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单词 Lading
1 The captain then signs the bills of lading and precedes his signature with a statement that shipment is subject to charter party conditions.
2 He further ordered the original bills of lading dated 29 January 1991 relating to the cargo to be deposited with the court.
3 In contrast, the charter party bill of lading did not contain the charter party contract, but incorporated it by reference.
4 The owner, a mercantile agent, pledged bills of lading with Lloyds Bank.
5 The container number is listed in bill of lading.
6 When is the straight bill of lading used?
7 Transshipment is allowed provided"Through Bill of Lading" are presented.
8 And bill of lading is subject to marine law.
9 An ass lading with gold will go lightly uphill.
10 An order bill of lading is a negotiable document.
11 Air bill of lading one original and four copies.
12 The bill of lading shows an issuing date.
13 Transshipment is allowed Through Bill of Lading are presented.
14 Endorse a bill of lading.
15 A bill of lading may be either freight prepaid or freight payable at destination.
16 The straight bill of lading, on the order hand, is made out to a specific consignee. Such a document is not negotiable.
17 The bill of lading should be marked as " freight prepaid ".
18 The first bill of lading describes the goods as: '5 containers said to contain wooden garden furniture, ' .
19 The charge of lading should be marked as "freight prepaid".
20 This name would also be entered on the documentary bill of lading deposited in SeaDocs' vault.
21 The above described procedure attempts to match the initial phase of contemporary paper based bill of lading issuance.
22 The same suggestion applies to methods of establishing the existence and contents of bill of lading telecommunications.
23 Unless sent by an air courier, an ocean bill of lading can take as long as a week to arrive by air mail.
24 The preceding features required that certain traditional statements in the text of the ocean bill of lading be modified or replaced.
25 These mandatory standards and minimum compensation made the international ocean bill of lading a more honest instrument.
26 One copy of nonnegotiable or duplicate copy of clean on board bill of lading for crude oil.
27 As I'm still waiting for the bank's original bill of lading, I can not give it to u at present. Neither do I know when to give it to u, for I'm short of money to get the original bill of lading.
28 Draft ought to be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading did out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid .
30 Payment will be made in Pound Sterling in London on presentation of on board bill lading.
31 Moreover, the Bill of Lading plays an important role in the other fields of international trade. The Bill of Lading has led to the substitute of documentary sale by goods sale.
32 Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill of Lading made out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid.
33 A copy of the Consular Invoice, Commercial Invoice, and Bill of Lading must be mailed.
34 The Both-to-blame Collision Clause currently published by the Baltic and International Maritime Conference is deemed to be incorporated into this Bill of Lading.
35 The main document in exporting is the of Lading which is title togoods.
36 Yes. After I pay the freight, shall I send the importer the invoice , the bill of lading, insurance policy, the consular invoice , a draft at 60 days' sight, and other documents through the bank?
37 Recently, since more and more issues and arguments concerning straight bill of lading come out, people become to pay more attention to it.
38 Different levels sometimes blending together bring a certain degree of difficulty and confusion for recognizing the applicable law on the ocean bill of lading.
39 Full set clean shipped on board Bills of Lading marked Freight Prepaid made out to order Bank of China and endorsed in blank, notifying Buyer.
40 The issued date of bill of lading is of great importance and has obvious influence on all parties concerned in the trade if the transactions are conducted in the mode of documentary letter of credit.
41 Finally, you have to pay the freight forwarder to take the bill of lading.
42 Should this document be treated as a charter party bill of lading?
43 Some cargos details are showed in the bill of lading, such as cargos quantity, condition, vessel name and voyage , port of loading , destination port . on board date. etc.
44 Chapter Three concerns with the document of title of straight bill of lading.
45 By analyzing the concept of document of title, then draws a conclusion that straight bill of lading is one kind of document of title, it is still bill of lading.
46 Required documents from seller:Clean on board bill of lading, invoices, packing list, veterinary certificate, certificate of origin.
47 A Bill of Lading is Evidence of the Contract of Carriage.
48 Full set original bills of lading, made out to order, blank endorsed.
49 Full set of original clean "on board", marine bills of lading made out to the order of shipper, endorsed in blank, marked "freight collect", and"notify applicant with full name and address.
50 Payment will be made in Pound Sterling in London on presentationonbill lading.
51 Export bill of lading can be issued directly in Wuhu, security, rapid, convenient owner of foreign exchange.
52 As a document of title, the bill of lading may lose its property title.
53 Also it studies the obligation of taking delivery of goods for both parties under bill of lading and carriage contract and the liability for breach of contract to carrier.
