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单词 food
释义  Related topics: Food, Food, dishfood /fuːd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]DF things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat 食物 The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices. 那家餐厅物美价廉。 I love Italian food, especially pasta. 我喜欢意大利食物,尤其是面食。 He was told to cut down on salty and fatty foods. 他被告知要少吃过咸和油腻的食物。2  food for thought THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHTsomething that makes you think carefully 引人深思的事物 The teacher’s advice certainly gave me food for thought. 老师的忠告确实引起了我的深思。5 Grammar 语法Food is usually uncountable. food一般为不可数名词a shortage of food食物短缺It is used as a countable noun only to refer to one or more types of food. 仅在指一种或多种食物时才用作可数名词She avoids processed foods.她不吃加工食品。n GRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?• Food is usually uncountable: food一般为不可数名词There was not enough food for everyone. ✗Don’t say: enough foods• Food is used as a countable noun when talking about particular types of food: The doctor advised her to avoid fatty foods.Butter is a healthy food. COLLOCATIONSadjectivesgood/excellent 好的/极好的The hotel was nice and the food was really good. 这家酒店很棒,食物相当好。delicious/tasty 美味的/可口的Thanks for dinner – the food was delicious. 谢谢晚餐招待——菜很好吃。fresh 新鲜的The food is all so fresh. 食物都很新鲜。healthy 健康的We try to give the kids good healthy food. 我们尽量给孩子们吃优质、健康的食物。nourishing/nutritious (=making you strong and healthy) 有营养的nThe food was nourishing but not particularly tasty. plain/simple (=without anything added or without decoration) 清淡的/简单的nHe liked eating simple food, nothing spicy. spicy (=with a hot taste) 辛辣的nSpanish food is not usually very food 辣食,辛辣食物nShe wanted a rest and some hot food.cold food 冷菜nThe cafeteria only serves cold food.Italian/French/Chinese etc food 意大利菜/法国菜/中国菜等nThe restaurant serves delicious Italian food.exotic food (=unusual because of being from a foreign country) 异国风味食物nThe shop specializes in selling exotic food like kangaroo and crocodile meat.fatty foods 油腻的食物nLimit your intake of fatty foods.nstarchy foods (=food that contains a lot of starch)Starchy foods include bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes.verbshave food 有东西吃The family hadn’t had any food for days. 那一家人几天没吃东西了。eat food 吃东西He sat in the corner and ate his food. 他坐在角落里吃自己的东西。cook/prepare food 做饭I have to cook some food for this evening. 今晚我得做饭。serve food (=give food to someone, especially in a restaurant) 〔尤指在餐厅中〕上菜nShe served food and cleared tables all evening.enjoy your food 请慢用nI’ve never seen anyone enjoy their food so much.chew food 咀嚼食物nHe chewed the food slowly and carefully.swallow food 吞咽食物nWhile she was ill, she had trouble swallowing her food.digest food 消化食物nAphids have bacteria in their guts that help them digest tastes good/delicious etc 食物很好吃/美味等nThe food at Jan’s house always tastes smells good 食物很香nThe food smelt good to her.phrasesbe off your food British English (=not want to eat) 不想吃东西The baby is off his food. 那个婴孩不想吃东西。go off your food British English (=to stop wanting to eat) 不想吃东西Since becoming ill, he has gone off his food. 自从生了病,他就不想吃东西。nounsa food supply 粮食[食品]供给The government must ensure an adequate food supply. 政府必须确保足够的粮食供给。the food industry 食品工业The food industry has responded to consumer concerns about health. 食品业界回应了消费者关于健康的担忧。food production (=the process of making or growing food to be sold) 粮食[食品]生产Farmers have increased food production to meet demand. 农民增加了粮食生产以满足需求。food products 食品nThe nutrient content of most food products is displayed on the prices 粮食[食品]价格nFood prices have increased rapidly in recent months.a food shortage 粮食[食品]短缺nHe remembered the food shortages of the war years.a food scare (=when people are afraid to eat a particular food) 粮食[食品]恐慌nThe meat industry has been badly affected by recent food colouring British English, food coloring American English 食用色素nDilute a little food colouring with additives (=substances added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance) 食品添加剂nThese chemicals have been approved as food additives. THESAURUSfood noun [countable, uncountable] things that people and animals eat 食物You can buy good fresh food in the market. 市场里可以买到新鲜食物。Do you like Japanese food? 你爱吃日式料理吗?dish noun [countable] a type of food that is cooked in a particular way 菜肴 a traditional English dish 一道传统的英格兰菜They also offer vegetarian dishes. 他们也供应素食。speciality British English, specialty American English noun [countable] a type of food that a restaurant or place is famous for 特色食品Fish dishes are a specialty of the region. 鱼类菜肴是这个地区的特色。Home made pies are one of the hotel’s specialities. 家常馅饼是那家酒店的特色食品之一。delicacy noun [countable] an unusual food which people in a particular place like to eat 〔某地的〕美食,佳肴 The local delicacies include laverbread (boiled seaweed). 当地美食中有紫菜燕麦煎饼。