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单词 floating
释义  float·ing1 /ˈfləʊtɪŋ $ ˈfloʊ-/ adjective [only before noun]  CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENToften changing, and not staying the same 不固定的,浮动的 You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan. 这笔贷款你可以选择固定利率,也可选择浮动利率。 The area has a large floating population. 该地区有大量流动人口。Examples from the Corpusfloating• The plants are the phytoplankton, and the floating animals are the zooplankton.• It is unclear as to whether the making of an administration order crystallises a floating charge.• The surface was paved with massive stones and on these watery foundations Venice was built - a floating city!• Employees are asking for three floating holidays each year.• Your Upside-Down Catfish may well settle down if you include some floating plants beneath which they can hide.• A floating point accelerator, larger disk and memory expansion are options.• This is a project aimed at building a computer which can process one million floating point operations per second.• When they are combined, these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II's floating point to a integer ratio.• The light moved like smoke, or heavy gas not in straight lines, but floating ribbons ...floating2 noun [uncountable]  the activity of sitting in a flotation tank in order to relax, or to treat illness or injury 坐浮箱〔以放松、治病或疗伤〕Examples from the Corpusfloating• The present system of managed floating does contain the possibility of direct conflict if official intervention is carried out at cross-purposes.• Therefore, managed floating does not have the advantage of making redundant the holding of official reserves.• Discretionary adjustment via the exchange rate is not easy under managed floating.• This reasoning suggests that capital flows are potentially more stabilizing under floating.• But with floating, it is argued, no such discipline exists.float·ing1 adjectivefloating2 nounChineseSyllable  same and staying the Corpus changing, not often




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