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单词 fluent
释义  Related topics: Languagesflu·ent /ˈfluːənt/ ●●○ adjective  1  SLLSPEAK A LANGUAGEable to speak a language very well 〔语言表达〕熟练的,流利的fluent in She was fluent in English, French, and German. 她的英语、法语和德语都很流利。2  fluent French/Japanese etc someone who speaks fluent French etc speaks it like a person from that country 流利的法语/日语等 He spoke in fluent Italian. 他用流利的意大利语讲话。3  APfluent speech or writing is smooth and confident, with no mistakes 〔语言或文字〕流畅熟练的 He was a fluent and rapid prose writer. 他是个文思流畅、下笔成章的散文作家。4  fluent movements are smooth and gentle, not sudden and sharp 〔动作〕优美流畅的 She rose with the fluent movement of an athlete. 她站起身来,动作犹如运动员般优美流畅。 —fluently adverb He spoke French fluently. 他法语说得很流利。 —fluency noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusfluent• Johansson is a fluent and expressive fiddler.• Speech is usually fluent and grammatical, sometimes with occasional mispronunciations of individual speech sounds and sometimes with word-finding difficulties.• Therese's voice, in a theatre, was even bigger, more fluent and lyrical than he had hoped.• He had earlier spent several years in the Middle East and spoke fluent Arabic.• Previous evidence has shown that fluent braille involves a number of subsidiary perceptual, cognitive and manual skills.• They have played some fluent football to date and their finishing has been clinical.• Applicants should be fluent in Cantonese.• It also opened a concierge desk selling tickets to area events and hired a tour coordinator fluent in five languages.• Ann speaks fluent Italian.fluent in• Sutherland is fluent in French.Origin fluent (1500-1600) Latin present participle of fluere “to flow”flu·ent adjectiveChineseSyllable  able language well speak to a very Corpus




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