nI was keen to try out the local noun [countable] the type of food that someone usually eats 日常饮食You shouldn’t have too much salt in your diet. 日常饮食不该摄入过多的盐。In the Andes, the main diet is beans, potatoes, and corn. 安第斯山区的主食是豆类、马铃薯和玉米。cooking noun [uncountable] food made in a particular way, or by a particular person 〔用某种方法或由某人烹调的〕菜Herbs are used a lot in French cooking. 法国菜中经常使用香草。I love my Mum’s home cooking. 我爱吃妈妈做的家常菜。cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ noun [countable] formal the food you can eat in a particular restaurant, country, or area 〔某一餐厅、国家或地区的〕菜肴 Italian cuisine 意大利菜Trying the local cuisine is all part of the fun of travelling. 品尝地方菜肴是旅游的全部乐趣所在。nutrition noun [uncountable] food considered as something that is necessary for good health and growth 营养物a book on nutrition 一本关于营养的书Many homeless people suffer from poor nutrition. 许多无家可归者营养不良。nourishment /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt $ ˈnɜː-, ˈnʌ-/ noun [uncountable] goodness that you get from food, which helps your body to stay healthy 营养There's not much nourishment in fast food. 快餐没多大营养。fare noun [uncountable] formal the kind of food that is served in a place – used especially when saying how interesting it is 〔某地的〕饭菜〔尤指其富有趣味〕In China you can feast on bird’s nest soup and other exotic fare. 在中国,你可以尽情享用燕窝以及其他具有异域风味的食物。nDinner was pretty standard fare (=the usual kind of food).types of food 食物的种类fast food food such as hamburgers, which is prepared quickly and which you can take away with you to eat 快餐,速食He ballooned to 300lbs on a diet of fast food. 他常吃快餐,体重快速升到300磅。junk food food that is full of sugar or fat, and is bad for your health 垃圾食品〔指糖或脂肪含量极高的食品〕I used to eat loads of junk food. 我过去经常吃很多垃圾食品。GM food British English food made from vegetables and animals that have had their genetic structure changed 转基因食品There has been a lot of research into the safety of GM food. 对于转基因食品的安全性已进行了大量研究。organic food food that is produced without using harmful chemicals 有机食品Shoppers are willing to pay more for organic food. 顾客愿意多花钱来买有机食品。health food food that is thought to be good for your health 健康食品You can buy the ingredients in any good health food shop. 在任何一家健康食品店都可以买到这些配料。superfood a type of food that is believed to be good for your health because it contains a lot of a particular type of vitamin, mineral etc 〔据信富含某种营养素的〕超级食品nSuperfoods such as blueberries are often promoted as having magic health-giving properties.vegetarian food food that does not contain meat 素食nThe restaurant specializes in vegetarian food.processed food food that has chemicals in it to make it last a long time 加工食品nThe colourings and flavourings in processed food are chemicals produced in factories.canned food (also tinned food British English) food that is sold in cans 罐头食品nWe had to live on canned food for a week.nTinned food was sent as emergency aid.frozen food food that is kept at a very low temperature to make it last a long time 冷冻食品nSome people claim that frozen food is just as healthy as fresh food.convenience food food that is sold in cans, packages etc, so that it can be prepared quickly and easily 方便食品nI found that I had more time to cook, instead of just heating up convenience food special food for babies 婴儿食品nThe soup was horrible – it tasted like baby etc food food for animals that you keep as pets 宠物食品/狗粮/猫粮/鸟食等nShe spent a fortune on pet food.Examples from the Corpusfood• Any conversation, even if it was only about food, was better than this stalemate.• You can quite easily make your own baby food at home.• And they buy food and clothes and pay rent.• They didn't even have enough money to buy food.• The virus is spread through contact with contaminated food and water.• Buddy won't eat the new dog food I bought.• the world's largest fast food restaurant chain• To lose weight, cut down on sweet and fatty foods.• The doctor told him not to eat fatty foods.• A health food store is a good place to look for herbs.• I have to cut up his food.• I'd never tried Indian food before.• I've never had Indonesian food -- what's it like?• You shouldn't eat all that junk food, it's bad for you.• She never spoke to anyone but would nod at Toussaint, who brought her shares of their meager food.• He jumps back, but he already has a mouthful of food.• Make sure you leave the cat plenty of food and water before you go.• New-born birds stay in their nest while their mother goes out in search of food.• The church program provides food and clothing for the needy.• Juntao refused food as a protest against prison conditions.• North Korea faces severe food shortages.• Do you like spicy food?• The food's great and it's not that expensive.Origin food Old English fodafood noun →n GRAMMAR1 →5 REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  and that animals Corpus things eat, people such




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