54 Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading, an invoice, and export license, and insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection.
55 Full sets of clean on Board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed marked "Freight Prepaid", notify applicant.
56 Drafts must be accompanied by full set original on board marine bill of lading made to order, endorsed in blank, marked right, prepaid.
57 Along with the development of international trade and shipping,() the delivery of goods without straight bill of lading has become more and more popular.
58 Clean bill of lading: A bill of lading which has no superimposed clause(s)expressly declaring a defective condition of the packaging or goods.
59 The function of document of title of negotiable bill of lading under the Rotterdam Rules extinction or continuity?
60 Payment terms of such on a deferred payment basis, 120 days from bill of lading date.
61 Full set of clean "Shipped on board" ocean bills of lading made out to the order of ABC Bank and notify applicant, showing "freight prepaid" mentioning L/C NO.
62 Clean Airway Bill of Lading marked "Freight Prepaid" and consigned to "To Be Advised Later".
63 Types of documents involved: contracts, transportation documents such as airway bills and bills of lading, invoices, cash flow documents such as letters of credit and customs clearance documents etc.
64 Is it enough that we can have an onboard bill of lading to claim a settlement?
65 Full set of clean on board bills of lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked freight prepaid showing freight amount notifying ABC Company should be presented.
66 The bill of lading that you had sent didn't have a date so could you please send us a fax of the bill of lading with date because we and the forwarding agency need the lading with DATE.
67 Tra shipment is allowed Through Bill of Lading are presented.
68 Although using electronic bills of lading does reduce risks in using paper bills of lading, it does not guarantee that misdelivery of goods will never happen.
69 Full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading should be marked "Freight Collect" to replace the original statement, i. e. "Freight Prepaid".
70 This paper analyzes the risks that shipowners confront through three aspects including signing bill of lading, delivery without original bill of lading and arresting of ships.
71 When we discuss the problems of incorporation clause, we should first know the conceptions of bill of lading and voyage charter party.
72 Along with the sea transport mode change, the marine transportation container bill of lading also uses in transporting with sea transportation related Yangtze River.
73 Bill of lading is regarded as one of the most important document of title, and it plays animportant role in international trade.
74 Among actual business, there are various forms of delivery of goods without original bill of lading.
75 Delivery of goods without bill of lading Bill of Lading is a document of title, the goods to the port of destination, the carrier is obliged to deliver the goods to the original bill of lading holder.
76 Full set of clean on board bills of lading made out to our order showing the Applicant as notify party maked "freight prepaid".
78 This Letter of Guarantee shall come into force upon its issuing date and shall remain valid until sixty (60) days after the date of Bill of Lading of the last shipment.
79 The Seller shall provide with each consignment a full set (3/3) bill of lading for all shipments. Including document of Insurance proof showing goods insured at 110% of net worth.
80 It is the carrier's duty to make notes in the bill of lading regarding goods not in apparent good order and condition.
81 A sea waybill is a replacement for the traditional ocean bill of lading.
82 We'll send you two sets of the Shi ed, Clean Bill of Lading.
83 We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading.
84 A negotiable bill of lading is made out to order instead of a named consignee .
85 A title to goods isn't like a bill of lading.
86 Bill of lading has been playing a very important role in the international trade under the modern system of documentary sale.
87 Bill of lading by the carrier only to add "weight unknown" clause to protect themselves.
88 The preface mainly introduces the history of the bill of lading, the conception of the "Delivery without the production of original bill of lading",() and the reason of which causes that conduct.
89 However the nations have laid down the different legal regulations regarding straight bill of lading, therefore the jurisdiction position to this problem varies from one to the other.
90 Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading is to be issued to order and blank endorsed and marked "Freight Prepaid".
91 The arbitration clause in bills of lading is part of the contract.
92 Bill of lading and commercial instrument are two different types of commercial documents on account of the different rights and contents they represent.
93 We surrendered a clean on board bill of lading for negotiation of payment.
94 Origin full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order.
95 CIP loaded in container and free on railway way on at CY or CFS near station. Payment SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading.
96 Is divided into air waybill, land and maritime bill of lading bill of lading.
97 Full set of clean shipped on board ocean bill of lading in triplicate, made out to order and endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid and notify applicant.
