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单词 frequency
释义 Word family  noun frequency ≠ infrequency adjective frequent ≠ infrequent verb frequent adverb frequently ≠ infrequently  Related topics: Broadcasting, Physics, Communicationsfre·quen·cy /ˈfriːkwənsi/ ●●○ noun (plural frequencies)  1  [uncountable]OFTEN the number of times that something happens within a particular period of time or within a particular group of people 发生的频率,发生率frequency of the frequency of serious road accidents 重大道路交通事故的发生率the high/low frequency (of something) the higher frequency of diabetes in older people 老年人中较高的糖尿病发病率 Side effects from prescribed drugs are being reported with increasing frequency (=more and more often). 处方药的副作用正越来越频繁地被报道出来。 The relative frequency of fraternal twins has halved since 1950. 自1950年以来,异卵双胞胎的相对出生率下降了一半。2  [uncountable]OFTEN the fact that something happens a lot 频繁 SYN regularity Businesses come and go with alarming frequency. 商家开张停业惊人地频繁。3  [countable, uncountable] technicalTCB the number of radio waves, sound waves etc that pass any point per second 〔无线电波、声波等的〕频率 This station broadcasts on three different frequencies. 这家电台以三种不同的频率广播。high/low frequency Dolphins produce a high frequency sound. 海豚发出的声音频率很高。 the frequency range of the human ear 人耳听得见的频率范围Examples from the Corpusfrequency• Listeners used two crystal sets tuned to the corresponding frequencies.• It may be possible to identify two or more teaching styles based on different frequencies of use of the activity groups.• The high frequency of cases of diarrhoea is attributable to poor food hygiene.• Crimes of this type are happening with increasing frequency.• Divorces are being initiated with more frequency by women.• The transmitter offers thousands of radio frequency coded options for maximum security.• It can also be seen that there is a negligible relationship between relative frequency and coverage.• In many cases such measurements may not be available with spatial and temporal sampling frequencies that meet the demands of research programmes.• Since then, police have been listening in to the frequency used by the gang.• The frequency with which they make them varies.• The frequency of mining accidents has steadily decreased over the past 20 years.frequency of• There is a higher frequency of diabetes in older people.• We are concerned about the frequency of crime in the area.with alarming frequency• They changed with alarming frequency and ranged from the sweet to the sadistic.• Businesses come and go with alarming frequency.• The matter is now closed; the explanation is plausible, it happens with alarming frequency on both sides.• The Government have used the guillotine in a way that no other Government have - with alarming frequency and absolute severity.• Bullets bounced off the rock with alarming frequency as he tried to get a look at the situation.high/low frequency• High gain is achieved at low frequencies through incorporation of several differential stages of amplification.• These signals may have been less predictive of the outcome because they occurred at higher frequencies at earlier stages in the conflicts.• When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.• This gives the tape more headroom for high frequencies.• Sports participants have much higher frequencies of participation than do participants in other leisure activities such as the arts.• Loss of high frequencies is usually unnoticed until sounds in the speech range are involved.• To excite an electron out of its bond requires high frequency radiation, falling in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum.• In two developing countries, the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.fre·quen·cy nounChineseSyllable  times the a that particular of within something Corpus happens number




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