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单词 In reality
1. We thought he was serious but in reality he was joking.
2. There is no such thing as a ghost in reality.
3. The conclusions must have some solid foundation in reality.
4. I don't think his decision is wise in reality.
5. Fiction should be grounded in reality.
6. In reality, violent crimes are still extremely rare.
7. Though she looked calm, in reality she was churned up inside.
8. On paper our profits look impressive, but in reality we made very little money last year.
9. He came across as streetwise, but in reality he was not.
10. Outwardly she looked confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.
11. In reality, human beings and dinosaurs never lived on earth at the same time.
12. In reality, he controled their finances, micromanaging how they raised and spent money.
13. The house looks very old, but in reality it's quite new.
14. Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.
15. Many people who are disillusioned in reality assimilate life to a dream.
16. In reality it would be an administrative nightmare.
17. But in reality the entire country was infected.
18. In reality, of course, they do proofread.
19. In reality, the tsar proceeded with extreme caution.
20. But in reality it is small fry.
21. What does this mean in reality?
22. In reality, Arum has little to worry about.
23. In reality only the major nationalist parties participated.
24. In reality, the peasantry had no interest in socialism.
25. It was a confidence grounded in reality.
26. In reality, the Navy was undertaking only minimal reconnaissance, mainly because of a lack of airplanes.
27. Both characterize connections in reality and both give an account of the character of our beliefs about them.
28. Everything is now for the future of dream weaving wings, soar to great heights to dream in reality.
29. The media portray her as happy and successful, but in reality she has a difficult life.
30. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
1. We thought he was serious but in reality he was joking.
2. There is no such thing as a ghost in reality.
3. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
31. However, it is not in reality a homogeneous, tightly knit electronic world community.
32. A solution to this dilemma is not on the horizon since it is in reality a matter of individual sensitivity.
33. In reality, alcohol directly stimulates the brain and exerts a host of more complicated effects as well.
34. It was a nice idea and had some basis in reality, however wrong it proved to be in the end.
35. In reality, one finds people reading newspapers, knitting and drinking cups of tea, but this constitutes rather dull television.
36. In reality, of course, the 3 versions of the developmental role are blurred.
37. In reality variable costs do not behave strictly in this manner.
38. In reality I was bored to distraction by the journey.
39. In reality it can only serve to prolong their agony.
40. In reality, however, the Tory tactics simply had the effect of getting a deeply reluctant Labour Party off the hook.
41. In reality it's just verglas with fist sized lumps of ice dotted around on the wall.
42. In reality, the buyer thought Harry's original price was pretty good.
43. In reality it is, according to a survey conducted by swimwear company Slix, the garment women like buying least.
44. In reality, however, Netanyahu signed an agreement that is an exact replica of the old one.
45. In reality, of course, Pooley had done nothing of the kind.
46. The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding - in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. Friedrich Nietzsche 
47. For, in reality, the research and teaching activities are so closely interwoven that they are inseparable.
48. In reality, no concatenation of highly talented individuals ever made a great film.
49. Of course, in reality there is a continuum between these and more informal types of conflict.
50. Even the most seemingly neutral model has in reality strong ideological orientations./in reality.html
51. In reality the service is more likely to concentrate on delivering wall-to-wall feature films, interactive games and e-shopping.
52. Nevertheless, in reality there are difficulties with this method that limit its use.
53. Hincmar may have idealised ninth-century consensus politics; but his picture had a basis in reality.
54. In reality, plants of all colours flower in the spring.
55. You see, while his manner towards you may have seemed jovial enough, in reality he was involved in a feud.
56. In continental plate tectonics what seems static, the surface of the earth, is in reality in constant flux.
57. In reality, what is being funded is not interactive video but a solution to an urgent educational problem.
58. In reality, of course, they are the result of a long chain of conscious decision making.
59. In reality, individuals may not be able to borrow and lend freely at a given interest rate.
60. In reality Mr Ayling was facing mounting pressure to go.
61. In reality, the chances of Blondin toppling off the rope were about a thousand to one.
62. In reality this is inaudible under water so don't rely on it to give you a reminder.
63. However medical audit should be seen as part of a total approach to quality even if in reality it is often separated out.
64. These differences are perhaps more acute on an intellectual level than in reality.
65. But in reality she had always been aware of its presence.
66. It shows how in reality there is a need to communicate horizontally as well as vertically.
67. But in reality, seat-side service is only feasible for those with teeny appetites and an inordinate amount of patience.
68. It could be that this development marks the beginning of a teaching force which is professional in reality as well as in name.
