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单词 forget
释义 Word family  noun forgetfulness adjective forgetful forgettable ≠ unforgettable verb forget adverb forgetfully unforgettably  for·get /fəˈɡet $ fər-/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense forgot /-ˈɡɒt $ -ˈɡɑːt/, past participle forgotten /-ˈɡɒtn $ -ˈɡɑːtn/)  1  facts/information 事实/信息 [intransitive, transitive]FORGET to not remember facts, information, or people or things from the past 忘记,遗忘 I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. 对不起,我忘记你的名字了。 I know you told me, but I forgot. 我知道你告诉过我,但是我忘了。 What happened that day will never be forgotten. 那一天的事永远难忘。forget about Karl says he forgot about our date. 卡尔说他把我们的约会忘了。 She forgot all about their anniversary. 她把他们的纪念日忘得一干二净。forget (that) I forgot that there’s a speed limit here. 我忘记了这里有限速。forget how/what/when/why etc How can you forget where you’ve parked the car? 你怎么会把停车地点忘了呢? He’s someone who never forgets a face (=forgets who someone is). 他是那种见人一面就不会忘记的人。I was forgetting ... (=said when you have just remembered or been reminded about something) spoken 我差点忘了… Oh yes, I was forgetting she was pregnant. 哦,对了,我差点忘记她怀孕了。2  STH you must do 你必须做的事FORGET [intransitive, transitive] to not remember to do something that you should do 忘记,忘掉〔应当做的事〕 ‘Did you remember to post that letter?’ ‘Oh, sorry, I forgot.’ “你有没有记得寄那封信?”“哦,对不起,我忘了。” Give me your phone number before I forget (=forget to get it). 把你的电话号码告诉我吧,免得我忘了跟你要。forget to do something Someone’s forgotten to turn off their headlights. 有人忘记关汽车前灯了。clean forget American English (=completely forget) 完全忘记 He meant to invite Monica, but he clean forgot. 他是打算邀请莫妮卡的,但却忘得一干二净。3  leave STH somewhere 把某物留在某处 [transitive] to not remember to bring something that you need with you 忘记带〔需要之物〕forget your keys/money/cigarettes etc Oh no, I’ve forgotten my wallet. 哦,不好,我忘了带钱包。4  stop thinking about 停止想 [intransitive, transitive]FORGET to stop thinking or worrying about someone or something 忘掉,不再想 Forget him, he’s not worth it. 忘了他吧,他不值得。 At my age, I think I can forget fashion. 在我这个年龄,我觉得自己可以不用考虑时尚了。forget (that) After a while you’ll forget you’re wearing contact lenses. 过一会儿你就会忘记自己是戴着隐形眼镜的。forget about I’ll never be able to forget about the accident. 我永远也无法忘记这起事故。5  not care about 不在意 [intransitive, transitive]DON'T CARE to not care about or give attention to someone or something any longer 忘记,不再把…放在心上,不再关心forget about Don’t forget about your old friends when you go off to college, okay? 你去上大学可不能忘记老朋友。 You can’t afford to forget your relationship with your husband. 你不可以不顾你和丈夫的关系。6  stop a plan 停止一项计划 [intransitive, transitive]STOP DOING something to stop planning to do something because it is no longer possible or sensible 不再打算做,放弃forget about We’ll have to forget about going on holiday. 我们将不得不放弃度假的想法。 If we can’t get any funding we might as well forget the whole thing. 如果我们不能得到资金,那就不如干脆放弃这件事。7  not forgetting something AND/ALSO British English used to add something to a list of things you have mentioned 也包括某事在内,别忘了还有某事 You’ll have to pay for the packaging and transportation costs, not forgetting airport taxes. 你得支付包装和运输费,别忘了还有机场税。8  forget yourself CONTROL a) to do something stupid or embarrassing, especially by losing control of your emotions 忘乎所以,失去理智;行为[言谈]失态[不得体] Lisa forgot herself and reached out to touch his knee. 莉萨失了态,伸出手去碰他的膝盖。 b) British English to become so involved in something that you do not think about or notice anything else 忘我 SYN lose yourselfforget yourself in something Often he would forget himself in his work for hours. 他常常会一连好几个小时忘我地工作。 SPOKEN PHRASES9  don’t forget a) REMEMBERused to remind someone to do something 别忘了,要记住〔做某事〕 We need bread, milk, and eggs – don’t forget. 我们需要面包、牛奶和鸡蛋——可别忘了。don’t forget to do something Don’t forget to lock up when you leave. 离开时别忘了上锁。 b) REMEMBERused to remind someone about an important fact or detail that they should consider 别忘了〔某个重要事实或细节〕don’t forget (that) But don’t forget that you have to pay interest on the loan. 可是别忘了你还得支付贷款的利息。 Don’t forget, I’ll be home late tonight. 别忘了,我今晚要晚回家。 c) used to remind someone to take something with them 别忘了带上 Don’t forget your sandwiches. 别忘了带上你的三明治。10  forget it a) UNIMPORTANTused to tell someone that something is not important and they do not need to worry about it 没关系,别在意〔用于表示某事不重要〕 ‘Sorry I didn’t phone.’ ‘Forget it.’ “对不起,我没有打电话来。”“没关系。” b) TALK TO somebodySTOP DOING somethingused to tell someone to stop asking or talking about something, because it is annoying you 别说了〔用于表示厌烦〕 I’m not coming with you, so forget it. 我不跟你去,别说了。 c) REFUSEIMPOSSIBLE (also forget that! American English) used to tell someone that you refuse to do something or that it will be impossible to do something 休想!不可能! ‘Can you lend me $10.’ ‘Forget it, no way.’ “借我十美元好吗?” “不可能,没门儿。” If you’re thinking of getting Roy to help, you can forget it! 要是你在考虑让罗伊来帮忙的话,干脆别想了! d) REPEAT#used when someone asks you what you just said and you do not want to repeat it 算了〔用于表示不想重复刚刚说过的话〕 ‘What did you say?’ ‘ Nothing, just forget it.’ “你说什么?”“没什么,算了。”11  I’ll never forget something REMEMBERused to say that you will always remember something from the past, because it was sad, funny, enjoyable etc 我永远也忘不了某事 I’ll never forget the look on his face when he opened the door. 我永远也忘不了他开门时脸上的表情。12  aren’t you forgetting ...?/haven’t you forgotten ...? REMEMBERused to remind someone about something, often humorously 你是不是忘了…?〔用于提醒,常作幽默用法〕 Aren’t you forgetting that you’re already married? 你是不是忘了你已经结婚了?13  I forget FORGETused to say that you cannot remember a particular detail about something 我记不起来I forget what/where/how etc I forget what he said exactly but it was very rude. 我记不起他的原话,不过他的话是很无礼的。I forget the name/details etc I forget the name of the street, but it’s the first on the left. 我记不起街名,但那是左边第一条街。14  and don’t you forget it! REMEMBERused to remind someone angrily about an important fact that should make them behave differently 你可别忘了!〔用于提醒某人一个重要的事实,让他们改变自己的行为〕 I’m the boss around here, and don’t you forget it! 这里我说了算,你可别忘了! THESAURUSforget to not remember something or someone 忘记I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. 对不起,我忘记你的名字了。It was an experience she would never forget. 这次经历她永生难忘。don’t remember/can’t remember used when saying that you have forgotten something 记不起I know I needed something at the shops, but I can’t remember what it was. 我知道要在店里买东西,但记不起要买什么了。have no recollection of something formal to not remember anything about something that happened in the past 〔完全〕记不起某事He told the jury that he had no recollection of the accident. 他对陪审团称自己不记得那起事故了。slip your mind especially spoken if something that you must do slips your mind, you forget to do it because you are busy thinking about other things 〔因为忙碌〕忘记I’m sorry I didn’t call. There was so much going on that it completely slipped my mind. 对不起,我没打电话。事情太多,我把这件事忘得干干净净。it goes in one ear and out the other spoken used to say that someone forgets what you tell them very quickly because they are not interested or do not listen properly 左耳朵进,右耳朵出With kids you have to say everything twice. It all goes in one ear and out the other. 对孩子你什么都得说两遍,他们总是一个耳朵进一个耳朵出。my mind goes blank especially spoken used to say that you are suddenly unable to remember something at a time when you need it 我脑子里一片空白I was so nervous that my mind went blank as soon as they asked me a question. 我太紧张了,他们提问时我脑子里一片空白。to try to forget something 试图忘记某事forget to deliberately try not to think about something sad or unpleasant 忘记,忘却〔悲伤或不愉快的事〕After the divorce came through, I just wanted to forget about it all. 离婚程序完成后,我就希望能把这件事全部忘记。put something out of your mind to make yourself stop thinking about something that stops you concentrating or makes you angry, sad, or nervous 不再想某事〔指让人失神、生气、悲伤或紧张的事〕When I’m competing I put everything out of my mind and concentrate on winning. 比赛时,我把一切都抛在脑后,一心想着获胜。5Try to put the whole thing out of your mind – there’s nothing you can do about it now.试着把整件事都忘记吧——现在你对此无能为力了。put something behind you to stop thinking about something sad or unpleasant that happened to you in the past, so that you can continue with your life and be happy 把某事忘掉〔指忘记过去悲伤或不高兴的事以重新振作〕It can take a long time to put a traumatic experience like that behind you. 要很长时间才能将那样痛苦的经历忘掉。take/keep your mind off something to do something that helps you stop thinking about a problem for a short time 〔做某事以〕暂时忘记烦恼的事Sara went out for a walk to try and take her mind off things. 萨拉出去散步,想把事情先搁在脑后。blot something out to forget an unpleasant memory or thought, by deliberately stopping yourself from thinking about it 把某事从记忆中抹去 He started drinking heavily in an effort to blot out the thought of what he had done. 他开始酗酒,想把自己的所作所为从记忆中抹去。