98 But, delivery of goods without production of original bill of lading are still occur at practice and become many cargo claim problems.
99 There are different opinions as to whether it is necessary for the carrier to deliver goods with original bill of lading, and different decisions have been made thereon.
100 A straight bill of lading, refers to a bill of lading which is filled with a named consignee only in the "consignee box".
102 Along with the development of the marine transportation, as one kind of marine document, the bill of lading (B/L) becomes the essential certificate for the carrier to deliver goods to consignee.
103 Commercial Invoice issued by the Seller: 1 original and 2 first copies showing Contract Number, Description of Goods, Unit Price, Total Amount and Net Weight of the goods as per the Bill Of Lading.
104 Marine bill of lading showing any disbursement charges marked COLLECT not acceptable.
105 You can learn the regulation from FIATA and practice in releasing against Master Bill of Lading and House Bill of Lading.
106 The most important shipping document is the bill of lading.
107 Prime Entry: Statement of goods based on details included in the bill of lading.
108 Full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order and blank endorsed(), marked "freight prepaid" and notify the applicant.
109 Please enclose copies of corresponding invoice(s) and transport documents (especially bill of lading ( BOL ) and eventually packing list) in order to enable us to check the complete commodity flow.
110 You have the right of reinspection. And you may lodge claims with us if you find the quality or quantity does not conform to the contract and the bill of lading. There's no risk involved.
111 I. Sea transport: mode of transport, freight composition and calculation skills, and Ocean Bill of Lading.
112 The main document Bill of Lading which is the title deed to the goods.
113 Bills of Lading must specify the name of loading port and discharging port.
114 The bill of lading is issued to the exporter by common carrier transporting the merchandise.
115 Is it enough that we have an onboard bill of lading to claim a settlement?
116 Full set of clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading.
117 Transshipment is permitted at any port against through bill of lading.http://
118 Under these circumstances, the bill of lading contains no exceptions and is a readily negotiable instrument.
119 The straight bill of lading is used a lot in the shipping practice, though it can't be negotiated as an order bill of lading or a bearer bill of lading.
120 Through Bill of Lading , Stale Bill of Lading , Short Form BillofLading, shall not be acceptable.
121 The ship - owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading.
122 Required delivery time replace your company's bills of lading, sign the delivery note when you sign.
123 iv. be the sole original bill of lading or, if issued in more than one original, be the full set as indicated on the bill of lading.
124 The bills of lading and carriage contract which proved by voyage charter party are apposed and can be adjusted by the same Maritime Code, therefore the inherent unification of both has legal basis.
125 Article 224 The parties concerned shall conclude a written contract for the pledge of a money order, check, cashier's check, securities, deposit receipt, warehouse receipt or bill of lading.
126 Clean on board Bill of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, and marked "Freight to Collect", notifying the Buyer in 3 (three) originals and 3 (three) copies.
127 Full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order of shipper and endorsed in blank marked freight prepaid notify applicant.
128 I will express the original bill of lading to you as soon as possible.
129 The shipment(s) were shipped on the mentioned vessel, and the relevant full set of original bill(s) of lading have been surrendered to CMA-CGM Xiamen office.
130 In this case the carrier issued a Bill of Lading in which describes the goods as "In apparent good order and condition".
131 d. Clauses in a bill of lading stating that the carrier reserves the right to tranship will be disregarded.
132 A straight bill of lading refers to a bill of lading with a named consignee in the "consignee box".
133 The number of the bill of lading, air waybill or delivery order relating to the article.
134 Full set of shipped on board Bill of Lading made out to the order of the L/C opening bank marked freight prepaid and notify Applicant.
135 Take up less than container load cargo and arrange for clients to take part load traffic to groupage port, apply to the customs and sign and issue bills of lading.
137 The Bill of Lading has led to the substitute of documentary sale by goods sale, and quickened modern commercial development.
138 But its action and bill of lading differ somewhat again.
139 Blank Backed and Charter Party Bill of Lading not acceptable.
140 Most bills of lading forms are printed as shipped bills and commence with wording: "Shipped in apparent good order and condition."
141 Clean on board bill of Lading and blank endorsed, showing final destination, freight payable on destination.
142 A charter party often contains arbitration clauses which is usually incorporated into the bill of lading.
143 You make out your own bills of lading, I suppose?
144 The second part, is the legal problem relating to how to make electronic bill of lading realize the function of the evidence of the contract of carriage.
