality management, creative thinking and body language.
180. A number of important topics will be on the agenda for discussion.
181. Apparently topics like these are just what the teenage television-viewing public want.
182. In this chapter we will take up the first two topics, which constitute a major portion of semantics.
183. People made conversation with her, avoiding awkward topics like her marriage.
184. Unlike many other topics in pragmatics, implicature does not have an extended history.
185. He reads and digests material on a vast range of topics and picks the brains of most of the leading authorities.
186. The World Around Us Fascinating topics for young learners ranging from blood banks to deserts.
187. Many of the topics they raise during this election campaign do not interest us at all.
188. Today it is common practice to let children choose their own topics for writing.
189. Dissociated from each other, the various topics were likely to be perceived as fragmentary accounts of practical and procedural matters.
190. Data subjects could include sports, stocks, weather, traffic, entertainment listings and narrower topics for specialized audiences.
191. De Boer has produced an equally stimulating epilogue, collating well the topics in the book into an integrating conservation framework.
192. As well as verifying centres' assessments,[] our verifiers offer support and advice on assessment and other topics during their visits.
193. Related topics For some account of the way that newspapers and television discuss immigration issues, see chapter 10, section 10.2.
194. One of the topics for discussion will be whether Boro should take on a paid employee.
195. We shall examine this effect of individual speaker's topics in the next section.
196. This meeting broadened the scope of the program by including topics which initially appeared to be too advanced for the developing countries.
197. Interviews were the obvious method for researching the interlinked topics of gender identity and subject specialization.
198. Structural geology is covered well and, among applied topics, so too is engineering geology.
199. Opportunities for joint supervision with members of staff from these bodies are available when suitable candidates with appropriate research topics present themselves.
200. Interviews(), assertiveness techniques and use of the telephone are among topics covered.
201. In fact, their relations with the parties they serve sharply restrict their ability to tackle controversial topics.
202. They found that 50 economic appraisals had been published, covering a wide range of topics.
203. He has already sparred with Michael Bates on virtually all topics.
204. This time is taken up with the conventional homeroom topics: announcements and the like.
205. And no doubt other authors would have chosen a different balance of topics - more invertebrates and light vertebrates perhaps.
206. Also contributing to the turmoil recently has been growing criticism that the talk shows focus on sleazy topics.
207. Extras: The stripped-down presentation accommodates add-on titles delivering vocabulary and facts about related topics.
208. As you said, it's creating a space for discussing topics that really preoccupy people.
209. Exposure drafts of ethical guidance on those topics have just been the subject of extensive consultation.
210. The editorial team have tried to achieve a balance between matters which are of major concern to staff and some lighthearted topics.
211. Assertiveness, stress management and time management are topics covered annually by a professional tutor on national training days.
212. Some briefings even lay down the report structure and main topics to be covered.
213. Appian Way, for instance, offer data disks that can conduct searches and produce material relevant to specific topics.
214. One of the most important topics is how to plan your finances for a comfortable retirement.
215. The aim of the project is to analyse the effects of changes in the funding climate on innovatory research topics.
216. The software it runs allows you to create topics, post messages, exchange mail and download software.
217. These are specialised and, usually, original interpretations of major topics based upon detailed, extensive researching of primary sources.
218. Certain health education topics such as bereavement, child abuse and education for parenthood were omitted by large numbers of schools.
219. Leaflets on HIV/AIDS, donor insemination and other topics are available.
220. There is often a cluster of topics around a subject or theme.
221. She figured the awkward silence was partly the result of people believing that only big topics were worthy of being discussed.
222. Those attending will look to you, the chairman,[] to limit or control the amount of time spent on various topics.
223. There can be as much discussion as is required and students can be directed to known sources of topics.
224. In its report, Topics 2000, the researchers have chronicled great natural disasters stretching back over the past 1,000 years.
225. Some channels are obviously dedicated to specific topics, for example, but most are merely informal chat limes.
226. And in fact there are also topics to be drawn from the elements of the story - such as youth unemployment or divorce.
227. They provide expertise across a wide range of topics while allowing the students to contribute to the year-to-year developments in experimental techniques.
228. The units may be mixed and matched with topics already being delivered in early stages to provide a scientific context.
229. Some additional topics, a degree of reorganisation and a tighter mode of exposition enhance the value of this excellent book.
230. Can an underground newspaper be banned for discussing controversial or unpopular topics?
231. At the seminar three working parties discussed different topics: Physico-chemical characterisation of exposures.
232. It is difficult to evade the dominant culture's stranglehold on these topics.
233. They know that what they have learned came about through extended effort, in concert with others, on topics that mattered.
234. It is particularly interested in fashionable mainstream topics, like attribution theory and new technology.
235. Most, however, felt that such practices were not topics to be made available for public scrutiny.
236. Particular emphasis on socially oriented topics, such as receiving visitors, making visits, appointments, entertainment and business travel.
237. This sequence of topics begins with a very general statement and continue to narrow down to very specific detailed material.
238. These come from many sources - school groups, horticulture clubs, students etc. and cover many topics.
239. This applies often to even the most substantial essays on literary personalities or topics.
240. Both of these edited volumes contain a number of relevant and clearly written papers on a variety of specific topics.
241. These topics are important, but instrumental analytical chemistry plays an essential role in analysis these days and needs better coverage.
242. Two invited speakers address topics of current theological interest, leading to discussion and debate.
243. Once the topics are agreed, questions will be asked which will fill in the finer points of the hypotheses.
244. We will classify these subjects under three topics.
245. Topics enable you to organize your portal site's content by subject areas.
246. Graduate students are encouraged to study these three topics astrophysicsand plasma physics.
246. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
247. Other topics include deregulation and restructuring in the electric power industry.
248. Generally speaking, the professional course has several big elaboration topics frequently.
249. Self - enhancement researches were important topics of personal and social psychology.
250. The subject can be spilt in the usual way into macroeconomic and microeconomic topics.
251. Environmental education is intended to give these topics more coherence.
252. The bank also collects and disseminates information on macroeconomic topics and international monetary affairs.
253. Equivalence translation is one of the topics disputed about the translation theories.
254. This couple of seemingly disparate topics have something in common.
255. In his lecture Riemann covered an enormous variety of topics.




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