69. In reality, a superintendent or above may authorize detention for up to thirty-six hours.
70. In reality, public companies not only compete against other: they also have to guard against the ever-present risk of takeovers.
71. In reality, few students manage to survive a full year on these sums.
72. The old woman had only pretended to be so kind; she was in reality a wicked witch.
73. In reality any organization will be involved in a web of relationships, which vary in character and intensity according to the issue.
74. In reality, Diana was struggling to keep her head above water, let alone undertake a radical management restructuring programme.
75. In that the size scale is logarithmic in reality the distribution approximates to log normal.
76. In reality it was simply a recognition that the government had abandoned any serious attempt to keep monetary growth within targets.
77. Consciousness exhibits many faces which are in reality only categorizations conceived by our intellect.
78. The ensuing debate, though appearing to involve leprosy, was in reality a fight about territorial status.
79. In reality the mathematics required to develop these relationships is actually quite elementary.
80. In reality[http://], integration failed to deliver the promised advantages and had severe disadvantages.
81. In reality, the new prison is built and the old prison remains.
82. This in reality is only partially true, in that many college students and academics were also involved in the project.
83. He fears this may be so, irrespective of how fortunate his situation may be in reality.
84. In reality, a well-endowed man is likely to have inherited the trait.
85. In reality, of course, the relationship between education and society is much more complex than either view would suggest.
86. That's fine in theory, but in reality we have a problem.
87. He began to tell his family she was his girlfriend although in reality she had rejected his overtures.
88. In reality, he was allowing the guy second in the queue to get a good head start while chatting her up.
89. We celebrate the birthday of the body. But, in reality, "We" are not the body. We are the soul, the atman. Therefore, celebrate every day, as we are immortal. RVM 
90. What the contras could not achieve in reality, they would seem to achieve on celluloid.
91. What may appear in their presentation as polar opposites are in reality shifting points on a continuum.
92. In reality, outputs are being produced at a number of stages of the analysis.
93. In reality, however, even when the electrons are sent one at a time, the fringes still appear.
94. The idea of each institution forming a coherent academic community seems to have little purchase in reality.
95. It was not blind faith that drove them to change the world, but a belief very well grounded in reality.
96. In reality, it would probably be both, but in dramatic form, some emotional focus would be sought.
97. In reality children usually start to lose interest after about two weeks once they realize that they can earn them relatively easily.
98. On this basis it makes more sense for an investor to invest in promise than in reality.
99. In reality, most attorneys have made almost no preparation for this phase and do not really understand it.
100. In reality, however, this new model of equality between the sexes had its limitations.
101. Society pays noisy lip service to monogamy but, in reality, encourages affairs.
102. In reality they were conducting a unilateral war, or rather an endless pattern of continuing three-day wars.
103. Henry always seems so self-confident, but in reality he's extremely shy.
104. In reality, there is a great shortage of donated organs, but organ donation is a careful, well-documented medical procedure.
105. In reality, Wilson had tightened up reporting procedures so that fewer thefts escaped the record due to carelessness, corruption, etc.
106. In reality, the females are locked in fierce and intense competition.
107. Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take. Tony Robbins 
108. In reality there can be practical and technical problems which can make it difficult and sometimes impossible.
109. In reality, Diana was given less training in her new job than the average supermarket checkout operator.
110. In reality, it was virtually impossible for the supporters of democracy to rally.
110. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
111. But when couples were asked how many children they were likely to have in reality, bigger social class differences became apparent.
112. Consequently it is important to critically examine its basis in reality.
113. In reality, taking ownership of benefits and breakthroughs is pitched at a lower and less strident key.
114. The simulation involved a chemical spillage - in reality blue-tinted water - during the unloading of a tanker.
115. But we would fall asleep in one another's arms - that romantic image which is in reality so uncomfortable and painful.
116. In reality that would only increase white racism and try to solve with money a problem that can not be bribed away.
117. In reality, of course, it stands for something a whole lot less fierce-sounding - simply one's partner in life.
118. They were required to remain together in the public eye, but in reality loathed each other cordially.
119. In reality, there is only a kernel of truth in this scenario.
120. In reality guerrilla action was largely indiscriminate with sporadic attacks on the occasional landlord, local official, or police post.
121. But, in reality, the violence was provoked by the government.
122. Dryden makes him sound a monument of dullness; in reality he is brisk, lively and journalistic.
123. Jobs in the state sector are allocated by examination, but in reality the system is riddled with nepotism and clientism.