145 "Shipped on Board" Bill of Lading is essential and the statement "Freight paid" must appear hereon.
146 However, no cargo shall be released to the Buyer without presentation of original Bill of Lading at discharging port.
147 Transshipments are permitted at any port against through bill of lading.
148 I'm still waiting for original Bill of Lading from Bank(Sentence dictionary), I don't think you can have it until the money for it is ready.
149 CIP loaded in container and free on railway wagon at...station . Payment against SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading.
150 Bill of lading is a document of title of goods.
151 Where is the packing list ( bill of lading, bill of materials )?
152 The last section of this course will be 60mins case study for shipment release without collection Bill of Lading which is the landmine in forwarding business causing serious consequence.
153 Marine bill of lading showing any disbursement charges marked collect not acceptable.
154 Holding bill of lading to the consignee can eventually pick up.
155 Full set shipping clean on board bill of lading marked "Freight Prepaid" to order of shipper endorsed to ...
156 Oh, by the way, remember that we want extra copies of the Bill of Lading.
157 The bill of lading further contains in the bottom right-hand corner a simple pre-printed "on board" statement. The bill of lading shows an issuing date.
158 Does carrier need to deliver goods by original straight bill of lading?
159 Chapter Three concerns with the legal nature of straight bill of lading.
160 SHIPPING ADVICE: The seller to forward a copy ofof Lading within 4 working days of receival.
161 A complete set of clean shipping documents including the bill of lading of the forwarding agency designated by the Buyer.
162 Enclosed please find our bill of lading and marine insurance policy.
163 Clean on board bill of Lading full set issued to the order and blank endorsed, showing final destination, freight payable on destination.
164 The seller shall provide the buyer with Clean On Board Bill of Lading, Invoice, Packing list.
165 In international carriage of goods by sea, conflicts exist between Right of Stoppage in Transitu and Bill of Lading transportation.
166 Full set of clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading made out to the Buyer marked freight prepaid and 14 days free of detention.
167 It is rather complex issue for confirmation of applicable law on ocean bill of lading as involving multi-level application of the law.
168 The second part is concerning the content of transfer of rights, that is, what has been transferred through the transfer of bills of lading.
169 The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable.
170 Bill of Lading is evidence of the contract of carriage between carrier and shipper.
171 Charter one is the conception and category Bill of Lading carrier.
172 The consignee to take to the original bill of lading is a precondition for payment.
173 Bill of lading is a kind of international trade and shipping document.
174 Consignees should settle YML charges and surrender original Bill of lading for switch of local delivery order. Then, they could make necessary cargo clearance and take cargo delivery from terminal.
175 "Bill of Lading" or "BL" means receipt given by the vessel for the coal shipment and is a document of title.
176 Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid.
177 How does an exporter create an order bill of lading?
178 Clauses like 'if the carriers so requires, before he arranges the delivery of the goods one original bill of lading, duly endorsed,() must be surrendered...
179 On the Bill of Lading there is a stamp reading"Freight Payable at Destination".
180 E. Forwarder's cargo receipt, third and charter party, short form, stale and bland backed bill of lading not acceptable.
181 Full set of shipping company's clean on board bill of lading , marked "freight prepaid" made out to the order of shipper , endorsed to New York bank , notify buyers.
182 As the most important document of carriage of goods by sea, the Bill of Lading is the prove of transport contract, the receipt of goods by the carrier and the document for collecting goods.
183 When drawn in this way,(http:///lading.html) it is know as an order bill of lading.
184 The bills of lading are turned over to the shipper, who will surrender the letter of indemnity to the bank.
185 A received bill of lading is usually unacceptable to the bank or the importer as the goods may be left on the dock or in the godown for weeks or even months before actual shipment takes place.
186 Through the actual operation of shipping agency in issuing Bill of Lading and releasing cargoes without original Bill of lading, the author analyzed the legal status of shipping agency.
187 In this part, Author is to break through rights and obligations of bill of lading carrier based on the theories of joint responsibility and principle of equity.
188 Where extended terms of payment are agreed interest shall be charged from the date of the bill of lading upon the diminishing balance outstanding from time to time.
189 This form of Contract to be used for shipments of Live Stock and Wild Animals instead of Unfunny Bill of Lading.
190 After receiving this money, the Seller should send the original Bill of Lading, Packing List and Commercial invoices to the Buyer .




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