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单词 rub
释义  rub1 /rʌb/ ●●● S2 verb (rubbed, rubbing)  1  [intransitive, transitive]RUB to move your hand, or something such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly 擦,摩擦 → strokerub your nose/chin/eyes/forehead etc She yawned and rubbed her eyes. 她打了个呵欠,揉了揉眼睛。rub something with something She began rubbing her hair with a towel. 她开始用毛巾擦头发。 You’ll have to rub harder if you want to get it clean. 如果你想把它弄干净,就得更使劲地擦。 I hurriedly rubbed myself dry. 我赶紧把自己擦干。► see thesaurus at touch2  [intransitive, transitive]RUB to make something press against something else and move it around 使…相互摩擦,揉,搓rub something against/on something She stood by the oven, rubbing one bare foot against the other. 她站在烤箱旁边,两只光脚丫互相蹭着。rub against The cat purred loudly, rubbing against her legs. 那只猫咕噜咕噜地大声叫着,在她的腿上蹭来蹭去。rub something together We tried to make a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together. 我们把两块木头相互摩擦,试图生出火来。 He rubbed his hands together with embarrassment. 他尴尬地搓着手。3  [intransitive, transitive]RUB if shoes, clothes, or parts of a machine rub, they move around while pressing against another surface, often causing pain or damage 磨,蹭;磨损;磨痛 Badly fitting shoes are bound to rub. 不合适的鞋子肯定磨脚。rub against/on The front left fender was smashed and rubbing against the wheel. 左前轮挡泥板被撞碎,蹭到了轮子。 The skin under my sock was rubbed raw (=the skin had come off). 我袜子下面的皮肤被磨破了。4  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]RUB to put a substance into or onto a surface by pressing it and moving it about with your fingers or something such as a cloth 涂,抹,搽 Can you rub some sun cream on my back for me? 给我的背上抹些防晒霜好吗?5  rub shoulders with somebody informal (also rub elbows with somebody American English)SOCIALIZE to meet and spend time with people, especially rich and famous people 与某人交往〔尤指富人和名人〕 As a reporter he gets to rub shoulders with all the big names in politics. 身为记者,他有机会与所有政界大人物打交道。6. rub salt into the wound informalWORSE to make a bad situation even worse for someone 在伤口上抹盐,加深〔某人的〕痛苦7. rub somebody up the wrong way British English informal, rub somebody the wrong way American English informalANNOY to annoy someone by the things you say or do, usually without intending to 〔一般指无意地〕惹恼某人,触怒某人8. be rubbing your hands informalHAPPY to be pleased because something has happened which gives you an advantage, especially because something bad has happened to someone else 〔因某事发生给自己带来好处而〕高兴地搓着手〔尤指幸灾乐祸〕9. rub somebody’s nose in it/in the dirt informalREMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBER to keep reminding someone about something they did wrong or failed to do, especially in order to punish them 不断提起某人的过失,揭某人的伤疤〔尤指为了惩罚某人〕10. not have two pennies/halfpennies/beans to rub together British English old-fashionedPOOR to not have any money 身无分文 PHRASAL VERBS11 rub along phrasal verb British English informal FRIENDLYto have a friendly relationship with someone 与…相处融洽 SYN get along We rub along well most of the time. 我们大部分时间都相处得很好。 with/together By and large the Poles and Germans of the city had shown that they could rub along together. 总的来说,城里的波兰人和德国人能友好相处。12 rub something/somebody ↔ down phrasal verb a) to make a surface smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper 〔用砂纸〕把…打磨光滑 That door needs rubbing down before you paint it. 那扇门需要打磨一下再上油漆。b) to dry a person or animal by rubbing them with a cloth, towel etc 〔用布、毛巾等〕把…擦干 The groom rubbed down the horses. 马夫把马擦干。c) to massage someone, especially after exercise 给…按摩〔尤指运动之后〕13 rub something ↔ in phrasal verb informal to remind someone about something they want to forget, especially because they are embarrassed about it 提及〔某人感到尴尬之事〕;触及〔某人痛处〕 Was he trying to rub in the fact that he didn’t think much of me? 他是不是在提醒我,他认为我不怎么样? I know I should have been more careful, but there’s no need to keep rubbing it in. 我知道我本应更小心点的,但是你也没有必要老提呀。14 rub off phrasal verb a) REMOVEto remove something from a surface by rubbing it, or to come off a surface because of being rubbed 擦掉,磨去;〔因摩擦而〕脱落,磨掉rub something off something Jack rubbed the mud off his face. 杰克擦去脸上的污泥。rub something ↔ off She rubbed off her lipstick and eye shadow. 她擦掉自己的口红和眼影。 Some of the gold paint had begun to rub off. 有些金漆已经磨掉了。b) GIVEif a feeling, quality, or habit rubs off on you, you start to have it because you are with another person who has it 〔感情、品质或习惯〕感染,影响 on She refused to give up, and her confidence rubbed off on the others. 她不肯放弃,她的自信心也感染了其他人。15 rub something/somebody ↔ out phrasal verb a) British EnglishREMOVE to remove writing, a picture etc from a surface by rubbing it with a piece of rubber, a cloth etc 〔用橡皮、布等〕把〔字迹、图等〕擦掉 SYN erase Draw the outline lightly with a soft pencil. This can be rubbed out later. 