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单词 eject
释义  Related topics: Aire·ject /ɪˈdʒekt/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]LEAVE A PLACE to make someone leave a place or building by using force 〔用武力〕驱逐,赶出eject somebody from something The demonstrators were ejected from the hall. 示威者被赶出大厅。2  [transitive] to make someone leave a job or position very quickly 强迫〔某人〕匆匆离职eject somebody from something 420 workers have been ejected from their jobs with no warning. 420名工人在没有任何先兆的情况下被辞退。3  [transitive]SEND to suddenly send something out 喷射;射出 Two engines cut out and the plane started to eject fuel as it lost height. 两个发动机突然熄火,飞机在下降的同时开始喷出燃料。4. [intransitive]TTA if a pilot ejects, he or she escapes from a plane, using an ejector seat because it is going to crash 〔飞行员从将要坠毁的飞机中〕弹射出来5. [intransitive, transitive]T if you eject a disk or a tape, or if it ejects, it comes out of a machine after you have pressed a particular button 〔按键将磁带或光盘从机器中〕弹出 —ejection /ɪˈdʒekʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuseject• The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.• From time to time it contracted, and Davies saw a small pale mass ejected.• Let them see that Seton was ejected.• Did you see me eject anybody?• This concerned the way in which electrons were ejected from metals by an incident beam of light.• Several demonstrators were ejected from the hall.• The manager threatened to have them ejected if there was any more trouble.• Finch ejected the cassette, peered at it, replaced it and tried again.• Press the stop button again to eject the tape.• One of the ejected was Samuel Newell.• The driver was ejected when the car hit an embankment and rolled over.Origin eject (1400-1500) Latin ejectus, past participle of eicere “to throw out”e·ject verbChineseSyllable  by or place a Corpus building make to someone using leave




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