124. In reality, the role of the project team and its contribution has been much more expansive.
125. In reality, he offers a well-marketed novelty candidacy that can thrive in the anyone-but-Dole niche.
126. In reality it is a membrane, the pineal gland, regarded in the East as the seat of extra-sensory perception.
127. In reality, many managers believe these issues can be addressed by merely investing in technology and training.
128. Experts agree that in reality, the company looked after the workforce no better than most other employers of that time.
129. In reality, sensory deprivation has made the horse bored silly.
130. Then note if you think that in reality, more staff and therefore more cost would be involved with the alternative system.
131. In reality, Yusuf was not even present and El Cid was to live for several more years.
132. She was convinced that he was in reality quite fond of them both.
133. Life is far more richly graded and shaded, in reality, than terms like working-class and middle-class allow.
134. In reality, there are probably more important things in life than baseball games.
135. I was beating him in the storyline, but he was, in reality, desperate to win all the races.
136. In reality Goldie is a shrewd operator who is proud to have made it to the top on her own merits.
137. But in reality, none of these programmes is helping to increase the production of firewood.
138. In reality, it is often much harder to classify actual systems unambiguously than this simple dichotomy would suggest.
139. Although it was policy for all children to be welcome in council provision, in reality this was highly variable.
140. Such an inner object will always remain inviolate within us,[] whatever happens in reality.
141. The equation for equilibrium conditions is, in reality, a combination of these two dis-equilibrium conditions.
142. In reality, it's just a form of Islamophobia.
143. In reality they don't hold out hope of victory.
144. But in reality, we fudge a middle ground.
145. In reality, helical springs symmetric pitch near both ends.
146. Finally introduction multinomial distribution simple application in reality.
147. In reality, throughput is affected by a large number of variables including message arrival rate, message processing time, multiprocessing and scheduling, and resource constraints.
148. Accordingly, in reality, our user goes before the sloughy relay add of DOC insensibly.
149. In reality, the invulnerability does not go into effect until the next downtime.
150. At last it draw on the experience of the European Currency Unit and researched the feasibility of the SDR development path, derived that SDR as a parallel currency in reality may be reality.
151. One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality.
152. Perhaps drinking a Pepsi-Cola makes them feel younger or wearing Nike shoes makes them feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality.
153. David Eccles, chairman of Firhall Trust, said in reality nothing could be further from the truth.
154. Pan Yue focuses on sight and matters in reality such as 'wind', 'pine', and 'eventide' in the poem to express rich and circumbendibus emotion.
155. In reality, it's the clash between warm air and cold air plus vorticity that causes storms .
156. And while the supply of freshwater is theoretically always the same, in reality it's diminishing.
157. Illusion is a crutch for those with no grounding in reality.
158. In reality, the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.
159. However, in reality there is another problem in sharp contrast with this, that is when China tries her best to attract foreign investment, large-scale of capital flights out via various ways.
160. When my sons are with their mother I like to imagine that they think I'm reading Jack Kerouac, cheering on Arsenal and listening to Kings of Leon (in reality it's Nicola Roberts).
161. In reality, this child is very likely suffering from dyslexia or ADHD.
162. On paper, we're a one-person-one-vote nation; in reality, we're more than a bit of an oligarchy, in which a handful of wealthy people dominate.
163. He enjoys a great reputation, but he was disappointed when I saw him today. Therefore, he is more in name than in reality.
164. Lightness was key, but lace-up boots on thick platforms grounded the clothes in reality.
165. I should be careful to want ah, say three, in reality which all right impassability, like this the teacher can be unhappy.
166. But in reality a relative version of this criterion is used, i. e. the unusual feelings of an individual is empathized by as many people as possible through images that is hardly duplicable.
167. The paper analyzes the problem in separating oil tar by the mechanize trough. It raises the concrete transform plan, which gains the well economic efficiency in reality.
168. Khomyakov always compared ideal Eastern Orthodox Church with Catholicism and Protestantism in reality.
169. In reality, some people know the meaning of honors and disgraces, but they can't put them into effect because of weak moral willing, bad social morality and unharmonious factor on economy.
170. For what evidence had he in reality that O'Brien was any kind of political conspirator?
170. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
171. In reality, though, almost all living things are unicellular, and with good reason.
172. The tank can be shot down by a tiny arrow which is impossible in reality.
173. However, the binding power of administrative case is not admitted in China, but its auxiliary source of law needs to be confirmed in reality.
174. The most profound darkness is in reality, born from resplendence.
175. This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind.
176. In reality , though, China remains, in essence, a civilisation state.
177. In reality, of course, they have the clever men and women at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to thank for their handsome features.
