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单词 gadfly
释义  Related topics: Insectsgad·fly /ˈɡædflaɪ/ noun (plural gadflies) [countable]  1. CRITICIZEsomeone who annoys other people by criticizing them 〔爱批评别人而〕惹人讨厌的人2. TAHBIa fly that bites cattle and horses 虻,牛虻Examples from the Corpusgadfly• A gadfly, a maverick, a treasured pain in the posterior.• These people are inconsequential, but they are gadflies.• Hirschfield, a wealthy political gadfly, spoke at the conference.• Which had not included Rory, the gadfly son.Origin gadfly (1500-1600) gad “pointed stick” ((13-19 centuries)) (from Old Norse gaddr) + FLY2gad·fly nounChineseSyllable  other criticizing Corpus by someone who people annoys them




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