用一支软铅笔淡淡地画出轮廓,回头可以擦掉。b) American English old-fashioned informalSCCKILL to murder someone 杀掉,干掉〔某人〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrub• Rubbing a dock leaf on a nettle sting is said to get rid of the pain.• The teacher rubbed against the blackboard, getting chalk all over his back.• These days rucksacks are made with specially padded straps so that they do not rub against the shoulders.• Sethe rubbed and rubbed, pressing the work cloth and the stony curves that made up his knee.• Had the ex-scumnik's laboriously acquired veneer rubbed away, though, at the prospect of mayhem?• If you rub hard the knives will become really shiny.• I had to rub hard to get the marks off.• Alice yawned and rubbed her eyes.• Ann woke up and rubbed her eyes.• Scathach stirred, sat up and rubbed his eyes, blinking at the dawn, scratching his beard.• Colin yawned and rubbed his eyes.• Bill had fallen on the path and was rubbing his knee.• Rodriguez rubbed his leg to ease the pain.• A fragment was rubbed into the eyes, causing them to water copiously.• Tom spread sun cream onto the baby's back and began to rub it in.• Place the block oil-side down into some jeweller's rouge powder, then rub it on to the mirror edge.• When the cat rubs its back against my legs, I know it's hungry.• Badly fitting shoes will rub more painfully if you are not wearing socks.• Could you rub my neck? It's really stiff.• This seatbelt is rubbing my shoulder.• He rubbed polish in little circles on to the shoes that Erlich thought were impressively polished.• precious stones that have been rubbed smooth and set in gold• Rub the bowl with garlic before adding the breadcrumbs.• She washed her hands and face, rubbing the lipstick away with a flannel.• Swallowing convulsively, she rubbed vigorously at her face and hair with a large bath towel until her skin burned.• About once a month I rub wax into the table to keep it in good condition.• The teacher turned and rubbed what he had written off the board.rub your nose/chin/eyes/forehead etc• Rip rubbed his chin, and noticed that he had a long, scraggly beard.• Emily rubbed her eyes as the figures swam before her, that didn't make sense.• He got up and rubbed his eyes dry.• A child might not complain of itching, but she might be rubbing her eyes or nose repeatedly.• Her eyes grew accustomed to the dark and she pushed back her heavy plaits of hair, rubbing her eyes tiredly.• I rubbed my eyes to clear them, but the whiteness covered everything.• The moments when the judge removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes were adding up.rubbed ... hands together• I put a few drops on my palms and rubbed my hands together.• Freddie rubbed his hands together and made a sign to his waiting friends.• He had sighed, rubbed his hands together and sat down on a kitchen chair.• Wishart rubbed his hands together, cracking his knuckles as he tried to control his anger.• Lee rubbed his long-fingered hands together; he wondered where to start.rub against/on• She interrupts her naps to rub against a tree, and that only when the mood hits her.• This is the smell of a herbal rub on great Achilles.• I noticed that my swaying foot had rubbed against him, leaving a dusty mark on his navy trousers.• Joe stared down at the large, rough hand gently rubbing against him.• These shoes rub against my heels.• Do not top or shear the plant; instead, remove whole branches that are dead or rubbing against others.• I rub on soothing calamine lotion, then don a cotton turtleneck to keep myself from scratching.• A properly made tie keeps your standard rose safely secured to, but not rubbing against, the stake.• During these movements the object happens to rub against the wicker of the bassinet.rub2 noun  1  give somebody/something a rub RUBto rub something or massage someone for a short time 把某物擦一擦;给某人揉一揉 Give the table a good rub with a damp cloth. 用湿布好好擦一擦桌子。2. there’s/here’s the rub literaryPROBLEM used when saying that a particular problem is the reason why a situation is so difficult – often used humorously 困难在于那里/这里〔常为幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusrub• lemon and ginger rub• That, of course, had been the rub.• The lake you say you have found in me suffers a climate entirely of my own making-and there is the rub.• But here's the rub - there had been one here before!• To sleep: perchance to dream: aye, there's the rub.Origin rub1 (1300-1400) Perhaps from Low German rubbenrub1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1rub2 nounChinese  cloth, hand, or to something a such move your as Corpus




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