178. Judicial activist, nearer to justice, not letter-bound and surpassing law-makers' design, pays much less attention to precedent and occupies much more independent spirit in reality.
179. Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality.
180. But, in reality a cartel is just a cooperative arrangement by which different producers make efforts to homogenize their products and to make them substitutable one for the other.
181. For better or worse, in reality we are not centered in our head.
182. According to the mass queuing phenomenon in reality, the will-be-in-queue customer would hesitate about the more in-queue customers, thus the probability of his in-queue would be influenced.
183. This paper will not only specify the MAOS system from theoretical perspective but also cover the application of MAOS system in reality from product development perspective.
184. Retroorbicularis oculus fat (ROOF) is in reality an extension of the brow fat pad that lies along the superior orbital rim and directly deep to the orbicularis muscle.
185. By reviewing the sorts of the possessing crime, the author concludes the essential features of this kind of crime: controlling in reality, presentative state, target specified, and illegal possessors.
186. In reality, the'Three Caos'not only embodied'Jian An vigour of style ', but also were creators pluralistic aesthetic style.
187. The principle of discretional evaluation of evidence was confronted with seriously historic misunderstanding and lack of systematical research in reality.
188. In reality the owners were better off with the listed securities, despite the low prices of these.
189. In reality, the audience for France's grandiose initiatives has been shrinking fast.
190. In reality that effort is a sunk cost – if it's taken you five plays to like a record, that only puts it level with something you enjoyed as much the first time.
191. Even though an Air Sign , Aquarius mom appreciates be grounded in reality.
192. The great man and the natural man reflect the perfect personality in ideal society, but they can make up for the loss of self in reality.
193. The FireWire standard also defines a number of different possible speeds, but in reality, whenever people say FireWire, they mean "FireWire400," which supports transfers up to 400 Mbit/s.
194. In reality, Israeli forces were probing in both directions, north and south.
195. Universities in our country seem to take count of development orientation at present. But in reality, there is no obvious difference in development orientation between different kinds of universities.
196. This, it turns out , is obvious in theory but devilishly challenging to show in reality.
197. In reality, my momentous coming out was anti - climactic and disappointing.
198. In reality, It's getting harder to find great artists for gaming.
199. In reality, you know that our bodies are not totally symmetrical.
200. In reality, most of us wouldn't dream of turning teetotal.
201. The other is marriage contract in concept, as a kind of use in analogy, just for doctrinal analysis while the marriage parties in reality do not conclude contract.
202. The co-channel interference of bluetooth multi-piconets is considered as one of an important problem in reality.
203. In reality , however, not many sellers can deliver goods within 24 hours.
204. In consideration of the strategies, the socialist countries in reality have irrelevantly equalized the thought of "Spaning the Caudine Canyou" and "theory of oriental society".
205. These superficialities of name and form cannot alter the that the empire was in reality Hellenic.
206. However, in reality, the supply and demand of labor force and its price are not only restrained by market factors, but also by non-market factors, thus labor force price is often distorted.
207. And, in reality, such subsidies is clearly not enough to maintain a child's normal standard of living, a large piece of local government aid is also fall on the shoulders.
208. He is a scholar in name only, but not in reality.
209. But what in reality attracted my attention was the patch of pinta that extended along her belly like a map of the world, with purple dunes and yellow oceans.
210. Now I am twenty - eight and am in reality more illiterate than many schoolboys of fifteen.
211. In reality, Tibetan Buddhism is not a values - free system oriented around smiles and a warm heart.
212. In reality, have all the myths, legends and beliefs become outdated?
213. However in reality it does have better cross-browser support than each single implementation of the object element alone.
214. In reality,[Sentencedict] the application can check-out attachment "A" when the attachment is needed.
215. Many beautiful imaginations will turn to visionary hopes in reality.
216. PCR, because of its ability to extract DNA from fossils, is in reality the basis of a new scientific discipline, paleobiology.
217. But they have obvious differences in reality understanding, levels of being influenced by science, creation of images, and the tendentiousness of literary works.
218. In reality, those people could never meet and have this discussion, so we interviewed them separately and then put it together as round-table talk.
219. The introduction simply analyzes the important use about the working-out procedure of administrative plan through a few typical examples in reality.
220. In reality, most everyone looks down on this individual and pathetically arrogant.
221. Similarly, Edward II is featured as an adult when in reality he was merely 13.
222. In reality, readily characterizable high polymers are formed only from aliphatic aldehydes RCHO.




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