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单词 watermill
释义  Related topics: Wind, water, sunwa·ter·mill /ˈwɔːtəˌmɪl $ ˈwɒːtər-, ˈwɑː-/ noun [countable]  TPWa mill that operates using water 水磨Examples from the Corpuswatermill• They claim a watermill they own will be flooded as a result.• It stands on the site of a watermill recorded in Domesday Book as belonging to the Manor of Walthamstow.• Of them all Claythorpe watermill is the one most worthy of exploration.• The old watermill was demolished a few years ago, but was active until 1960.• It contains not only a Rope Museum and Blacksmith's Shop but a working watermill too.• Running through this field is a stream which feeds a most admirably restored and fully working watermill.• Mill at work: The only working watermill in Cleveland opens to the public tomorrow.wa·ter·mill nounChineseSyllable  water Corpus a that mill operates using




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