nI wanted to blot out the events of the previous day.shut somebody/something out to deliberately forget someone or something and not let them be part of your thoughts and feelings 不去想某人/某事The marriage was a disaster, and her husband shut her out of his life completely. 那桩婚姻真是场灾难,她丈夫把她完全排除在生活之外。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusforget• I keep forgetting that you're allergic to chocolate.• It's his birthday tomorrow. I hope you haven't forgotten.• It was an experience she would never forget.• Back then, reporters and police were coming to the house for weeks, until people started to forget.• a war the country was trying to forget• I'd better put that on the calendar so I don't forget.• I've been trying not to think about her but my friends won't let me forget.• I completely forgot about the meeting.• I forgot all about tomorrow's exam.• But the fact is that girls, more often than boys, are told that they were forgotten and left behind.• If you don't finish your homework, you can forget going skiing this weekend.• I've forgotten her name.• "Why did Carol come back?" "She forgot her purse."• Michael was at the airport before he realized he'd forgotten his passport.• He examined the intercom again, but seemed to have forgotten how it worked.• But they forgot how time was-flying by, and suddenly Baba Yaga stood before them.• Let us not forget, however, that witchcraft is by no means the excuse for all mistakes and misadventures.• Her normally lucid style had slipped and she had forgotten huge chunks of the recent past.• Forget I mentioned it. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.• If you're not going to take this project seriously we might as well forget it.• Don't let me forget my purse.• But I forgot that we are now in the era of the Leisure Jam.• Usually awakenings that last less than seven minutes will be forgotten the following day.• Look, we aren't making any progress - let's just forget the whole idea.• If we can't get any funding, we might as well forget the whole thing.• Don't forget to call your mom tomorrow.• Oh, I forgot your camera. Is it all right if I bring it to you tomorrow?• Don't forget your lunch - it's on the counter.forget how/what/when/why etc• She said we must both forget what had passed between us.• Easily bored he forgets what he has known, he pretends to forget.• They never forget what it felt like to be fat.• It lets me forget how miserable my life is.• I had forgotten how old I was until the accursed Purves and Noakes popped up to remind me.• I think I forgot how to enjoy myself.• Joseph is so often overlooked, or forgotten when we look upon the scene of the nativity.clean forget• Not only that, but she had been so upset, she had clean forgotten to plug Galactic Outbursts.• I clean forgot to put them in!• The people, it appeared, had clean forgotten what war meant.forget your keys/money/cigarettes etc• I had forgotten my cigarettes again, left them in the living room.forget (that)• School boards get so busy negotiating contracts and avoiding layoffs that they forget about the quality of their schools.• Otherwise she might think I had forgotten her.• Ralph lowered his legs; the jump seat popped right back vertical as though it had already forgotten him.• He seemed to have forgotten Madeleine because he never once spoke of her in front of me.• I've forgotten my troubles; now I want to climb just for the good performance itself.• We must not forget that, at least in modern bodies like our own, the cells are a clone.• There she could sit by her husband's side among the beer-drinkers, and forget that the children existed.• That night, soldiers forgot their dead comrades, and their fox-trot partners forgot they would soon be alone again.forget the whole thing• Dionne had ordered her to go out and forget the whole thing.• He would simply dash off a note that made no reference to the incident and forget the whole thing.• Next day, he had forgotten the whole thing.• Now why don't you just forget the whole thing?• Would they shake hands and agree to forget the whole thing were he to do so?Origin forget Old English forgietanfor·get verb →THESAURUS1 →SPOKEN PHRASES1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or remember or facts, not Corpus things people to information,




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