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单词 frenzied
释义  fren·zied /ˈfrenzid/ adjective  EXCITEDfrenzied activity is fast and uncontrolled, usually because it is done by someone feeling very anxious or excited 狂乱的;疯狂的;异常激动的 A woman was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack on her home tonight. 今晚一名女子在家中遭遇疯狂袭击,被刺身亡。 frenzied efforts to find a solution 寻求解决办法的疯狂努力 —frenziedly adverbExamples from the Corpusfrenzied• It was at least five minutes before the crowd's frenzied applause died down.• Many of the deals struck in this frenzied atmosphere are sure to go sour eventually, sending more companies to the brink.• Was this enough reason to encourage such frenzied attacks?• This led to frenzied buying orders.• In this one, a frenzied crowd seemed to be dismantling two locomotives made of rubber.frenzied attack• He was certainly the subject of a frenzied attack.• Julie fell dead beneath a tree, its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack.• Was this enough reason to encourage such frenzied attacks?• He was stabbed 8 times in the lungs and intestines in a frenzied attack at the Plough pub in Bicester.fren·zied adjectiveChineseSyllable  uncontrolled, Corpus done and is frenzied usually because fast it activity is




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