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单词 freezing
释义 Word family  noun freeze freezer freezing antifreeze adjective freezing frozen verb freeze adverb freezing  freezing1 /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ ●●● S3 adjective, adverb  1  extremely cold 极冷的[地] It’s freezing in this house. Can’t I turn on the heating? 房子里冷极了,我不可以开暖气吗? We were freezing cold in the tent last night. 昨晚我们在帐篷里都冻僵了。2  below the temperature at which water turns to ice 冰点以下的,冰冻的 freezing fog 冰雾Examples from the Corpusfreezing• How much longer do we have to wait out her? I'm freezing.• The little children sat in rows in the freezing classroom.• a freezing cold day in January• The river is freezing cold this time of year.• Supporters queued for tickets all night in freezing conditions.• Close the window - it's freezing in here.• It's absolutely freezing in the basement.• My flimsy jacket was inadequate for the freezing Japanese weather.• Can't we go inside? It's freezing out here.• His friends pulled him from the freezing water.freezing cold• And of course, it's freezing cold.• He said Minneapolis did a wonderful job in 1992, despite the freezing cold.• Wheat prices rallied as concerns spread that freezing cold and severe wind in the Plains states could damage the winter crop.• How freezing cold it was, remember that we went to Walden Pond?• Old Sally lay in bed in a freezing cold room.• She was freezing cold, she realized.• A delicate plant, the Pinot Noir is difficult to nurture through the freezing cold winters of Champagne.freez·ing2 ●●○ noun [uncountable]  above/below freezing TMTabove or below the temperature at which water freezes 在冰点以上/以下 It was well below freezing last night. 昨晚气温降到了零下好几度。Examples from the Corpusfreezing• A few rain squalls perhaps, but the temperature was well above freezing.freezing1 adjectivefreez·ing2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus cold extremely




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