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- the-ten-commandments
- the tennis circuit
- the tennis/lecture/cabaret etc circuit
- the ten o'clock news
- the-ten-o'clock-news
- the tenor of
- the tenor of something
- the tenor of sth
- the terminator
- theterminator
- the-terminator
- the terraces
- the terrence higgins trust
- the-terrence-higgins-trust
- the territorial army
- the-territorial-army
- the tes
- the-tes
- thetes
- the test act
- the-test-act
- the texas rangers
- the-texas-rangers
- the text of
- the text of something
- Cataclysmic
- Suspended animation
- Saline solution
- To my way of thinking
- For all I know
- Luckily
- Idiopathic
- Benefactor
- Anterior
- Guardian
- 六笙诗
- 六红诗话
- 六经三史,诸子百家,非无可观,皆足为治。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 六经之文不相师也,而后世不敢轩轾。后之为文者,吾惑矣。拟韩临柳,效马学班,代相祖述,窃其糟粕,谬矣。夫文以载道也,苟文足以明道,谓吾之文为六经可也。何也?与六经不相叛也。否则发明申、韩之学术,饰以六经之文法,有道君子以之覆瓿矣。
- 六经四书,君子之律令。小人犯法,原不曾读法律。士君子读圣贤书而一一犯之,是又在小人下矣。
- 六经皆史持世救偏——《文史通义》
- 六经言道而不辨,辨自孟子始。汉儒解经而不论,论自宋儒始。宋儒尊理而不僭,僭自世儒始。
- 六臣注文选
- 六艺
- 六节六行体