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单词 foreword
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Literaturefore·word /ˈfɔːwɜːd $ ˈfɔːrwɜːrd/ ●○○ noun [countable]  TCNa short piece of writing at the beginning of a book that introduces the book or its writer 〔书的〕前言,序言Examples from the Corpusforeword• The book, which as proposed will include a foreword by Karan, will be out in a year.• So, fare foreword, dear soul.• His job included enlisting Justin Kaplan to write the introduction and working with Victor Doyno on the textual foreword and addendum.• As the foreword says, the Code is most importantly addressed to each local authority.• Later, Pattison wrote a book to which Taylor contributed the foreword.fore·word nounChineseSyllable  short at piece Corpus of the writing beginning a




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